Idiotic? Ouch!

So I woke up to this little diddy this morning....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Power of Prayer....":

"you sound like and idiot! if you CARE about somebody DO something, GO and ASK, your dilemma is idiotic! PS. From my experience, cancer doesn't respond to prayer, don't be naive, be smart, and if you can, do something tangible."

So my first impulse is to delete it... but instead, decided to let it be & thought about it....

Perhaps I don't always explain myself clearly...although I think most of you "get me..."

OF Course if I was living in America... & this was a co worker, friend, neighbor... I would be hopping on the band wagon like everyone else.... can you imagine this happening to someone you know? What would every one's reaction be? We would have meals ready... we would be writing letters... we would be sending gifts or trying to relieve the parents... we would be taking up collections.... anything we could do to help this little boy & his family... Wouldn't we?

But this ISN'T AMERICA.... there was no email sent out, to all of us that Hanne had employed,or worked with, just to give us a heads up... The only way we found out that she had gone to America for treatment is because my co worker put 2 + 2 together that this little 5 year old anonymous boy in the newspaper was indeed Hanne's son & called her office to find out if she had gone over to the states... I found about it later in the day...

Although Norway & the U.S are very similar in most ways there are cultural differences... MANY CULTURAL DIFFERENCES... which don't seem like a big deal until you have offended someone...

What I see as caring... can very easily be construed as being intrusive... things ,I as an American would take for granted can be taken as just weird.....

First few times I made dinner for families that were in the hospital ... the families thought, although was odd...people don't do that here...

When I was in the hospital with both Bjørn & Eva this summer... there wasn't really any reaching out to me... my American girlfriend made dinner for us, Work was awesome.. they told me to take care of my family & not worry.. but as far as offers to help me with Dane, what can they do?... it just wasn't there....
(my BLOGGY friends were there...offering support, offering to meet me in Chicago to help me with the kids -thanks Suzanne..)

It is just different here... & Americans are different.... My concern was with my being
"OVER THE TOP...." I find that people tend to mind their own business here.... and the last thing I would want to be right now is INTRUSIVE....

Then again having been a terrified mother in a foreign country with a sick baby & feeling alone... I hate that I KNOW she must be feeling the same way....

& being an American & proud of who & what we are.. I want Hanne to have the best experience possible, in the American system... I want her to know, that people she doesn't even know, care about her & her son....

"PS. From my experience, cancer doesn't respond to prayer, don't be naive, be smart, and if you can, do something tangible."

I am not saying that it will be prayer that cures this little guy...I pray he is getting the best care he can... praying is the one thing I CAN do this weekend, until I find out where they are.... it was the one thing I could ask all of you to do.... Once I find out where she is... I can make phone calls... i can send something... I don't know... I just feel like I need to do something...

If I can get a hold of her & get the feeling that I am intruding I will back off... But really I am not an idiot...(most of the time anyway)


Anonymous said…
I don't think that you need to explain yourself to anyone who posts as "annon". Gotta love the power of the keyboard...if you won't say it in spoken words to a person face to face, say it with keystokes. "Annons" need to grow a set of balls or have their fingers cut off. (Of course, I understand that some people use the anonymous feature but sign their names at the bottom of the comments do not apply to those!)
Stephanie said…
Well someone is obviously a little tender on this subject no? But name calling and insulting is never the answer anonymous...did you not listen to thumper? There are better ways to get your point across.

I think the majority of us understood what you are saying. But kudos for you to take the effort to find out where she is and for WANTing to help. There are many people that would say...oh well. I sympathize with you and I ache for that momma out there. The one who KNEW there was something wrong with her child and no one took the extra step to just double check....It is truly a tragedy.
The housewife said…
No, I don't feel that you sounded like an idiot at all - more like a person who cares and who was just airing her thoughts.

A lot of us have a blog so that we can do just that - write a little, make some sense of our world by throwing thoughts and feelings around and maybe get some constructive suggestions/criticisms in return.

I'm not sure if I understand how telling somebody that they 'sound like an idiot' (when they'r not) can possible be considered as constructive criticism.

Everybody has a story to tell! Making rude or potentially hurtful comments to other people just because they have a different style of doing things - can't possibly help anybody.
Kelly said…
Anonymous definitely doesn't get you or what you were saying. I don't think you need to address this or clarify your thoughts; It's ashame when you need to defend your good intentions.

I feel for this person that they don't see the power of the "little" things that can help a person in a time of need. Sad for this person., but a fabulous friend and caring and loving person!
It amazes me that people will make an effort to be mean and spiteful, how terrible for you! I think you're being very considerate, and as someone who has traveled quite a bit there are a lot of cultural things to think about. I hope you find a way to reach out that feels good to both you and your coworker, and I'll be praying for that sweet little boy.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Anonymous commments are about the most lame thing ever. I get them all the time and RARELY publish them... and the fact that you published this awful one means you are a better person than I am. This person has 2 your blog or DON´T... nowhere in the blogging community, is anyone forced to read anything. So you don´t owe anyone an explanation about your line of thinking..... those of us who know you and love reading your blog undertand what you mean about things like this. So Anonymous should either 1) come out of the closet or 2) STOP LOGGING ON TO AMERICAN IN NORWAY! :o)
Jill said…
Oooooohhhh, that anonymous comment really perturbed me - I can't imagine how you felt when you read it.

As a fellow expat, I do understand how cultural differences really do play a part in how we react and interact with every day life. You were spot on with your posting... and while I too know that prayer isn't going to cure your friend's son, we can all take more than a moment to think about that family, pray for a cure, and be thankful for what we have at the same time.

Shame on anonymous for their comment. Can't we all just get along?
Robbi said…
Hei Tressa,

Don't let that person get you down. You are doing the right thing, and I am sure Hanne would be so grateful for the prayers and anyone reaching out to help her while she's in the US.

I just had a mastectomy less than a month ago, at age 42, because of breast cancer. So many people have prayed for me, including strangers. The prayers meant a lot to me. Now I am officially cancer-free! :-D

There have been medical studies done that prove the power of prayer.

It's great you want to reach out and help while they're in the US, and when they come home all healthy and cancer-free!

Also, it's so wonderful to see the blogging community and your commenters ready and willing to help Hanne and her son if they are in the area. If they are in my area, I will do what I can to help even though I'm still in recovery.


Robbi in Lake Tahoe, CA
Anonymous said…
If someone doesn't believe in the power of prayer, then it won't work. It sounds to me that we should be offering Anon a hug - perhaps she or he has recently lost a dear one through cancer or a brain tumour? Prayer can't cure a tumour, but it can be a comfort and support along the way... So - to Anon - I'm sorry for your loss.

As someone who lost a member of her family to cancer (in the lungs and then a brain tumour) just before Christmas, I can tell you that being positive, being affirmative, being loving and supportive REALLY does make a difference! I would say that prayer definitely includes many, if not all, of these elements.

I certainly hope you find your friend and can offer the hand of support and friendship, and prayer.. because, believe me, it is of great comfort at a time like this.
Skogkjerring said…
I agree that you shouldn't give Anonymous the time of day. Stay true to the truths you know what you meant and that is all that is important. I understand fully the cultural differences, we don't do things the same here in Norway as in America..but since your friend is in America, I don't think it would be unthought of to offer some help through friends if you have friends or family in the area she is at. She is in our country and that is how we do it in our country and the bottom line, anyone in that situation would welcome thoughtfullness during such a rough time, even if they don't admit it.
And prayer doesn't have any effect on cancer???? Sure as heck can't hurt...
Julie H said…
Someone is obviously an athiest and does not believe in the power of prayer.
KCLC said…
Annon the troll is the one who sounds to be idiotic. And if they can go to someones blog and write such a rude, hurtful thing....its so obvious to me why their prayers may not work for them.

You are a good person and I totally get what you were and are trying to say.

P.S. I bet you Anon is kin to my aisle 5 lady. ;)
Janet said…
I think Anonymous has her own issues and has unfortunately decided to vent on a compassionate person who wants to do something for a virtual stranger, which is much more than most of us do. This world has gotten callous & careless so to even think of or worry about someone else this way is going above & beyond in my opinion.

On the prayer issue I have to say as a Christian it is difficult for me to pray for healing. Many times in my life loved ones have died in spite of prayer (I won't go into the "why God?" part of it, that has to be a whole blog on its own). But I have also heard of miraculous healing so IT CAN'T HURT.
Corinne said…
I'm not very religious either, my beliefs about God are starting to stray from the beaten Christian/Catholic path, but one thing I do believe is that prayer for someone is intention. When Sverre's uncle was ill, my first instinct was to get out the casserole dish, and it took almost all of Sverre's family to convince me it wasn't needed (or particularly wanted, either). We've already talked about my whole situation. I think offering your prayers while your friend is in the States is a good thing. Just knowing that others are thinking about her and her family can lend her confidence. Support comes in so many ways, and all are "tangible." I would not have handled that comment as well as you, probably would have just reposted it and written "*&^$ off" underneath. If not deleted it straight off. Good on you for explaining your position, even if you didn't need to.
Anonymous said…
don't ever feel like you have to defend yourself against nasty comments. everyone who reads your blog knows what you're like, and really, if you can put yourself out there with this blog, negative commenters should be have the balls to sign their names.
Becky said…
That's so funny, almost sad. I know what I am talking about here, my husband just recently passed away from colon cancer at the age of 35. No, prayer did not cure his cancer obviously, but what a comfort it gave him and me as we stuggled through our last battle together. Prayer is a communication with our Father in Heaven, ultimately it is His choice whether it is someones time to go home or stay awhile longer on this earth. Don't knock prayer anonymous person, it is powerful, comforting and needed in any dark trial we may be facing. I will certainly pray for your friends child, my prayer may not be answered how I want it to but that's all apart of our growing process, we don't always get what we want. I miss my husband horribly. We have 7 beautiful children and now it is my task to raise them without my spouses help. I choose not to be mad at God but perservere and pray for strength every day!
LuckyMe said…
Your readers have already said everything I feel about that nasty blogger. The fact that she/he posted anonymously tells me she is not willing to let anyone, even strangers know this ugly side of her. I feel bad for people who are unwittingly coming in contact with her IRL.
Come out of the closet and show yourself!
WheresMyAngels said…
Alot of the SITSers seem to be getting nasty comments latey. Wonder if it is the same person?

And like everyone else said, you have no need to explain yourself.

Some people have nothing better to do then belittle others.
Mammatalk said…
Wow. That's all I can say. Speechless, I am!
Some people are just plan old rude!! Sorry you have encountered one of them!
Mum-me said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mum-me said…
(I just left a comment but then somehow it deleted? How did I do that?)

Hey I was just going to say don't let 'anonymous' get you down. People that won't put their name to their comment aren't worth worrying about, as many have already written here.

Good on you for writing down your feelings in the first place, and then taking the time to explain the cultural context to 'anonymous'.
Rebecca Jo said…
WOW... people love to have strong opinions when they dont share their name.... dont sweat it!!! And keep praying... no matter what!
Donna said…
I used to live in Armenia, and when a friend's wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer, all of my Armenian friends said I should pretend I didn't know - basically ignore the guy's pain. Of course, I couldn't do that, so when I saw him, I said "I heard you're having a rough time." He turned and RAN. Apparently, I should have listened to my friends, as they knew better than I what was appropriate.

You need to do what is right for Norwegians when you're in Norway, no doubt about it. Even if that means all you can do is pray for now.

BUT - I'm with you - if she's in America, and she's anywhere near your American friends and family, you should enlist them to stop by and help her. Think about it: she's in a foreign country and might not know how to get internet access, phone cards, even groceries. When my baby boy was sick, it was an awful time, and I relied heavily on other people's prayers AND help. But at least, at the time, I was in my own country.

You are right to think of her, to pray for her, and to wonder what you can do that is culturally appropriate.

That's my 2 cents, anyway. Sorry to babble on.
Oh girl...don't even worry about that anon commenter. We all know your true heart and how kind and generous you are! Dont' give it a second thought. And prayer IS powerful. SO very powerful!

And for that anon reader, just check out Harper's progress, and that will tell you the power of prayer!
Nicole said…
I think the idiot is the anon person who is to chicken to show their identity. Anyone who has a heart would have the same feelings as you. It's easier said than done to just find out where they are! Here in America we have patient confidentiality, they wont give you the info even if you paid them!!! Good luck and I will pray for her little boy. That is my worst fear.
Anonymous said…
All good natured American expat women surrounded by indifference and egoism, so sad. They doubt themselves whether simple act of empathy is ok in Norway? Well, I don't know. Who said that living among barbarians would be easy? Also, "acting like an idiot" among others , means finding imaginary obstacles to task at hand. And yes, I really want to "slap silly" all of you for flapping your wings and pretending you can fly.
sues2u2 said…
Yes, prayer CAN cure cancer but it is always in the Lord's time not ours. Whether it is on this earth or w/ him, our friends & loved ones are cured.

True story. A 18 yr old boy in my parent's congregation was diagnosed w/ a particularly aggressive form of cancer. He was not given much of a chance for survival. In fact he was given a short time frame for life. That was 2 yrs ago & 1 1/2 yrs ago he was pronounced cancer free. (and still is!)

Prayer isn't always for the victims of such horrible illnesses either. Prayer is for all of us to give us peace & comfort when we can't do much else. Just the act of doing for someone helps us to be simply - more.

Anon - Tressa has tried to let you know her feelings & explained her reasoning. You should also respect this. Take it to your own blog & vent as much as you'd like. Oh & my prayers are for you as well as Hanne, her son, & Tressa. Why? Because you sound like you are truly hurting. And Tressa? You go, girl!
What A Card said…
People stink. And I'd like to point out that Anonymous sounds like AND (sic) idiot.

And I'm sorry you're finding it difficult with the cultural differences to find a way to reach out and help. It's always difficult to know what to do for someone going through a tough time, and adding in the cultural issue is just further complicating things. My thoughts are with this family!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous is a coward! You are not an idiot. And you are right...praying is something you CAN do. God and religion are not much without Faith. Unfortunately not everyone is meant to heal....but it doesn't mean we don't ask.
AndreaLeigh said…
wow, what a rude comment. i wouldn't worry about anyone who isn't brave enough to post under their own blog or name.

stopping by from sits, by the way. you sound like a thoughtful and genuine person. the best thing you can do, IMO, is pray.
Yarni Gras! said…
YI know what you mean about Americans in other countries. We DO do things differently so don't beat yourself up or try to explain yourself to someone who won't even SIGN HER/HIS NAME
At this point, the only thing YOU can do IS pray, so pray hard.
Lacy Kline said…
How the heck does anonymous know if prayers help or not! I firmly believe that good thoughts and prayers can help so you just keep on praying. And also keep being American, there is nothing wrong with being concerned and I agree that in the same situation I would want to know that people are thinking of me and my baby. Cancer is a scary scary thing and everyone feels helpless in the face of it. If it helps you to pray and try to get in touch with her than do it and don't worry about what some dork says on your blog or what the Norwegians think. I love the fact that in America when the chips are down, people come through. Maybe prayer doesn't cure cancer and maybe it does but either way it doesn't hurt. People can be so mean. Shake it off, you are doing the right thing. Keep us posted and I will send my prayers Hanne's way!
Anonymous said…
Wow, you got a lot of comments - I am glad bloggers spoke up - since you are the one in that situation, prayer and contemplation calms and slows us down, and will help you to decide what you need to do, or not do.

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