L O S E R....

Lets say it together, shall we? L O S E R ... L A Z Y LOSER....that would be me...

I complain all of the time about never having enough time to get things done... I complain about not being organized...bla bla bla bla....

so yesterday I had a day off.... what do you think I managed to get done? (----crickets---)

Kick my 9-year olds ass on Nintendo Wii....again..& again..& again... (while he was at school & couldn't defend himself...)

Now on the bright side... I did finally get on the wii again... where i was greeted with a
"Hey fatty, where ya been? You have gained 5 lbs...."
I did some cardio...little balance (soccer where I FINALLY kicked Dane's butt...) OK I played for 1 hour & 20 min.s (but at least I was moving & not blogging right?)

So I Wii'd, I blogged...(no wait, I didn't) I did 2 loads of laundry & that was it... I even ordered pizza cause I was too lazy to cook.... (I had home Eva home sick...she's still home)

then I met CorinneNorthern Natterings for a few beers to celebrate being an American..... Yippee!

Bjørn is in Germany for a few days for work... so this was going to be my time... my time to shock & amaze him with how much I was able to get done... the house cleaned, stocked fridge.... pamper myself... yes getting that nasty nail polish off of my toes.... SHAVE MY LEGS....

& yet, here I sit on my tail...blogging, watching Oprah.... sigh....

any min. & I am going to jump up & get something done... I am going to have to go into FLY LADY mode http://flylady.com/pages/WhyFly.asp... & start with my timer.... 15 min. cleaning...15 min screwing around... 15 min. cleaning....


The Blonde Duck said…
The Wii sounds like a rather rude video game.
Debie Napoleon said…
It seems to me you just needed some Mii time.
Corinne said…
What a blast last night! Thanks for coming out and joining me, did you see me look like an Icecapades reject trying to walk down the drive? Totally iced over! Sverre enjoyed meeting everyone, and three cheers for reduced-price beer!
Tori said…
I totally relate to the time management challange. I should do the fly lady method... 'cept its not so great with HW. :-(

What a great blog you have! I love the header. I found you through SITS :-D
Simple Answer said…
I love a day where nothing gets done. All that stuff will still be there tomorrow. I say have fun today.
Stephanie said…
My room (i live in the bonus over the garage at my parents) looks like a freaking nightmare. What did I do last night? NOTHING. I need to clean, do laundry, give the dog a bath, I have some spreadsheets to finish for church, the list goes on forever.

So now I don't feel so bad! Thanks :)

okay, I'm just kidding, but hopefully now you don't feel so bad! K? Good.
jewelstreet said…
lol! I never seem to get anything done these days. Although, I have been getting off my butt to exercise which is a change. I also started my organizing party with lots of links the other day so maybe that will inspire me to finally get my workroom all nice.

Sometimes you just need a bit of do nothingness.
That is exactly ME when I have a day off...I NEED to be better but I can't quite get there...maybe tomorrow? *sigh*
Jen Sue Wild said…
I love WII fit!!

Don't be so hard on your self we all have lazy days like that. Hey at least you got your laundry done.
MoMo 2.0 said…
oh think of this way....if you shave today, it will just start growing back tomorrow...so why do it?!

Ok, I am kidding, because I am a DAILY SHAVER! I do not belong in Scandinavia!! LOL
Khadra said…
It's ok to take a rest! You deserve it.
Lacy Kline said…
You crack me up. Don't worry I'm addicted to Mario Kart on the Wii. I played it Monday night for like two hours after Avery went to sleep when I should have been cleaning. So don't worry you're not alone. The Wii is addicting, at least you're getting some exercise in right!?
Anonymous said…

I hope I am not giving vinegar rather than sugar - but ... being the worrier I am ... is little Eva not being sick to her tummy quite a lot?

I hope you don't think I am nosy or anything of the like - it is just sometimes when we live with something we don't see it maybe as clearly as an outsider.

I really enjoy your blog Tressa and you are a great Mummy = so I hope I am not offending you.

All the best from me,

Brenda aka Guelph
Unknown said…
Hey Brenda! I know... I feel like Eva is always coming down with something... this week it had been another cold...stuffy nose, headache (but i think that is due to the congestion)

In all honesty, I could probably send her to pre-school... but when I am off of work, I think it is silly to keep spreading the germs around.... thanks for your concern.... just hope you don't think I have munchhausen by proxy syndrom or something.... ; 0
Debz said…
Any minute I will get up and get those towels out of the laundry and then wash the dishes from last nights dinner. Yep, any minute...
Girl, this is me every single day!

My intention on the way home from work: clean house, wash clothes, and dust and vacuum

Reality: watched Biggest Loser, Facebooked, talked on the phone, ate.

Anonymous said…
Hi Tressa,

Thanks for your reply -I'm glad it is just the "flue thing" at this time of year.

I don't think you have any "syndrome" :)

You sound very "normal" to me !!! Procrastination, sporadic bouts of laziness, needing to lose some weight - I can definitly identify with. I run and own a small art gallery in Orangeville and when it is slow, (like now) I get even slower to the point of coming in and doing NOTHING!! Scary - as this is my income. OH WELL ... as they say.

Anyway - I am really glad you didn't take offense - your little ones are lovely.

Keep smiling!
PiNG aka Patti said…
Oh, I totally get this post! My dearest is away this whole week, and I had all these fantastic plans - rooms I was going to rearrange, some new shelving I was going to magically find and install, etc. It's now Wednesday and yeah - I haven't begun any of it.
LuckyMe said…
Sounds so much like my day!

I checked in with Wii. Yeah, she SIGHS when I get on. Bitch. When the boy gets on, she sorta chirps. I love beating him when he's not home, too.

I did the body test and dropped 9 years in 5 minutes by redoing it. Wii is not all that.
Anonymous said…
Did you see my post yesterday? My dear, you are not alone in the non-productive department!

I keep thinking about the wii thing though. It sounds so fun, if I got one would I really use it to exercise? We have a playstation (for the boys, I don't like video games much) and they never use it. Is the wii worth the bucks??
Eve said…
Well now, you did get two loads of laundry done and exercised with the Wii... that sounds like a productive day to me! ;)
Eve said…
If it makes you feel better, my Wii asks me, on a regular basis, if I find myself stumbling over my own feet. (Shameful sigh) Alas, it's the truth - I am horribly unbalanced.
I totally understand the lazy thing.. more than you know. Don't hate me, but I finally got a maid last year. Once a week for 2.5 hours, and it has been HEAVENLY. The first time she came after christmas year before last my bf/mate and I danced around the kitchen saying "It's a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE". I thought I would get so much more done, organize the basement, do the yard sale, yadda yadda but no. I just play more (how sad and loosery is this) solitaire on the computer.

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