You know you live in Norway when....

It is Jan 11th & you are S...T...I....L...L going to Christmas parties!

On the third month of Christmas my true love gave to me...... (please sing)

Nothing...because I am soooo #%"&##&%& over Christmas now!

I kid you not ... The Christmas parties started in Oct. ...& are still going... (I have a co worker who is going to one NEXT weekend.)

I know we have, danced around the tree for the last time this season....

For all of y'all who actually stop by American in Norway, to read about life as an expat.... go check out _Paddy K_
Strange Shores #1

I received a mention...yea, how cool?! & also, there are sooo many cool expats out there, guarantee you can blow your entire evening reading about all the international adventures...
(make sure you tell Paddy I sent ya OK?)

Ooo & thanks for all of the feedback on the unwelcomed / opps, I mean uninvited house guests.

I think it does have to do in large part, culture... I don't think I will get over drop ins anytime soon, but guess it will have to be something I live with... as it is now, I usually put on the pot of coffee & then go about my business... they are over to see Bjørn anyway right?

Note to Caroline & Liz... (soon to be neighbors-ish, I hope) Y'all are more than welcome to come over for a visit...just let me know the day before ..hee hee...


Mammatalk said…
Congrats on being mentioned. I will go check it out! :-)
Stephanie said…
Here's hoping the holidays end there soon!! hahahaha

and I am not laughing at you or your position...with you, always with you
Lizzie said…
goodness! they do christmas hard core out there huh? i'd be sick and tired of it too.

hope you have a good week!
Ritch in Love said…
Holy Crap! Seriously?! Do you say "Merry Christmas" when you get to the door and greet the hostess?
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh I am going to have to go catch up on your visitors.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. do they play that dang barking dog Christmas song over there? Cause if I had to listen to 3 months of that, I would go insane.
AP Mommy said…
Wow I am obsessed with Christmas but parties from October thru now... even I would be over it.

Have a great Christmas free week :)
Anonymous said…
We went to *another* Juletrefest yesterday for barnehagen. Interesting thing happened to me. I was sitting at the table with my little Christmas song handout when an old lady sitting at the end of the table comes over and takes it from me, without a word. Just took it. I was like, "ok, vær så god!". Apparently she didn't get one so she took the one from the only mom who wasn't singing. Yeah, I'm really sick of these parties too--they're turning people into sinners!! L
The Blonde Duck said…
Why does it last so long?
Corinne said…
Sverre started pouting when I took down the Christmas decorations last week. They do love Christmas out here! Fortunately, I've married into a non-tree dancing family.
Leah said…
oh barf. Christmas for 3 months sounds so fake, I mean don't people have other events and hobbies in their life? Thanks for the Paddy link... going there now :)
Mary Ellen said…
I think celebrating the holidays is awesome. Unless it's four months long. Then it's insane.
Hepburn Hilton said…
lol, I don't know about Fr.stad, but in Oslo we don't celebrate that long. What is funny about reading you blog, is that your experiences as a foreigner here in Norway are sooo simlar to mine from when I lived in Ohio! Haha it drove me insain how early they started celebrating chritmas over there! Not to mention all the unannounced visits... lol :) Maybe it's not culture, maybe it's the people!
aasheim424 said…
I know this is an old blog of yours but i just ran into it and i can totally agree, when i drive to sweden for (cheap chicken) i got so excited when i found so many american items, like my hubbies fav dr. pepper! and mac n cheese! i was thrilled, now i cant wait to make the monthly trip to stromstad for groceries.

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