Internet Pirate

Remember this whole Karma thing? Well now my Internet is D O W N... What have I done really? I am a pretty nice person...most of the time... first the broken tooth & now this... I am not going to be fun to live with this weekend.. my apologies to the family ahead of time....

So if I don't have Internet how am I posting? I am an Internet pirate...ARRRGHHHHH...

I am the one your mother warned you about... tapping into your line to BLOG...

Seriously, not sure how long the connection will last... I am sitting in the laundry room trying to keep the connection... lets all say PATHETIC together... you know you are addicted when...

So if I go M.I.A.... A G A I N... you know why...

it isn't because my life isn't extremely exciting (because it is...) or because I don't have anything witty to write... (because I do...) it is because Karma is a bi-otch & I am being punished for something....


Corinne said…
Everyone in our range has locked their's so rude! I'm an hour from Fredrikstad, we're just outside Oslo city center. Right now my Norwegian is aweful! Forferderlig! I can hold a small conversation with hubby and his family, but anyone else and I'm tongue tied. I think it amuses the guys at Kiwi immensly. I didn't realize that the AWC met on the second Tuesdays...I think I checked too late and missed the registration deadline. Maybe next time?
SabrinaT said…
We have ours locked, otherwise I would let you tap into it..
Hope you get it fixed soon.
Christelle said…
I was just going over some of your posts and then I saw your comment on my blog. I'm not from Guelph, my family lives in Ottawa and I was born in Toronto but I do have relatives in the Guelph/Orangeville area. Could be them. Or could be some stranger cause it's so weird how you pick up followers and commenters that you have no idea how they stumbled upon your blog. Anyways, thanks for checking my blog and just to let you know I still really enjoy your writing when I get a chance to read it (who knew babies were so time consuming, I thought they were supposed to nap most of the day or play quietly and contentedly gooing while Mommy reads or uses the computer).
Lizzie said…
ohh i pirated internet once when we were on vacation. i some how accidentally hooked up to someones wi-fi in their home. i have no clue how it happened. but i was stocked! in the back of my min i kept thinking the internet police were going to come crashing threw the window on ropes and SWAT gear and arrest me. oddly... that never happened :) good luck karma queen!!
Lizzie said…
ok, i don't mean to comment again (yes i do) but i just saw your little "top commenter thing" and i was 1 comment from the top. WHAT?! 1 away? NO so hello, this is me commenting 1 more time to be the champ. YES I SSSOOOO RULE!

this is stupid i know, it's early, i'm tired. i get satisfaction in the weirdest places :)

so for maybe the next 3 minutes i will know i did my best, hee hee

hope you have a great weekend :)
Stephanie said…
Oh my goodness poor thing!!!

I am an internet pirate myself when needed and available :)
Frizzy said…
Here's to carma biting itself on the bum!
binks said…
Sucks about your internet.

Those airwaves are free, right?
No one asked those peeps to leave their connection open, right?

It is not your fault that you computer found those airwaves, right?
Anonymous said… crack me up....I'm so did I get soooo behind on your blog. I'm doing a AIN marathon right now to catch up!!!!

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