Holiday Road...Help....

I have started planning /obsessing about our family vacation for this summer...

I THINK we have agreed/decided on a 2-3 week camping trip through Europe...

I was all excited until Bjørn said something like..."thats ok, you don't need to shower EVERY day..."

"Um, yes I do..." I loved roughing it when i was 19 & broke, back packing through Europe... it might not be so much fun with 2 kiddos in tow... & no hotties to pick up.

So I am trying to get a general idea of where we want to go... & what we want to do...

I hate to admit it, but I am the Clark Griswold of the family... Bwaaa haa haa...

"only 5 hours to the worlds largest ball of twine..."

I have done that on several occasions.... "Oh look honey, we are only 2 hours from the ancient Viking burial ground" Not even the locals knew where it was.... So after 4 hours of looking... we found a big pile of dirt... with a marker..."Viking Burial" (if you make it to Gielo, Norway, don't bother going....)

Or the time I suggested driving 3 hours to the White Russian border...sitting for 6 hours waiting to be let across the border, only to find out that I needed a visa to cross...Ooops...

This time I thought rather than using my guide books which have on several occasion led me to CRAP... I would ask y'all...anyone living in Europe..or traveled through Europe... can you recommend somewhere/thing worth doing?...

We are thinking about going over to Paris to take the kids to Disneyland... (I hear it is much better than when I was there with Kelly Song for Whoever 15 years ago...) & then see the sites...
Germany... Head down to Bavaria or to Berlin? Swing by Mannheim so see my old University..

Over to Switzerland & Austria or Go the Eastern European route?

Anyone out there with some suggestions?

As much as I gripe about being away from the U.S. & home I must admit that being able to drive across Europe for our budget vacation is PRETTY COOL....

Growing up, our big family vacation was usually driving 17 hours NON-Stop from Houston, Texas to White Hall, Illinois to spend time on the family farm.... those were some good times NOT....(sorry daddy...)

In 17 hours I can be in Paris. Or Prague or Munich or Budapest ... you get the picture..
(before y'all start HATING me... remember I may have Paris, but you have Target & Velveeta whenever you want... we are even..)

So any suggestions, would be much appreciated!


Batgirl said…
Driving through Europe has been limited to Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Holland for me, so don't have much input :-) However, the beach in Zandvoort, Holland, is gorgeous! We went there in 2006 for my stepsister's wedding.
Skogkjerring said…
You should make your road trip a culinary experience...experiencing all the wonderful foods in Europe...and if you see an eifel tower along the way- WHOO HOOO!!! You can't go wrong with food....
Anonymous said…
I have been to Geilo, Norway, but not to look at any viking burial though. Only to go skiing which I think Geilo is better know for.
Mary Ellen said…
Us having Target and Velveeta does NOT make us even. You win. You TOTALLY win. I might cry.

The only exciting place I've been is Italy, and then just to the big touristy spots (Rome, Florence, Naples, Capri, Pisa) and none of the secret places the locals know about.
Robin said…
Maryellen is right, you really win and Velveeta bites!
sues2u2 said…
Lived in Germany for 3 years however one was pretty much spent sick & pregnant & the other was guarding my @ risk for everything infant! So. I know England better than Europe but I would have to say that the lace in Brugge is amazing & watching some of the old haus fraus making it is better! (I know I totally mixed up the German & French there but to bad!)

The stuff that was fun to us would be not so much for a family w/ younger children. Oh & my son was life flighted to the university in Mannheim! They are the ones who saved his life. They are the best!!!
Suzanne said…
Well, Europe is halfway around the world for me but if I had the choice I'd certainly go visit Maryam in Morrocco. Her boutique hotel looks fantastic!!

My English friend who has traveled all over Europe loves Scotland. I don't think there's much for kids to do though.

- Suzanne

Target and Velveeta just can't hold a candle so you win. Oh, we have Philadelphia cream cheese at less than $10 per small package.
Yarni Gras! said…
oh I wish I knew some....but I was just a kid when we left and moved back to the States. I too feel your 'Griswoldiness' as I'm the SAME way. 5 hours to the giant ball of twine! LMAO funny!
Lacy Kline said…
OK super envious! I'm so excited that in a year I'll be able to do budget travel through Europe. Sweet! I can't wait to hear where you decide to go.
Rebecca Jo said…
So many places you could visit!!! But I had to laugh - my dad would totally do that - drive 100 miles out of the way to look at the stupidest things... hey - those build memories!
Frizzy said…
Lake Bled in Slovenia is cool. Loved Hotel Die Post Click on this post for info

If you want to go to Poland and do a little pottery shopping I have a fun little place to stay.

If you want to stay in Germany then go along the Mosel River. Great castles and hiking as well as places to camp. Check out my girlfriend's site again as she posted a few pics from her camping in Europe. They even did river rafting and some other fun things. Blog 5-Acre Fun. I have some other places you might enjoy just ask.
Kelly said…
I'll ship you velveeta any day! Don't do Disney Paris...remember how aggrevating those lines (or lack there of) where?!!!
sues2u2 said…
To answer your question about where we were in germany - Hubby was stationed @ Ramstein Ab but we lived in a little-don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it-no-traffic-stop-sign village. We loved it!

I do agree about the Mosel. Did the river trip & it was fun. The castles are amazing.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I will take VELVEETA over Paris anyday! however, if you head south, you MUST make a stop in Cologne Germany. The Dom Kirke in Cologne is the most amazing structure I have ever seen and the town is SOOOOO cozy. To think that this church survived WWII while all around it was bombed is just amazing.
So keep it on your list as you head south! (of course, you can always make Herning DK a "rest stop" on the way.) Not a great deal to see or visit but there is this Texas Cajun that makes a damn good cup of joe!
Laura Kay said…
Go to the Netherlands! You can bike, play in the ocean, "camp" in family hostels with showers everyday and someone else to cook your meals! We love our weekend trips to the seashore.
Anonymous said…
Disney Paris is fun but pricey (I can't imagine driving all the way over there though..) We've been twice now.

If you come to Germany in any month but July you can swing by and visit me...

Hmm, gonna have to think on it.
Anonymous said…
FOR GOODNESS' SAKE: will someone please tell me what Velveeta is??? You keep mentioning it: sounds like the holy grail! ;-)

Ah - Paris - that's a must! What about Spain? You can go to PortAventura a waterland adventure park with water rides as well as rides like they have in Disneyland. It is in Tarragona, not far from Barcelona in Catalunya. (It's a Universal Studios amusement park.)
Teri said…
Hey, I know! If you go to Paris, there is something called, um, what is it, oh yes, the Eiffel Tower? hehe, sorry, I'm a smarty.
Man I am pea green with envy!!!
I don't have any suggestions as I sadly don't get to take too many vacations...but I'd like to present an award to you! Check out my blog for details!
Velveeta is a kind of bland American cheese that comes in a block and is design to melt very easily. And you can keep it I want EUROPE. How boring is travelling across the US compared to Europe? Been to Oklahoma once you never need to go again.
I'd go to Amsterdam :D
Crystal Rae said…
Europe... that sounds like it would be FUN. I want to go too!
Vera said…
Thank you for your comment on my blog :) Well, there are soooo many places to visit in Europe... But of course you have to come to Germany ;-) Hamburg is my favourite German city, Köln and München are also really nice though. I can also recommend Strasbourg, Amsterdam and Zürich. Beautiful places during the summer and close to Germany (okay, depends on where you are at in Germany...)! I am currently planning a trip from Kiel to Oslo by ferry (MS Color Fantasy). Maybe that is also an option for you?
Greetings from Germany :)
MaricrisG said…
If you ask me, I'd say Paris' in a heartbeat. I would love to go there one day. Btw, I LOVE your new profile picture. You look really lovely!
Betsy said…
I lived in Garmisch for several years. It is so beautiful. I also love Bamberg and Karlovy Vary. So many wonderful things to see!
Diane Mandy said…
Prague is my favorite city in Europe! You couldn't go wrong--so long as there our bathrooms at all the camping facilities. You're right. No bathroom is not an option.
Vodka Mom said…
no suggestions- but I've decided I'm coming with you. I'm available in July- can we make it then??
The Blonde Duck said…
My family is the Grizwalds. In fact, my dad will put us under Grizwalds for restaurants and hotel reservations and cackle as they call our name and everyone stares at us as we slink in...
Green said…
I've been to alot of place, but not the other side of the pond...So, I'm no help.

Visiting from SITS...
oh, and the pics on your other blog of the kiddies...what gorgeous eyes!
Elisabeth said…
Still, have to say, I am hating you right now--lol! Velveeta is gross and, well, Target is just plain old sad (but yes, I love it!).

And to think I am all reved up to celebrate my 30th this August camping in Wisconsin with an almost 3 year old and a newborn?! that just seems so, so, sad.

Your trip does sound amazing, though! What an experience to be able to give your children!
Nicole said…
Go to Italy, you don't even need much of a giude there. It;s beautiful at every corner, the people are super friendly, the food is yummy and the wine, too. And I could spent easily more as just three weeks there. My favorite is Sicily and if you need to know about special not tourists spots there let me know.

Germany is nice, too, and we will be there 2 months this summer but visiting family. For sight seeing Wuerzburg is nice with a castle in town and a fortress above town a river old bridges in the middle of vineyards.
Nicole said…
Go to Italy, you don't even need much of a giude there. It;s beautiful at every corner, the people are super friendly, the food is yummy and the wine, too. And I could spent easily more as just three weeks there. My favorite is Sicily and if you need to know about special not tourists spots there let me know.

Germany is nice, too, and we will be there 2 months this summer but visiting family. For sight seeing Wuerzburg is nice with a castle in town and a fortress above town a river old bridges in the middle of vineyards.
Safire said…
Lucky lucky! I wish I could drive through Europe. Enjoy it! (Over here from SITS)
Heidi said…
I have absolutely no suggestions for you (so you can stop reading now if you need to) But we take those type of trips all the time. We call them Pivot Rock trips. Hence, the first one was when my FIL took his family to Pivot Rock. Now we plan these trips all the time. The largest Totum Pole, Worlds Largest Frying Pan...
ashley b said…
I just want to know if you will adopt me for the summer! That is on my to do list in life, but I am pretty sure it's not going to happen for another good 20 years. Wish I had some good places for you to go but nope. Now if you were roughing it throug Arizona, I could totally hook you up! :)
Anonymous said…
I've visited a few places in Europe and loved them all for different reasons.
I though Germany was the most beautiful. We took a train to Oberammergau.....that village was beautiful too. There was a palace out that way we wanted to see. But I think the town was much prettier. I don't know that the kids would enjoy it much though.
Bethany said…
Ahh you make me long for Europe again! I didn't travel by car, just train when I was there. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you will have a fantastic time!!
Tiff said…
you are killing me with these travel post...I sooooooo have the travel bug..and just cannot convince my hubby for us to buy and rv, pack the kids up and travel around the US...why oh why will he not do to am the Clark Griswold of the family...get it from my dad! and have compared myself to oh clark many times about

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