My momma...

This is my momma...

Isn't she sweet?
She is also a very WISE woman...
(Most of the time...)

Then there are days when this kind of stuff comes out of her mouth... (taken from the baby sisters blog...)

Mom's say the darndest things.
As my mom and I were walking down my street yesterday.
Mom: Is that a pussy willow?
Me: Uh, I'm not sure. It looks like it though.
Mom: I've never seen one that big before. Usually the pussies are much smaller.
Me: [starts laughing hysterically] Did you really just say that?

B L E S S... love ya ma.!
this was just too funny NOT to share....
Little sis & I are thinking of starting a blog just for the


Frizzy said…
Thanks for thinking of me. I put your barn picture back up on my wall last week while decorating for fall. I decided to change out my pictures to match the season last Christmas. Why not, they'll get more use and I'll get to display more of my favs. Your barn picture will always be one of my favs! Thanks again for sharing it with me.
That picture is soo sweet! I love that you have such a great photo of the 2 of you!
MsTypo said…
Great photo of you two. :) Who needs kids when we have moms saying the darndest things? :p
That is really funny!
You two are quite a pair, lovely!
Karen said…
OH.....moms are good for that. Your mom is darling.
Elisabeth said…
Funny story!

You have your mothers smile. Beautiful picture!

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