The great Baby Einstein scam...

The great Baby Einstein scam

Did y'all hear about this? I read this today & was shocked/saddened/surprised. I don't think there could be a BIGGER Baby Einstein fan out there... I SWEAR/SWORE by the videos.

All things Baby Einstein are my staple baby gift... the DVDs Cds toys... you name it... I had them all & gave them all...

I will admit that when Dane was a baby, I had a video/CD on all of the time. Not that I had him propped in front of the TV... but I am one who has to have background noise & I thought it better that Dane hear songs in French,Japanese, German rather then listen to Barney's annoying voice.

By the time Dane was 18 months he was able to identify all of the letters in the alphabet.... We couldn't talk...but he could name the letters....

by 24 months he could sing all of the songs off of the original Baby Einstein video...(yes, we had the VHS version...we go waaaaay back) we was singing in French, Japanese, German....

by 4 he knew all of the flags/capitals of countries around the world...

By 5 he was reading & writing in two languages... He can hear a piece of classical music & tell you who the composer is.... I thought that was probably because I had classical music playing up on my belly most of my pregnancy.... (yes, I was one of THOSE mothers....)

By the time I was pregnant with Eva... I WAS TIRED...

I had a full time job, a BUSY 5 year old.. & a husband sailing around the world.

I would try to listen to the classical music when I had a chance...

She watched Baby Einstein every once in a while... & as a result... she was not reciting capitals of countries or the alphabet at 2. - I have felt bad that she didn't get the same type of attention that Dane had...but now I wonder if it wasn't such a bad thing....

she is 5 & we are jumping up & down that she can write her name E V A.... LOL.... Eva has many other talents... she is my wood carver, my athlete... my all around sweetheart....

On the other hand.... Eva is much more focused than Dane... as I have discussed here before, Dane has a problem concentrating & is easily bored....

Now I have to wonder if I didn't create more problems for Dane by pumping his little mind with all of this information from before he was born... (I know... I am a rotten mom...)

What do y'all think about the Baby Einstein "Scam"?


MsTypo said…
I read about this earlier. Yup, ADD in children is totally Baby Einstein's fault. I knew it! LOL
Ash said…
Girl, I think the scam is more the lawyer who is taking Baby Einstein to the screws.

And the differences between Dane and Eva are probably more nature vs. nurture - boys vs. girls - unique soul vs. unique soul.

Baby Einstein gave me guilt-free showers and nursing time with my Youngest. And nothing is better on the DVD in the car because they can enjoy it while I destress in traffic thanks to classical tunes.

I all everything in moderation. Unless you're talking the Wiggles. That stuff needs to go.
Ash said…
"I'm" all everything...

Evidently I didn't watch enough Seasame Street :-)
cat said…
I never thought much of the claims but have to admit that they serve as very good babysitters. AS long as it is in moderation.
I'm glad you raised the question. When I was home I saw all these commercials for "Your baby can read" and thought "Hmm, that could be something for the future kiddies.". But then again, do I need my kid to read at 2, then he or she gets tracked ahead, doesn't play with kids his/her own age, deals with social issues. Maybe its better to just let them develop normally.
My mom was a single mom and I spent quite a lot of time entertaining myself. As a result, I'm still good at entertaining myself and also very good at being alone. I think that's a quality I want in my kids because they need to learn that no one is always going to be there to keep them busy. "What am I? A clown? I'm here to bleepin' amuse you?" in the wise words of one of the characters from "Goodfellas.
Anonymous said…
I just read this and think it's the most ridiculous thing out there. It's like the lawsuit b/c someone spilled hot coffee on themselves. I can NOT believe Disney said they would issue refunds. Ridiculous.

My kids watched these videos (especially my first). He's now having an IQ test cause his teacher says his brain is off the top amazing. So I'm really happy BE screwed him up ;)
I read about this - I dont know that I ever thought the dvds were going to make my child a genius but they certainly have saved my sanity!
Sues2u2 said…
I never used that system so... Son loved Barney & daughter loved Dora. Son has struggled since we moved (he was straight "a's" before). Daughter is being tested for gifted/talented program & I've been asked to consider moving her up a year. Whatever, right?
We never used Baby Einstein products...but I think you can easily replace the words with sesame street and have the same "argument." Or lack thereof. Sometimes a mom needs a breather. I have no issues with TV. You need to figure out what works for you and your child. My oldest would watch. And my youngest...not so much. To sue...ridiculous!
Jennifer said…
I heard about it a while ago, so I didn't let my son watch it... but he watches a whole heck of a lot of other tv, and I feel completely guilty about it. I'm scared I'm messing him up!
Everything in moderation.

That is my credo.
Anonymous said…
We watched them at our home. We sat with her and watched them and interacted with her while she watched. She learned sign language and many other things through that show. I also used that sign language to communicate with her in our daily life. I pray that her watching them hasn't hurt her or made her attention span any shorter than it would have been otherwise.
Jill said…
I could give a FART how educational these videos are. My kid LOVES them... and will watch them long enough for me to check e-mail, take a shower, or start making dinner.

Love them ... they're a lifesaver!

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