My shoes...
This time last week I was still sitting in Amsterdam trying to get home....
No longer allowed to have FREE bags... (I could totally see that if you were getting a super cheap flight like on Ryan airlines... but when you have to pay over $300 for a domestic flight... you would think you would get at least ONE free suitcase...)
Thank goodness for the Space Saver bags...

Despite the weight limit I did manage to make it home with 11 pairs of shoes for myself.....
Look at these
yummy mummy shoes...
Not really practical for a Norwegian winter.... but who cares?...
In addition to my totally hot new shoes, I broke down & bought a pair of these... Women's Shape Ups - Sleek Fit
I KNOW...totally not cute... but I am a believer..
I have a really bad lower back...& have not had a problem since I started running around in these....even after 12 hours sitting on a plane..
(sooo not a paid endorsement... but they really are THAT good...)
I guess hubby is THANKING NWA for seriously curbing my shopping this trip but still...
Even with the weight restrictions I still managed to make it home with my Velveeta & Ro-tel
(why, oh why, have Norwegians not demanded KRAFT bring Velveeta over here....)

I know my life must seem sooo exciting (writing about shape up shoes & velveeta...) - I really just wanted to show you my cute new shoes.... : )
Got in 9 pm Sunday night...& it was right back to work Monday...Jet lag & all....
I know I bitched & moaned about the CRAZY luggage allowance on the American airlines....
No longer allowed to have FREE bags... (I could totally see that if you were getting a super cheap flight like on Ryan airlines... but when you have to pay over $300 for a domestic flight... you would think you would get at least ONE free suitcase...)
Northwest Airlines..which will be my LAST choice from now on out, changed the international luggage allowance once again.. restricting international flights to ONE 50 lb suitcase....
& the second bag 50lbs. was an additional $50.
if you wanted to bring a 3rd suite case it would cost you an additional $200. THANK GOODNESS that KLM didn't get the message & let me take my second bag on for free... (I wish the airlines would have ONE policy in regards to luggage....makes it hard when you are flying a couple different airlines on the same ticket...what is allowed & what are they going to stick me with when I get to the airport.)
In the past 4 years I have gone from bringing almost 300 lbs back to Norway down to 140 lbs...
including my 40 lb carry on.. Talk about NOT stimulating the American economy... Do you have any idea how many Europeans go to the U.S. just to shop? a L O
Thank goodness for the Space Saver bags...
This is what 140 lbs of shopping looks like on my dining room table....
Look at these
yummy mummy shoes...
Not really practical for a Norwegian winter.... but who cares?...
I KNOW...totally not cute... but I am a believer..
I have a really bad lower back...& have not had a problem since I started running around in these....even after 12 hours sitting on a plane..
(sooo not a paid endorsement... but they really are THAT good...)
I guess hubby is THANKING NWA for seriously curbing my shopping this trip but still...
Even with the weight restrictions I still managed to make it home with my Velveeta & Ro-tel
(why, oh why, have Norwegians not demanded KRAFT bring Velveeta over here....)
I know my life must seem sooo exciting (writing about shape up shoes & velveeta...) - I really just wanted to show you my cute new shoes.... : )
p.s. not a boring life... much more colorful than mine these days! cheers!