Calling Carina the Blogarina...Delurker Week

Did y'all know it was DE-LURKER week? No, neither did I.. I think it is a FAB..idea, but seeing as i missed the damn thing, can i have a do over? Please? Can we make next week a de-lurker week as well...

So you are probably am wondering why I am calling ol' Carina from Carina the Blogarina out...
She is NOT a LURKER.. for sure... This is a great blog I found today after she started following me... (#76 thanks chick...) lets not forget #75 Sarah's Smorgasbord of Sweets....
(yes Kat... I know, you are rocking almost 300.. have I told you lately that you are a SUPAH Star?)

So anyway, I clicked on over to Carina the Blogarina to say Howdy... that is where i saw the
de-lurker week announcement.... Me wanting to play by the rules, am of course going to leave a comment... Um... but I am unable to... I thought it was because I was on my work computer...

(not that I blog from work.. I would NEVER do that... because blogging on the company $ or kroner is just WRONG...) So I figured I would try from home... No Go Joe.... I keep getting this TWITTER TWATTER pop up, (can we say ANNOYING? ) So I even joined Twitter so I could leave a comment... NOOOOOO... what is the deal?
So now it is my mission to find out what the HELL is wrong with her comments...or is it just ME? ( I am sure it is just me... but now this is bugging me, & I don't want to get the rep. for being a big ol' lurker when I am not!)

So would y'all trek on over & see if it is just ME? Give the girl some loving... then fill me in on the secret.

Speaking of lurkers.... Guess what? BRENDA from GUELPH left me a really nice comment! Hi Brenda! So cool... I guess she doesn't know Inge though..

OK... my pain killers are starting to wear off... Remember I went to the dentist today...ARGGG..

Tomorrows post,
why going to the dentist is like going to the gynecologist....


Ritch in Love said…
I think every month should have de-lurker day!!
Anonymous said…
Going to the dentist gives me nightmares. Nuff said!
Batgirl said…
Delurker week is a great idea :-) I got the same twitter username/password thing, no idea why that happens, or what to do!
Anonymous said…
Oh - I can't leave a comment either. I don't want to join Twitter so hit Cancel... Blogger then blocked me... Hell, no wonder people are lurking over there...
Stephanie said…
Grey's is in it's fifth season now and I still LOVE it! If you want to catch up the latest episodes are on for free!
Jennifer said…
IHappy de-lurker week!

I personally would rather go to the gyn than the dentist any day!
The Rule Maker said…
OK, you caught me. I lurker sometimes but today you caught me! De-lurker week is great!
I'm not a LURKER so I guess I don't need to come out of the closet or anything...but I'll jump over to the other chic's blog because I lOVE meeting new peeps!
The Blonde Duck said…
There's a couple blogs I've found that you can't comment at. It's weird.
sues2u2 said…
so. it's like Extremely annoying to type right now but for you i've pecked this out! it's always a blast to lurk on your site! you always crack me up!!!! (& i sooo love "!!") did i ever tell you that when hubby & i were first married he had orders (usaf) to oslo? alas the ptb closed the site & we were diverted to england.

btw, if i didn't mention before, thanks for stopping by!
I think that there should be a shout out to Kat week. You are almost there :-) I keep trying to convince my husband of my supahstah status...but he is so not rolling out the red carpet.

And for my followers...ummm...ya'll got them the "natural" way...mine were bribed. And it shows because two people left me this week. I'm going to go and cry into my Coke zero now...
Teri said…
I've never thought of the dentist in that way, but I think I agree!
Betsy said…
So I am a lurker too. I am jealous that you get to live in beautiful Norway. Well, it was extremely beautiful in the summer, I am not sure how I would do in the winter. My dh has spent the last several years working with Nordics and we have once again rekindled our love of all things Nordic - well, minus those odd fishy things they served us at the last party. But I digress. I really enjoy reading about all of your experiences living there.

Leah said…
How can you tell if someone lurks on your blog? (newbie)
Lacy Kline said…
I've been lurking on your blog for a few months now and thought this seemed like the right time to make a comment. My husband just got accepted to NTNU to get his PHD so we'll (with our two year old daughter) be moving next January from Montana to Norway. The whole thing still seems surreal but it's been so much fun reading your blog and getting another American's perspective on Norway. We'll be in Trondheim for at least three years. Thanks for giving me a little glimpse of the good and the bad regarding the country! Lacy
Melissa said…
Just stumbled onto your blog and can't wait to see how the gyno is like the dentist! Is it the whole insertion into an orifice thing? Or is it putting your feet in the stirrups (what? you mean your dentist doesn't make you put your feet in stirrups? weird.) I'll be back tomorrow!
Mammatalk said…
Oh, my. Can't wait to read tomorrow's post. Sounds hysterical!
Cristin said…
Loving the delurking day! I'm not a lurker, just an inconsistent commenter.. and I totally prefer the gynecologist to the dentist.
Becky said…
Everyone should know about de-lurking week, shouldn't we make it de-lurking month, how about year? For some reason it ALWAYS makes me curious to know who in Japan reads my blog. Hope you feel better soon, I HATE the dentist!
Anonymous said…
Nope, I can't comment either. Twitter pops up and I am just not going to join that one. Reading blogs the old fashioned way is enough for me.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
please please please tell me that tomorrow´s post is not going to say that Scandinavian dentists have STIRRUPS on their chairs...
Christelle said…
Hey- I was right it was my aunt and just so you know how special that message was- she has never left a comment on MY blog!!! You're lucky with the followers. I got a creepy follower- or at least some anonymous person with no blog of their own and a creepy user name :( How the hell did I get THAT with my few followers?? I blocked them but they can still see my blog of course cause its public. They've never left a comment either.
Christelle said…
PS- The creepy lurker has really put a damper on my enthusiasm for blogging, especially sharing photos of my cute little baby :( Any advice from a blogging guru?
Mary Ellen said…
Nope - me either. I'm still sort of new, and I don't know much about Twitter. I would rather go to te gyn than the dentist any day, does that make me weird?
binks said…
Shoot, the gyny is usually only looking at your whoo-ha and not spening the entire day in there.
Rhea said…
I do wish people would de-lurk more. I always leave comments on blogs I visit. But some people don't know how to comment...or worry they will say something stupid...or just don't like to take the time to do it...or don't realize how much we like comments? Not sure.
Julie H said…
~~ waving ~~ I don't think I've ever commented but I do usually read :O)
Anonymous said…
OMG...I finally caught up!!!

I hate going to the dentist....and the OB!
You are so funny! I love the delurker idea.
WheresMyAngels said…
You know it is scary when I would rather have a doctors fingers in my Woo Ha, then in my mouth!

I could get her comments to work but they were a pain to get to.
Anonymous said…
you know, due to a recent comment that i made...
i do NOT lurk.
i simply STALK.
Yarni Gras! said…
I love the idea of de-lurking.....hmm.......that sounds interesting. Anyhoo, I found you thru Jenn's blog....
Hepburn Hilton said…
Thanks for the shout out! And for the head up on my comment malfunction - I think I have it sorted out now!
Happy Wednesday

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