About last night...Blind date..

Ok, so about last night....
I had a blind date... I didn't want to say anything in case I was stood up.

We agreed to meet at the American womans meeting....

I have to admit, since I started blogging I kind of thought my first "encounter" would be with...Kelli from Mads & Kelli, actually, I was kinda saving myself. But due to the fact we live in different countries, & she is always off on some European roadtrip somewhere..& I am stuck at home balancing work & kids... we haven't made it happen....

Then last week I noticed a new "follower"
(ya, I know it seems like I have been stuck at 73 FOREVER..hint,hint....)

I checked out the blog & discovered Corrine from Northern Natterings.. she is a newbie to Norway...

Maybe it was all of the years of watching my mother as president of of "The Welcome Wagon "... but I just felt like reaching out to the new girl... I took a chance & left her my email & phone number & then told her about the meeting last night.
(Sorry Kelli... it just felt right... & kindda happened...)

Thanks to Sarah, my American friend (who makes me look organized) we show up 1/2 late for out meeting with Corrine.. NICE...

Having been an expat for a while, I should have known what to expect when you get a large group of ex pat women together... the age range was 25-105 ... but um, no.. last nights topic was "Our rights as Americans in Norway" We covered such topics as Divorce... how much are you going to get? (or NOT get) Have kids here? you are pretty much screwed... (seen the movie "Not without my daughter?") What happens when you die here? You know all of those really great ice breakers....

Of course at our table we had BOB sitting with us...(bitter old bitch... that's what she calls herself...) telling poor Corrine (married 2 months) to run like hell...get out while you still can.

Poor Corrine... You know how it is when you are pregnant with your first child & everyone LOVES telling you all of their HORROR stories... how they ripped from here to there... but were sure you, would be FINE...... Ya, that was kind of how last nights meeting was...
you can read about it here.... Out and Free!

So after the meeting we are sitting around with the other ladies at the table & they wanted to know how we all (Sarah, Corrine & I ) knew each other... Sarah explained that we had known each other for about 12 years... & Corrine was my friend---- "Oh, & how do y'all know each other..." Crickets.... "Umm I picked her up on the Internet...." it kind of reminded me when my friends would meet some guy on line... & then feel the need to make up some kind if story about how they met in the market or something...(you know back in the 90's before everyone was hooking up on line...)

If you aren't in the "blogasphere" you don't really get it, do you?

Anywho... we went out for drinks & dessert with a group of ladies & had the BEST time... we had exceptional service... the conversation was flowing... even Bob turned out to be a RIOT!

It was soo nice to have someone understand where you are coming from....who understand you when you say you would sell your child for a box of Velveeta.. That is something only an ex pat can understand....

We even made another "date" for next week... I know, I know... things are moving fast... but that is how I work...love ya...or leave ya....

Here is to making new friends... cheers! (I am totally jazzed about meeting all of the other girls here in Scandinavia... ( I am starting to feel like Kat now....)

Speaking of friends.... my BFF had a post today about our wild & younger days.... I was laughing sooo hard, it brought tears to my eyes.... Wondering how I ended up the way & where I am today? her post offers some insight.... head on over to Song for Whoever
Pull up a chair and let me tell you a story....


I love that you picked her up online! That must have stopped some people in their tracks!

And yet another mention on your blog. I am gonna get a big head. Or be a supahstar myself :-)
Stephanie said…
That is SO funny...it is awkward to talk about your people online that you feel you know really well, and someone asks you how you know them and you say oh well...uhh...hehehehe

Glad you guys had a good time!!
The housewife said…
It must have felt like a fresh breeze hit you! Glad to hear that you had so much fun!
Frizzy said…
Glad you had such a great time and made a date for next week. YEAH!
Corinne said…
Thank you for swooping me up! I had a great time, too. Your post had me cracking up the whole time!
yay for you!

i love your blog. you rock. :)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Ok, as I sit here, wondering "where it all went wrong"..... lol.. this is GREAT! I am so glad you found a new friend!

BUT she is just your new American friend... this Texas girl is still "saving herself for you"!! LOL

We will meet... and I am not "always" off on a euro trek.. lol. I just have lots to see! HA! Soon, it will be me that you are introducing to your homies in Norway, telling them you picked me up online! :o)
What A Card said…
Sounds like a great night out, you know, besides talking about how you should GET OUT NOW :0

Funny! And nice pick up work.
Unknown said…
LOL !!! Picked her up online :-)
Bet that rised a few eyebrows :-)

Glad you had a great time. Sometimes it's nice to be out with your 'own kind' .

I get a little excited when I run into a fellow Kiwi over here..
The Blonde Duck said…
How wonderful! It doesn't matter where you pick your friends up, it only matters if they would sell their children for velvetta. :)

If you're ever in South Texas, we can have a date! I'll even take you out! :)
Connie said…
Sounds like a a great time with a great crowd! How lucky you could all get together.
Anonymous said…
i'm glad you had so much fun!!! how awesome!
i haven't met any of my bloggy friend irl. i've spoken to a few on the phone. and you're right...no one gets it about blogging...the way bloggers do. my irl friends are ready to duct tape my mouth shut so i'll stop talking about it!!
Leah said…
Yeah! I hope I get picked up online when I move there :)
That Girl said…
Hey thanks for stopping by. I totally stalk your blog all the time. Love it. ;)
Kelly said…
So cool...I read the title and I think, "Oh Geez, what is she up to now?!" Just kidding. I'm glad you had a great time last night.

I'm happy you liked the stroll down memory lane...my fuzzy memories became clearer as I was writing....for example, I totally forgot we had left them waiting for us in a car for an hour!!! Too funny!
Anonymous said…
I've already left my commiserations on Corinne's blog!

Still - maybe on your next date, you'll find something positive to say? Who knows?

And what the heck is Velveeta? Do I want to sell my kids for some too? It's something only American ex-pats know about... not us poor Brits...
Anonymous said…
A happy ending blind date. That's always nice.

And ya, I hooked up with dh on the net. I didn't know we were telling people that (I always say friend of friend in college) and I nearly died the first time he told a group we were out with that that was how we met. They said it was cool, but yeah, met at the market or something sounds far safer!
Debie Napoleon said…
Sounds like it was a winning evening all around...and now you know...take the kids on vacation before you make any life altering decisions..lol
ok, got the hint, you're at 74 now
Khadra said…
Those are some awesome opening lines for a conversation LOL!

Im glad you had a good time :)
Julie H said…
Oh my gosh how funny! A new meaning for BOB (battery operated boyfriend here!). We have lots of your kind of BOBs out here where I live lol.

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