Friday Foto Fiesta..Only in Norway

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!
I know... LAME photo... maybe you are wondering what it is?
Yes ,these would be my shoes covered in plastic bag- thingies in the dentist's office....
you will find these nice little accessories when you go to schools... govt buildings..stores...
where ever they don't want to have to clean the floors... ahem....
( blurry photo because I was laughing, taking pictures of my feet... with some lady looking at me...)
It is probably more a European thing rather then just Norwegian....
You never wear shoes in your house... (or anyone's) kids have to have inside/outside shoes for school.... (I have to admit..I get grossed out when I watch TV & see people running around inside with their shoes on... ewwwww)
I have saved a fortune on shoes since moving here... no use in buying all of the adorable shoes for Eva or myself when no one ever gets to see them... All about rain/snow boots here.... & inside shoes...


Anonymous said…
It was strange at first to have to remove shoes at people's houses, at parties.. But as you say, it now grosses me out too to see people dragging all that dirt in on their shoes...

We have light blue shower caps to put on our shoes in Sweden.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
love those... we have been looking at houses lately and of course, the realtor pulls out those very cool plastic dudes every time we get to a new place! SO ATTRACTIVE and SOOOOO SLIPPERY!
Skogkjerring said…
I play ignorant when I see those shoe covering things- which thankfully isn't very often- and just walk in with shoes on...OOOPS....but yeah, it's pretty much boots and jogging shoes fancy shoes last and last because they are almost never worn...

he I love the your hair!!!
Anonymous said…
Saw the headlines on Yahoo this morning "2 shot outside kindergarten in Norway" - in Oslo? Hope that's no where near you or your kids' school. Gave me chills!
The Rule Maker said…
I hear you about the shoes. Snow boots and Dansko Clogs for me.
jewelstreet said…
They look like those things detectives wear at crime scenes. I wish people wouldn't wear their shoes into my house. Maybe that can be my new rule.

What would a pair of inside shoes consist of?
jewelstreet said…
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Leah said…
In Canada, no one wears shoes in someone's home either. On a more important note: your hair looks awesome!!
I would save a lot of money too if all my shoes had to be covered in blue plastic- so shhh! don't tell my hubby such things exist LOL
Frizzy said…
We take our shoes off in our house and at other people's homes even if they don't have that rule. It makes me crazy when people don't take off their shoes in my home or give me a funny look when I ask them to in mine.
Lizzie said…
i would so fit in there! i ever wear shoes in side and my hubby thinks it's weird.

have a good weekend!
Linda said…
How smart is that? I insist that people remove their shoes when they come in my house, and all comply.
Makes perfect sense to me...
My inlaws are like that about no shoes in the house. I really like that idea because it would be sooo much cleaner. And I love your new hair cut. I remember when you were talking about getting it cut. It looks great on you.
Anonymous said…
How funny about the shoe covers, but totally makes sense to me. I always take my shoes off inside. and I live in Texas.

How's Norway living. I have ancestors from Norway and I've always wanted to travel there.
Before the maid, if you took off your shoes in my house your feet would get covered in gunk. What if they're not wearing socks? ewww, people's icky bare feet all over my floor.
On the other hand, I have brand new wood floors, and it would keep them looking nicer longer. But on the other other hand, my five cats never wipe their feet anyway.
BTW, I've always been a little annoyed at people that make you take off your shoes in their house. Seems so persnickity.
Corinne said…
In japan, if you go to museums often times you get slippers and a little baggie to carry your shoes in. That really threw my parents when they came to visit! LOL, we wear these same ones when we go to the gym, and I can't tell you how often I nearly fall over while I'm trying to get those on, balance my gym bag, and hand my card to the girls at the front desk! Norway's trying to do me in... :)

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