
Yes... Tightwad... that is what my family (sister's/mother) would call me...

Bjørn on the other hand just calls me G O D D E S S....

So you know we have this trip to Rome planned for March with another couple...NO KIDS...

The other couple booked their trip first.. & we are tagging along... We were able to get a GREAT deal on airline tickets... approx. $150 per person round trip- (I know, your hating me now aren't you?) So when I went to book a room at their hotel I was a little surprised to find the rate at 230 euro per night... CRAP... ($309 US) HELLO? Ouch!

Bjørn told me to go ahead & book it.
First I was really impressed that hubby was willing to splurge on the hotel... but the more I have thought about it, the more it seems like a waste...(yes, this is where the TIGHTWAD, CHEAPSKATE comes to mind...) How much time are we really going to spend in the room? (this isn't a honeymoon...) I plan on being out & showing my husband ROMA.... drinking wine...buying SHOES....

So I went on line yesterday & found an APARTMENT.. right on the Spanish Steps... (ok, not ON the steps..but across the street...) 127 euro.... if we get a 2 bedroom for both couples it is 180 per night.... The apartments I have looked at have been really nice... one had a veranda off of the bedroom... (Just think we could sit out there & have our coffeee in the morning...) *sigh*

So now..how do we break it to the other couple?... (the hotel they have booked it right across the street...) from where they are staying. Do we just tell them, "hey we are staying in an Apt.... & y'all can stay as well.. or we can get your own apt. booked if you would like, or we will just meet up you stay there, we will stay here...." (is this tacky?)

I would just HATE for them to think I am being a cheapskate...(which I am...) & screwing with their plans...

& what shall we do with the extra money I can save on the hotel? save it? HELLL NO.. I am thinking TUSCANY in May... (THIS is where Bjørn & I differ, & I am no longer considered a GODDESS...) I haven't really given up on the Tuscan dream... I know I said I did.. but I haven't.. I still REALLY want to go.

***family vacation

THANK ya'll so much for all of the suggestions... I am loving the idea of doing a little beach break in Holland & then down through Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungry...(how much time do we have... we may be gone all summer...)

I know there are some really great places for hiking, swimming, camping.... WHITE WATER RAFTING... (is it just wrong of me to want to go rafting with Dane & leave Bjørn with Eva? its wrong isn't it?)

I have started to talk myself out of Paris..(this time) Not sure if we should just wait & take Eva to Disney when we go visit aunt Kelly?

I totally forgot that a girl who works for me was a TOUR GUIDE for YEARS in Germany/Italy/ Austria... I know the best places to drink... but she can tell me the best places for kids... how cool is that?

I am off to re heat the left overs & PRETEND like I have been something since I got home from work.

I am starting to get a little stressed about my house not being pulled together yet... so all of you nesting/design "domestic goddess" bloggers keep your eyes open for me... I am going to start posting pictures & asking what I can do with all of these rooms..UGH.... HELP

Ciao for now... : )


Briya said…
Just tell them you found somewhere that is cheaper and see if they want to switch, they you could all casual-like say "Well it IS a two-bedroom, if you want to stay with us....."

Besides, you're right. You're not going to spend much time in the room. As long as it's not a complete sh!thole, you'll be fine.
Skogkjerring said…
Yeah I agree, I'd just tell them you found something just as nice and cheaper and with the money you'll be saving you can have more fun out and about. Offer them the possibility to get in on your great deal and save a little money, if they refuse then say, well, we'll be spending our time together outside of the room not in it, so it doesn't really matter where we will be staying does it??? And just do what you want, if they think you are tacky or whatever just because you want to save some money, if your friendship isn't deeper then that, what are you fretting about???
Anonymous said…
Just tell them that you have found an apartment and that you want to stay there instead. Invite them to stay with you, but if they don't want to, then at least you're near each other. It's not such a big deal. If I were in the other people's shoes, it wouldn't bother me the least...
Jen Sue Wild said…
I would tell them that you found a better deal that it is a 2 bed room and they are welcome to stay with you that way you both can save money to spend on more shoes.

If they say no thank you then say thats alright but we are choosing to stay at the apartment.
Who would want to stay in a hotel when you could be in a nice apartment that is more privet.
What A Card said…
Oh, what fun planning such awesome trips! I'd love to go to Europe, though a lack of money and intense dislike of flying is keeping me tied to the good ol' N. America! Can you say, "Vacation in Canada"? Somehow lacks the same appeal as "Vacation in Western Europe" :)

Have a great time, and I don't think there's ever anything to be embarrassed about wanting to save money. I think it's great, and hopefully your friends would applaud your find and welcome the chance to have some extra spending money to blow on fun stuff rather than the room.
Debie Napoleon said…
Well, this is why I wish I loved in Europe - more travel opportunities.
aasheim424 said…
I say go for the cheaper apartment, i am like you, the more money i save on accomodations the more i have to spend on SHOES!! Also, i would have to agree on skipping Paris, its best appreciated at a more mature age, and it is quite pricey. But dont you love living in europe for the simple fact that it is affordable to travel, its like going to another state in the US but cheaper, personally i love ryanair and their prices.
Nicole said…
Go for the apartment. And use the extra money to enjoy. Enjoy Rome it is such a beautiful place.
Suzanne said…
I wouldn't even mention the price up front. I'd just say that you decided you'd rather be in an apartment. We prefer something like that for the simple reason that we don't have to get up and get dressed to go out to breakfast. We pick some things up at a local bakery and have coffee and bakery out on the balcony.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Diane Mandy said…
I agree with the rest of your readers. You agreed to go to Rome, you didn't promise to stay at the same hotel. Tell them early enough so they have the option to switch.

And if it's nice, send me the name of the apartment! Rome hotels are notoriously expensive and I would love to know of a cheaper (more economically prudent) place.
Diane Mandy said…
I agree with the rest of your readers. You agreed to go to Rome, you didn't promise to stay at the same hotel. Tell them early enough so they have the option to switch.

And if it's nice, send me the name of the apartment! Rome hotels are notoriously expensive and I would love to know of a cheaper (more economically prudent) place.
Leah said…
Oh baby, I'm your girl when it comes to helping you pull your house together (that's what my day job is: int. design)! Post away!
Mary Ellen said…
I agree with everybody else. Stay where you want, and give them the option. Then spend some of that extra money on FUN FUN FUN during your Roman Holiday.

I've been to the Spanish steps - gorgeous - how bad could it be????
Kelly said…
Okay, if I was part of the other couple, I wouldn't think badly of you getting the apt. and I would appreciate the info about the cheaper option. However, I believe we both have a bit of Scot's blood in us (read: cheap). Keep up the Tuscan dream kiddo!!

Just know, when you all come to Orlando, you don't have to stay in a hotel, you're all staying here. How's that appealing to your frugal side?!
Mammatalk said…
I spent my honeymoon in Tuscany, so my mind kinda wandered while I was reading. :-)
Colleen said…
I agree with all of the above folks. If you are looking for another trip for the summer, the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland is too fun, but you cannot really beat Tuscany.

Glad to see someone else is asking for decorating advice in bloggy land. I thought about it, but was worried that all the crafty gals would laugh at my lack of skills.
Eve said…
Oy! - I was getting ready to answer your questions with my 'traveling with others' wisdom, but I continued to read and found myself in the land of daydream travels and just couldn't pull myself out. Currently, I'm (dreaming) floating down a river in a gondola... so I think I'll just hang out here for a while. Sorry, hopefully the other readers will have helpful suggestions. ;)

Hope you have a wonderful trip!
Anonymous said…
Ok, you are making me sooo jealous!!!
hexe said…
I have to agree with Lynette. When wew took the kids to Belgium last year, we did the apartment rental thing and it was great. No one wants to take kids out for every meal and it is nice to be able to sit on a balcony and just watch the world pass by.

Btw Belgium was a great, kid friendly place (but we did go off season). Austria is still my favorite but we didn't take the kids on that trip :) Have fun - planning is one of the best parts!

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