Pop goes the ear drum...

Ohhh ya! Good times here... Poor little pumpkin Eva was up ALL NIGHT last night...

Normally she is the BEST sick child in the world... never wants to put you out... happy to suffer in silence...but not last night..

I tired EVERYTHING... but she was in serious pain...I suspected it was her ear drum about to rupture.... sure enough at about 10:30 this morning, it did....

at least when it pops, they feel 100% better... we just have to be careful for the next 6 weeks...

Have I told y'all that we have the BEST DR. E V E R .... even though she is at home... with her preemie baby... she answered all of my questions...(she is a close friend as well...) I was a bit concerned that Eva has been sick a lot... seems like every week she is down with something... usually a cold.... but I started worrying that it had something to do with the Lyme's disease from the summer.... (nope... not to worry....) it is just that she is 4, in daycare, & it is WINTER in Norway... there are going to be lots of colds going around....
We were going to take the kids to an indoor water park this weekend but looks like we are going to have to think of something else to do for family fun.....

So about the hair..... thanks chica's!....
Been a while since I promised a photo... I need to go get it cut again... but I think it is the best hair cut I have had here in Norway...
& I know I look A LOT like Jenny... (scary isn't it?)

I wanted to change my profile pic...
I think this one..(above) looks a little bitch-y (We all know how un-bitchy I am right? RIGHT?...)
it was this one... or the one I have up ,which, although I look happy... I think I also look a little like Mr. Kool-Aid... could my face look any wider/fatter? I dunno...
So about Achmed.... for all of ya'll who love him/it... more power to ya (I love you no less...Deb... )
I just get soooo sick of the screechy voice on the TV all of the time... they are selling the Achmed ring tones... the Achmed rap... Achmed videos.... & I guess for adults it's fine... however, I don't want my 9 year old running around saying..."I kill you..." Not funny, just dumb....
For those of you who asked about the school shooting... it was way up in Northern Norway... Soo a long way a way....
Hope y'all have a super great weekend!


Ritch in Love said…
I know all too well what a ruptured ear drum feels like. My heart goes out to the little one for having dealt with that nightmare!
haircut = SO pretty!

hope you all have a nice (well) weekend.
I don't understand what's wrong with the profile picture, it's really cute.. how could it be bitchy?
Could you look more norwegian? You must have the ancestry. You look a lot like a girl I went to grade school with named Becky, she was adopted from Greece though.
Jenny said…
Nice hair. I wish mine would sit like that... it just ends up a big fuzz ball most of the time.
Skogkjerring said…
Wow, what a cutie you are!!! You aren't the least bit fat in your face either..just goes to prove we women are never satisfied.

Poor Eva, I know all too well about barnehage and being constantly sick..I don't think I've experienced a day when ALL the kids are there when they are suppose to be...someone is always sick. Hope she feels better soon!!!
The housewife said…
Hope Eva gets better soon. As a child I suffered from ear infections all the time - constantly on antibiotics.

Love the hair - and the face.... it's called high cheekbones darling and you look gorgeous!
Khadra said…
You have such beautiful eyes!!

Hope you have a good weekend :)
Sarah - Kala said…
You're way prettier that Jenny, even though she's pretty. I so understand the pain your girl's in. I still get ear aches now and again (my ears have always been an health issue for me - tube sugeries etc. until I was fifteen). My ears are still corked up bad - but I'm good when they're good (they ususally wonk out once every winter). I hope she's feeling much better (and it's true, after the rupture, the pain is gone).
My youngest ear drum busted when she was 1. That was horrible....she ended up spending a week in the hospital.

You are very beautiful!!! I love the haircut!!
Frizzy said…
Love the style! Sorry about your daughter's ear. OUCH! Last, did you talk to my friend who did a lot of camping in Europe at 5-Acre Fun? She posted a few pics of it today.
Rebecca Jo said…
OHHH - that sounds painful with the ears... I've always had bad earaches & all that madness!!!

And how cute are you in your new do!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Anonymous said…
i LOVE the hair, it looks great!
Kelly said…
The haircut is fabulous...you are looking hot, Mama!! I don't want to hear about any more "fat" posts either!!

Okay, am I missing something...you actually want her eardrum to rupture?! I understand the pain would go away, but don't doctor's treat ear infections over there so there is such significant trauma? I am confused and I feel for that little baby girl having to suffer through that!!
Mammatalk said…
You've got great hair!
Anonymous said…
Love your haircut. Haven't heard Achmed as a ringtone or on TV.. have only ever watched him on YouTube as part of Jeff Dunham's show... guess anything you hear a lot is annoying, right?

There is a lot of winter sickness and colds going on over here too... We were sick literally all year last year... so I wouldn't worry too much. Although a burst ear drum is painful.. no swimming for quite a while I should imagine.
Anonymous said…
Poor kid! Hope she's feeling better.

And wow! HOT - you look great! Love the hair, love it.
Anonymous said…
So I guess the nasal spray didn't work?!
So sorry to hear about Eva. Hugs to her.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I LOVE THE HAIR! Jess has Jenny´s haircut also...and it is adorable! I am just not brave enough to do it!
WheresMyAngels said…
Love the style!

Sorry about her ear, hope she is feeling better.
Jill said…
LOVE the 'do. It's WAY cuter than Jenny's hair... a much softer look!

Hope Eva's feeling better. Ouch!!
Anonymous said…
Who is Jenny?
Corinne said…
I hope Eva feels better soon, and the new hair is fabulous!

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