See...I KNEW this would happen

*** Update of sorts....

I found her lawyers email address... I thought about emailing her... explaining who I am & just forward my info on to H.
I am pretty sure that she will at least get the message about the phone etc. If she chooses not to text me/email me back, I will mind my own business.... I just wanted to let her know that I KNOW & am praying for them.... I feel so helpless... yet I don't want to come off as
"Creepy Mc. Creepster"

So, after a weekend of stewing & worrying.. I called her office first thing this morning...

(they know me there... so it isn't like I am some random stranger off of the street...) I asked if she had gone to the if she was already in the states... "yes"... do you know where? "NO..."

As an American I think that is weird... you have had to go over seas & seek medical treatment & no one knows where you are?

I asked if she had a way to contact her... "no..."

"You don't have a cell phone or email address for her?"

"Yes, but I am not going to give it to you..." ARGH.... It really is ...mind your own business over here....

Then I explained...that our kids were in the hospital together... I am not going to bother her... I just wanted to let her know I was here..., & if I can help with anything while she is in the states I WANT to HELP... I also explained that I have a telephone through my computer, that her family can download & use on their computer & call the hospital /her.. for free... (not skype... you can call regular phone lines with it) Ummm.. she was going to check around & call me back.

I KNEW this would happen... Not only am I disappointed, I am pissed.... Right now there isn't much more I can do than pray....

Please keep Kat Sunshine and Lemonade


Mum-me said…
Oh, that's too weird that her fellow workers don't know where she's gone for her son's treatment.

Hopefully you'll get some response from the family?
Corinne said…
I can understand that they don't want to give out phone numbers and such, I don't know about privacy laws in Norway but in every job I've had we've not been allowed to give out personal numbers. But not knowing where she is? That's weird. Perhaps they can send on your info to her? (Of course, that would require knowledge of her where-abouts...gaaar!) How frustrating! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping you get through to her.
Batgirl said…
I guess they’re trying to shield her whilst she’s going through this. How about asking them to pass on your contact details should they talk to her, and have them tell her you’re here if she needs you? Another option could be trying or and see if you can find her cell phone number there.
I can't believe she won't even give you her email address. Maybe if you went into the office and asked for a business card....

Just plain weird!

I hope that everything is working out for your friend.
The Blonde Duck said…
That sounds so frustrating.
Anonymous said…
I am second generation Norsk, born and raised in the US, I hate that cold "mind your own business" attitude sometimes esp. in cases such as this. Everyone has to suffer in private with no support system like we Americans appreciate from time to time. Never change Tressa, I kept my mouth shut too long in Europe attempting to somewhat be accepted and fit in... but you never really will- you will always be that American. Hopefully your former coworker will appreciate the effort.
Anonymous said…
That is weird. Maybe someone there will speak to her though and if they mention you maybe she can contact you somehow.
Diane Mandy said…
I admire you for trying!
Mary Ellen said…
So frustrating, but you're doing your best. You would think they'd at least be willing to pass the info along. Ugh.
I know that must be frustrating when you want to help someone in need that you care about. I hope you get in contact with her. Let us know if you do.

Happy Monday!!
Bethany said…
At least you tried! Keep praying for her, and hopefully they will let you contact her. :)
Batgirl said…
Contacting her lawyer sounds like a good idea :-) Keeping her and her son in my thoughts.

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