OK y'all are ALL invited....

OK... I must admit I have been pretty jealous of all of y'all who get together for these blogger meet ups... in New York or Chicago or in Germany....

But guess what? Finally it is OUR time... Oh yeah baby... we are having a REAL "BLOG-FEST" here in little Ol' Norway. SO for all of y'all who are just DYING to meet me... now is your chance!
(I know... I need to get O V E R myself)

If you are wondering what Norway is really like...Come on over-up... & the good thing is, it is in AUGUST... my happy month! Best month for sunshine, super looooong days &
all of the best that is Norwegian...

NO EXCUSE for all of y'all living in Scandinavia... heck...the rest of Europe as well..come on up.. it will be a real good time!

Official Program Site

RennyBA’s Terella

Dancing With the Stars


beaverboosh said…
spot on girl, I'll organise a planning session for us after i meet renny on tues. big hugs and thanks for your support. bbx
MsTypo said…
I'm totally there! :)

But excuse me, i seem to remember at least one super cool blogger meet up in Oslo! :p :p
I'd love to come to Norway! But can't. Wedding, 3-day walk, 20 year HS reunion, wedding reception. My summer is already getting full, and it's still 2009!
I'm happy, I'm soooo excited and so very glad that you are supporting this and invite all your blog friends - thanks!

I promise I'll do all I can to make this an unforgeable adventure for all of us - each and everyone is welcome, from all over the world you know :-)
What? I don't get that here in Minnesota...Man- Now I need to book a flight...sleep on your couch just so I can see all the birthday photos from the 40th....Sheesh, Im gonna be busy in August!!! ;) LOL. Have fun at your "BLOGFEST" I am not jealous in the slightest!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
what an incredible thing! If I can work this out, I am there!!!!!
LadyFi said…
Good news indeed for all of us ex-pats living in Scandinavia!
Debz said…
AND my birthday month!!! I sure don't think I could slip that trip by the hubby though, much as I would LOVE to.
Suleman said…
Oh, that is so far far away !!! Couldn't anything happen this year?

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