Love him or hate him... this is funny...

Hee hee... I stole this from my little sisters blog... I thought this was funny...


Anonymous said…
"Goobye bush". Love it!!!
Brittany said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't agree more, that's why I got myself a wax ysterday;)
Sarah - Kala said…
My girl and I are laughing our arses off! Thanks for the funny!!
Unknown said…
LOL... that toooo funny :-)

Even if it did take me a few seconds to get it. Still sleepy from my short nap :-)
I'm coming out of the Dork Closet to tell you that I just didn't see anything funny about Obama doing some baby-hugging.....

oh. Veet. Bush. Got it.


(slithering back into closet)
What A Card said…
Hee, that's so funny!
Briya said…
AAAHAHAHAHAHA...I bought some Veet for that purpose exactly.
Scary Mommy said…
Veet is suddenly the coolest product EVER!!!
Anonymous said…
hahahaha....that is so funny...I love it!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
"Samantha Jones" would be so proud of that ad!!!! She always told the girls to say goodbye to the bush!
binks said…
ROFL! Reminds me of a SNL skit.
Batgirl said…
Haha, that’s brilliant! :-) I was looking at it, going: OK, Obama is holding a baby, and that means Goodbye Bush? And then I spotted Veet and got the joke! A little slow? Me? Never! :-)
Debz said…
OMG!! I don't even want to tell you how many times I had to look at it before I got the "funny". But oh man was that funny!!
Lizzie said…
that is too funny!

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