Fashionista...Karma's a Bi-otch

Oh..please let me pretend to be a Fashionista just one more day.... What a FUN post... I loved how everyone was explaining what & why they wear....

ladies.. you could wrap yourself in Saran wrap... i don't care.... I just don't want any "Hungry Butt" in my face.. mmmm K...

I am pretty sure my fashionable little sister is rolling out of her chair as I PRETEND to know what i am talking about... Look up FRUMPY-"ISH" & you will probably find a goofy pic. of Moi...

I just know what I THINK is W R O N G... (and that would be wearing grey sweat pants out of the house... anywho...)

In case y'all don't read through all of the comments when you post... I have to share a few of my favorites from yesterday....

#1.WheresMyAngels said...
"I've got one of those never satisfied hungry asses. I'm always trying to pull food out of its mouth. It would eat and eat and eat, if I let it, til my cuffs are up to my thighs.Yep it sucks having an African mammal for my butt."

(Gosh, you have to LOVE a woman who is honest about her Hungry Butt & isn't afraid to share right?)

#2. What A Card said...
"Wait, I know something worse that butt eating sweatpants: butt eating sweatpants with JUICY emblazoned over it. Yuck, yuck, yuck, is it just me or is "JUICY" one of the worse diarrhea-iffic adjectives one could plaster on their booty???"

(Ewww..what if you couldn't even see the iC because it was, well you know.... eww... )

#3.Anonymous said...
"Hi Tressa, My name is Christina and I just read your whole blog at work over the last two days ..."
( She read my entire blog in 2 days... of course I am going to love her!)

KCLC said...
"So tell me Mrs. American In Norway, who in the media (alive or dead) dressing style do you admire?"

(Well KCLC...first I am FLATTERED that anyone would even give a sh%t, about dressing styles I admire...
I would love to tell you that I love everything on "the Hills" & "the City"(except the flannel crap they try to bring back from the 90's) but that MAY seem a bit pathetic coming from a 37 year old, size &%&%, mother of 2....
A little more realistic...(not body size of course) I have to say Katie Holmes is a doll... I love how she can put jeans on & still look classy.... (I just pulled this out of thin air... but I do think she is really cute )

Ok so now on to the KARMA part....
'Babs' said...
"I think the reason why women go outside the house when their clothing is being eaten by their arses/butts is because they have reached a point in their lives when they have ceased to care what the person standing behind them thinks, or feels, LOL!

Women who look good can often only 'look' good, and it doesn't necessarily mean they feel good.

Looking a mess doesn't always mean a person IS a mess, but I can quite understand why the sight of someones hungry butt would put you off, but maybe you need to try it and see if it is as bad as it looks.

( then I started feeling kind of bad... kind of I shouldn't have been making fun of the "HUNGRY BUTT"... I mean it isn't like I told you, that it was Hanne Johannsen I was making fun of RIGHT?... chances are she will never see this blog anyway.... So she can't really get her feelings hurt.... right?
But ya... she probably is a really nice lady, & I shouldn't have been judging her butt at the post office... gagging to myself...resisting the urge to pull her knickers out of her crack... I was bad & wrong & today I paid.... for being UGLY... "

Today I got a flat tire & chipped a tooth.... Happy now? Even Steven... Sorry Hungry Butt....


Stephanie said…
ohhh my...chipped tooth?? OUCH!

I still think talking about Hungry Butts once in a while should be allowed...
Frizzy said…
I missed yesterday and I'm so sorry I did! Too funny. My issue with the current fashion is this...just because they make it in every size doesn't mean every sized person should wear it. This goes for men and women. I am not the skinny gal I used to be so I'm including myself in that comment. I wish I could wear some of the little styles with the flashy prints and leggings/tights again but those days have come and gone for me. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts yesterday as well as comments from your readers. I love that you and we can laugh at ourselves if nothing else.
jewelstreet said…
Love the comments! Karma can be a b****, can't it?! That said, I did kind of the same thing with a woman in the DMV line last year. It was scary the fashion sense. I got my payback too.
LOL...oh my gosh...I loved those comments and that post about HUNGRY BUTT!

i never had given it a name...and that DOES seem so fitting for a Wedgie!

Cammie said…
holy hell. this is the best post ever
Unknown said…
OMG too freakin' funny- sorry about the tooth but really, if people don't want people to comment on their clothes, they shouldn't be wearing them in public. ;-)
Oh, no. Damn Karma.

And today I went to the post office. And there was a woman leaving who looked like she had just rolled out of bed. Sometimes its just nice to know that for once I am a little more put together than someone else :-)
Ronnica said…
Wow, those were some funny comments...but then some perspective.
Stacia said…
Ok Tressa, here is my dad's favorite joke.

A man comes home from the grocery store with two black eyes.
His wife wants to know what happened so he tells her.
"A woman standing in front of me in line to pay had her dress stuck up her arse so I pulled it out for her and she punched me!"
So the wife asks how he got the other black eye and he says, "So I stuck it back in for her."

Another butt story, this one true.
My cousin grabbed her daughters sweatpants to wear to run to the mall on an errand.
It had their last name written across the butt which is so in these days, right?
Well a guy approaches her in the mall and says to her, "Ok, I'll take a sample."
YES, you go it right. Her last name is SAMPLE!
She was mortified to say the least.
KCLC said…
To the karma gods that be : I here by take back anything bad I said against hungry butt and /or doo doo loaded pants, and peek a boo undies... flat tire I can handle, but just PLEASE dont give me a chipped tooth!
Anonymous said…
Found you (again) in comments at Hexe so I thought I should stop by and say Happy New Year :-)
Debie Napoleon said…
Flat tires are sucky. What you posted was funny and your own opinion. Nothing wrong with that.
Anonymous said…
i think you are my new favorite. seriously...
i might have to start your blog...a lot. like, just sit here and never move. you wouldn't mind, would you? bwahahahaha
Anonymous said… have me laughing so hard I about wet myself!!!
Anonymous said…

Just visiting from SITS!
Lizzie said…
crap! now i'm worried about what i have coming my way... NO KARMA, NO!!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
You freaking crack me up.

but I bet the chipped tooth gives you a tough, sexy look!

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