LUCKY ME! No, really....

I know all of my fellow Norway bloggers will be posting about THIS

Norway has been ranked as the best place in the world to live. WOW....

Now, I am not sure if I agree with it... cause I am pretty proud to be an American y'all... & am already homesick for the US of A after being gone for only 24 hours...

but I did make some observations while I was home...
(I'd rather poke my eyes out than admit this to my husband...) there are some pretty good things about living here in Norway

I will have to do an entire post on this...(maybe tomorrow) & I mean this in a really good way...not my usual bitchy way.

Anyhoo... just thought I would share the story for any of y'all who care... : )

ciao for now..

An American living in the Best place to live..... in the world.....


Lacy Kline said…
Alright even though I'm super bummed about leaving America, at least I'm coming to a great country. I can't wait to read your next post. I'm glad you had a blast in the States!
Sarah - Kala said…
I just read that and popped over to see if you had yet. Funny, in'it?
Laura said…
I know-- and I am officially living in the 2nd best country in the world. Woo hoo. Yay for us.
sues2u2 said…
Well, if you can't live in the US @ least you live in the best country, eh?

So, did you bring home cases of mac 'n cheese?
cristin said…
I thought of you when I read that about Norway. Yay for you! Can't wait to hear more.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Norway I can understand....but Iceland is #3???? That is nuts!
Jennifer said…
Well, gee, if this picture is any indication, I believe it! It's gorgeous!!!
Corinne said…
I read that too, and they said the data was 2007 data. I wonder if Iceland is still near the top after the finance crisis? Or if the US is still at 13? That'd be interesting to find out. And don't worry about loyalty to America. A patriot can recognize flaws and still love their country. ;)
What A Card said…
Welcome home! And really, isn't the best place with your family? I guess it's just good that you got confirmation :)
Unknown said…
Can't wait to hear what you think! I'm coming on a trip to Norway March of 2011. I'm looking forward to seeing the best place to live in the world!
Kim said…
I am looking forward to your thoughts about this.

I'm American, but my great-grandfather was from Norway and I've always wanted to visit there.

Norway seems to frequently be on the top of the list for best places to live. While I love the US, perhaps we can learn a thing or two from this.
Stephanie said…
That is awesome!! Im thinking Brazil doesnt really rank too high on that list. But you know, I believe Norway being number one, mainly because every singl picture I have seen has been GORGEOUS. Every one.
Kacie said…
I think the place we grew up is always dear to us, even if it isn't the most wonderful of places to live. So for me, living in Texas is nothing compared to where I grew up in Indonesia.... but that doesn't mean Texas is bad, it just means I'm biased! :)
kanishk said…
I can't wait to read your next post. I'm glad you had a blast in the States!
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Anonymous said…

(just my 2cents)


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