You, searching for me by name....

I have to admit it kinda CREEPS me OUT... FREAKS me out... when someone from (one of) my hometowns shows up on my blog.... (I don't tell people I blog...)

What is even creepier, FREAKY-ER... is when you search for me by my
entire name....& social security number....
(not really my ss#... but my last how do you know that?) maiden name..yes... but married name.. hell, Norwegians can't even spell it...

DING DING DING... you found me...

I guess blogging & being in the witness protection is NOT a good combo?!

YOU..from Silver Springs MD...looking for me... SHOW YOURSELF!..
(Ok now I am picturing myself like some zit faced World of Warcraft Player...)

Seriously... if you know me just say HEY Tree! Cool blog.(unless this is crazy x-boyfriend from college...EEK..).
searching for me with everything but my thumb print kinda makes me NERVOUS...

Ciao Chica's


jewelstreet said…
I swear it was not me even though I show up as being in that area when I visit your blog.

That is so creepy and I would be freaking out!
Anonymous said…
Kind of creepy if this person has your social security number...

I've had people looking for my colleagues on my blog -as well as for things like: pooping log lady, poop lady, Quirky girl..??
Frizzy said…
Um, how did they get your SS#? That alone is terrifying in this day and age. Here's hoping your stalker reveals themself.
The Blonde Duck said…
I've seen a lot of people blogging about privacy and blogs today. I guess it's getting bad out there!
...with your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER??? were you being facetious or did someone really do that? scary! eeek! i am with you... no one cept my momma knows i blog... i kinda like it that way...
scargosun said…
I think I show up from a different town then where I am actually when I go to your blog. Odd. Maybe it's something like that.
Scary Mommy said…
Ewwwww, creepy!!!! It's a good thing you're far, far away from Silver Spring, MD!
Scary Mommy said…
Oh, and to answer your question, I have a Nikon, but tweak the photos a bunch after- the contrast, color balance etc. Thanks though, I feel like I'm a pretty shitty photographer most of the time! :)
Anonymous said…
hope you are going to report it to social security!! or investigate what you can/should do about it - If I would be in your place I wouldn't just let it pass, because this person maybe trying to intimidate you, OR it's a scam...
Wasn't me...but I have also looked up my name and kinda freaked out with the info on there...but not enough to stop blogging! :)
What A Card said…
Oh freaky! Definitely freaky!

I don't think non-bloggers realize we can SEE how people arrive at our blogs (and from where!) I hate when I get pervy traffic...I always go erase the phrase from my blog that someone disturbingly searched.
Corinne said…
Oooh, that is freaky. This is why the whole tracking thing kind of freaks me I really want to know how people are finding me?
thats more than creepy thats downright scarry!
Khadra said…
wow!! Kind of creepy.
Mammatalk said…
I did a search on my me and there is a list of all my addresses out there. TMI!
sues2u2 said…
That's exactly why I Don't do Facebook or myspace. You give up even more info on those sites than you do on blogger typically.

We moved from Frederick, Md down to the back of beyond Az 1 1/2 yrs ago! One more thing...

Btw, ya want us to string em up?!
Frizzy said…
Have you read the blog Rubber Slippers in Italy? She lives there and on the left side of her blog has a list of all the travels/hiking/dining/festivals she has attended. You might like to look it over while considering your travels.
Kelly said…
I just googled you and you have a ton of listings. I'm surprised how much you show up via facebook - weird!!
Batgirl said…
That is freaky. I mean, I know loads of US sites have "background info" on people, if you have their name. Try searching for a phone number on for instance, and then all of a sudden you're offered unlisted phone numbers and addresses. I find it scary that they are able to get change of address details from post office records etc. Norway is quite open about stuff too, but there's a limit - unlisted phone numbers are just that, unlisted!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, that is totally creepy!
Anonymous said…
Robbi said…
Wow Treesa, that's creepy. How did you find out that they were looking for you? If I google myself, it doesn't show people looking for me.
Anonymous said…
hahahaha....its not me sister!

I found you through Kelly and I always say "Hey"!!!
Rebecca Jo said…
How do you know they are searching for you... & have all the info? That's crazy freaky!!!
Eek....hmm, this is making me rethink having my photos on my blog. Kind've creepy!!!
Anonymous said…
I thought someone from work had found my private blog once. That was really creepy.
I kinda freaked out when two specific cities kept showing up on feedjit. Turns out both of my sisters were reading but didn't want to deal with all the malarky of opening an account just to comment. Maybe your "stalker" feels the same way.
Hepburn Hilton said…
that is creepy!
My blog is a scret to the real world to... wich is why I am not up for meeting other bloggers in the near future either. Maybe when I feel more comfertable in my own skin, currenlty my blog is my outlet for it everything I am to ashamed to tell people about.

But how to you know people are googeling you??
WheresMyAngels said…
I love doing that!! lol I just can never find my old ex's!! I just want to see how their life sucks without me in it.

Oh I do searches on my ex husband and found some lovely photo's with him in an orange jumpsuit and holding a number in his hands! Priceless, I tell ya!
Diane Mandy said…
Maybe it's an ex boyfriend from years gone by? I understand why it would freak you out. I also blog under ad alias and wouldn't want people I know reading my blog!
Ash said…
Seriously, why I'm closing my (real name) Facebook account.

WAY too easy to find out info these days.

Also why I don't read my Feedburner account. I know it's there if I want to check it. That's enough.

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