The Better Parent...

Sometimes.... Bjørn amazes me..

Like last year when he took charge of Dane's birthday...threw together a cake in 1/2 hour & played laser tag with the boys... although the party was over at 3...the guests stayed until 8 pm....
& Dane exclaimed
"Wow-THAT was my best birthday party EVER..."

(really? what about all of the hand painted motorcycle cookies to go with the Harley Theme that I stayed up until 5 am making the year before last ? never mind...)

Or how he can calmly ask the kids to do something & (gasp) they get up to do it.....

Or how he can make them feel better when they are sick...
(as long as poop & puke are not involved...)

Maybe...just maybe
But then I remember the time I came home & he had our

5 mo. old strapped to the lawnmower...
(so he could watch the baby AND cut the grass...isn't he CLEVER) It was a real show for the neighbors... which was weirder, the Norwegian with baby on the mower or the screaming HYSTERICAL ( for the photo) mother.... ?

Friday Foto Fiesta..Only in Norway
It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!


Skogkjerring said…
Oh my gosh, your husband and mine would get along like to peas in a pod...that contraption looks like something Stig would have come up with!!! Is it men or is it Norwegian Men??? My kids probably think Stig is more fun then me, but otherwise I don't think he holds a candle to the relationship I have with the it's ok, I give him the fun title..I'm so generous don't ya think????
OMGosh that lawn mower thing is the greatest. I bet your kid was lovin it.

My kids adore their daddy too and Jon does just about anything for them including making cakes and things of the like. He is a great Dad.
Anonymous said…
OMG...that is hilarious...and ingenious! I'm slightly impressed.
Miss Kim said…
Love it!! Now could they invent something like that so that they could take them along to work??
cat said…
This is hysterical - must show the hubby. Wonder if he will fit twins on the mower?
Holy Cow...I think I would have had a heart attack if my hubby did that!!!
Corinne said…
That is so funny! LOL, I'm sure the neighbors' jaws dropped. Thanks for the smile today!
Anonymous said…
OMG. Thank goodness for pictures cause if you told that story without them I'd have thought you made it up.

Points for creativity to Bjorn though, lol!
Anonymous said…
OMG that is CLASSIC! Serious manliness right there ;)
WheresMyAngels said…
OMG! Your husband would of been DEAD, DEAD, DEAD and BURIED, if I would of came home to that! lol Now I got to send this post to a friend of mine cause her son is always doing things like this and she loves to send me the pictures to get me riled up. I'll have to tell her your husband has her son beat! lol

Lately, I've only been posting once a week and reading (once a week), til life calms down! If Ever!! lol
MoMo 2.0 said…
I agree with Blogging Mama.... I would never have believed this if we had not had photo evidence!!! TOOO FUNNY! Sometimes guys are SUCH guys!
hexe said…
My husband is definately the "funner" parent. But I agree with Amy, I am the one who is here everyday after school, who goes on the field trips, and drives them everywhere. We never intended to be the "traditional" household, but it just worked out that way.

My husband would love the kids on the lawn mower idea. A few years back Hubby broke down and bought a riding lawn mower. We live about a mile from the store and rather than pay the deliver charge, he rode the lawn mower home - crossed a six lane major road on a lawn mover and drove the thins up a major hill. Strangers hung out their car windows, taking pictures with their phones. Men . . .
That is hilarious! So creative! I am surprised my husband has not tried that yet!!! Happy Fx4!
JWilson said…
OMG this is hilarious! I love it, thanks for sharing.
sues2u2 said…
I thought my Hubby wrapping duct tape around my baby's legs, arms & midsection (along w/ plastic wrap) was the bomb, but Bjorn totally has him beat!

You always brighten my day! Tell Bjorn "thanks" too. This was great!!!
Becky said…
Now that's creative!
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry - that is so hilarious!! Kind of dangerous, but hilarious...
my2boyz said…
LOL!!!! That is so flippin funny! I LOVE IT!!!
Scary Mommy said…
I am so relieved that I'm not the only one married to a man like that, LOL!!!!! Smart to take pictures for evidence later!!
Linda said…
Well, he was very creative but I would have been scared to death!
Lacy Kline said…
You just made my day. That is soooo typical of a Dad, they do the weirdest things sometimes. My husband totally has that "nothing will happen" attitude that drives me crazy but I think that's one reason that my daughter likes hanging with him so much. She gets away with so much more when Dad's around.
ACR said…
I think my hubby has done just about the same thing too.. :)

Thanks for stopping by - I have visited your site via Candid Carrie a few times as well... Nice to meet you!

:) Amy (aka MommaRitz)
MediMonsters said…
Very inventive and creative! Too funny!
RBK's Realm said…
The male mind never fails to amaze me with its ingenuity. That is funny and I have to admit scary!
Candid Carrie said…
Alright, Mrs. America. This is the first time I have ever called my husband to come all the way in to my office to look at a picture!

This is absolutely fabulous!

And ... you are writing with so much enthusiasm and energy that I am no exhausted.

Happy Happy F x 4,

Robin said…
OH OH that is too much. Is there anyway I could talk you into letting me use that picture in my safety training (what not to do of course) lol No names, I swear.
That is the funniest thing I've ever seen!!!!!
Karen said…
I feel your pain. My husband is by far the better parent. Aren't we the luckiest girls in the world?
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh Tressa... you never shared that one with me. That is hilarious (but I would have killed him). Can't wait to show Jason that one!
Bethany said…
OMG that is hysterical! My dad would totally freak though, he's a safety nut-- when I would mow their lawn, I had to wear HIS steel tipped boots which of course were huge on me since I was only 10...LOL
Ha ha! LOVE that shot of the baby on the lawn mower. BRILLIANT!

{Sounds like you're both pretty stinkin' awesome in my opinion!}
Unknown said…
That man is nothing short of brilliant! : )

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