Carries Friday Foto Finish..Happy Un-birthday

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

Yesterday Eva had a very Happy "Un-Birthday"
at pre-school...

See, poor little pumpkin turned 4 while we were in the states this summer... in the midst of her aunts wedding...

& her birthday was kindda no big deal.... (birthdays are always HUGE...HUGE for us...)

Well huge for everyone but Eva.... because her birthday is in August, we are almost always gone for her big day...

There have been a lot of birthdays at school as of late. & Eva was feeling a little left out... so I talked to her teacher (the really nice one) & asked if we could bring a cake for Eva to pass out... sure no problemo.....

My little tom-boy even asked if I would bake a Princess cake for her... (I think she was just trying to butter me up...) only condition, she wanted it to be brown... Yep....

(please ignore the barbie cake...little lop-sided, looks like she is ready to GET DOWN.... Woo ...Woo)

Eva was soooo proud of the cake... (another Thankful moment for me...)

When we got to school, they had gone all out... the had the Norwegian flag hoisted for her... her picture on the front door... & were all ready to celebrate... (& the "mean" teacher did all of that... thanks mean teacher....maybe your not so mean afterall...)

Afterschool Eva had her friend over & they were STILL celebrating....
As she was going to bed last night, she just kept thanking me & saying she had the BEST day....
Sigh... what a little pumpkin... I think I am going to end up keeping her...


Hepburn Hilton said…
You should post a how to for dat cake!!! :)
The housewife said…
Ahhhh - that's sooo sweet!
Jenny said…
I made a Barbie cake like that for one of my girls... once... seems eons ago.
Mine went for the traditional pink. Good on yours for living outside the box.
Anonymous said…
Too cute! And I just love the brown cake (I'm not a big fan of pink... or Barbie for that matter...)

My daughter has her birthday in August too and there is NEVER anyone around to celebrate with as everyone has gone off to their summer cottages.. except us. We don't have one, of course!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
my first few years in education, I taught in the elementary school and always did HALF BIRTHDAYS for all my summer bday kiddoes! So in the winter, we had an abundance of 6.5 bdays! :o)
And then after I became a mom of a July girl, the idea became even more important!

cool BROWN cake!
Debie Napoleon said…
It's so great that you could make her smile like that!
Corinne said…
She looks so happy! Happy belated birthday, Eva! The teachers were really nice to let her do that, and a brown cake is the perfect tomboy answer to princesses. Dirt doesn't show on a brown dress. ;)
The Blonde Duck said…
It sounds like a wonderful birthday! I love that cake! My mom made them for me when I was little.
Stephanie said…
awwww that is so cute! im glad she had such a good day!! Did you make that cake? It looks good, even if it is brown!
It looks champagne colored. :-)

She looks thrilled with her day. I like the idea of an un-birthday party. My birthday is in the summer, so I never got to celebrate with my class. I was always jealous of the kids that got to bring in treats and have everyone sing to them.

My oldest's birthday is New Year's Eve...and we had talked once about doing half birthday parties for her...but it never worked out because she always wants a party on her actual birthday. And she'd want the same people to come to a half one - so I think that game would be up quickly!
Leah said…
That cake rocks!
Jen Sue Wild said…
sounds like she had a super great day!!!

The barbie cake looks great.
Frizzy said…
See mom, YOU DO ROCK! What a cool un birthday! Happy Un Birthday sweetie!
Linda said…
Beautiful girl!! What fun to have an un-birthday and be celebrated.
Barbie's doing the side slide..tee hee!
Anonymous said…
love the cute!!
your daughter is GORGEOUS!!! cold does it get over in norway? just askin'
my girls b-day is July so we usually did an unbirthday for her too!
Your girl is a cutie patootie!
Jennifer said…
Wow--she is so cute! And I love her brown (LOL) Barbie cake. Glad she had such a fun day!!
Teri said…
That is just the sweetest thing! Good Mommy!!
Mammatalk said…
Absolutely darling! I'd keep her, too.
Swirl Girl said…
A very Merry UnBirthday to Eva!
Kelly said…
How absolutely fun for her...You should continue to celebrate her 1/2 birthday on a yearly basis so that she can enjoy the attention!!!

The cake is awesome! You're so Martha Stewart! Brown is the new pink, right?!
binks said…
What a great idea!
How knew you had those mad cake making skilz?
sassy stephanie said…
I love it. Especially the brown dressed Barbie!
Julie H said…
How nice for her! I used to take cupcakes to the school for the kid's birthdays. But they changed the rules and they are now a "healthy" school and you can only bring in healthy things and it has to be store bought.
Anonymous said…
She is such a beautiful little girl. I'm glad she got a party.....that was very nice of you and the teachers to do that for her!!!
Skogkjerring said…
Ahhh barbie cakes...mine never wanted anything like that, not even in brown!!! Yeah your cake looked like she was about to get jiggy with it but if it tasted good who cares how she stands!!! Glad mean teacher found her nice person hat for Eva's un-birthday party!! And in answer too your question- yep...the captain's home...that was who was in the picture with me that was taken yesterday....who did you think that was?? My luver????? ;-)) Just giving ya a hard time....he might be leaving tomorrow...and might not...we'll see!!!!
Candid Carrie said…
Oh, Boogie Brown Barbie looks like someone is singing "Celebrate Good Times, Come On" and she is about to totally get her groove on and go home with home of the cupcake groomsmen!

And for real, my son is getting married in June and the color of the girls dresses is cocoa brown.

1. Seriously, cocoa brown in winter?
2. Seriously. I can say I saw it on a Bridesmaid Barbie and it looked hot hot hot!
WheresMyAngels said…
Happy Late birthday. She is so beautiful!

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