Thankful Thursday...

So I thought I would do something different today....something totally out of character... I was going to tell y'allwhat I am thankful for....

** just a note... I have been planning on doing this post all week...& it wasn't brought on by someone implying that I might be a negative WHINER on my blog... who MOI?

I was waiting for Thursday so i would have the whole TH--- thing working for me... THankful..THursday.. you know?

1.) I am sooo THANKFUL for my wonderful & loving Husband & Children... (yes the ones I complain about making me CRAZY...)

2.) I am THANKFUL for the warm home I have...(yes, the one i bitch about having to clean all of the time...)

3. ) I am THANKFUL for my job...(the one, which sometimes i am sooo tired, I complain about having to get up.)

4.) I am THANKFUL for Bjørn's job...(although I complain about him traveling all of the time...)

5.) I am THANKFUL for the messes I have because the kids both have friends over...(It means they are starting to fit in & feel at home here in Norway)

6.) i am THANKFUL for Christina new England for getting me over the hump of 73 followers.. (thanks chic, the check is in the mail!)

OK I am going to stop before you all start throwing up.... Seriously...I am very THANKFUL for the life I have... i am blessed..i KNOW that....

I just choose not to write about how PERFECT my life is because, I am p r e t t y s u r e you would get bored with me telling you how much money we have & how perfect my ass & boobs are after all of these years... You would get sick of me & start resenting my "perfect-ness".... I just know it!

I bitch & complain cause, ...that is just my "thing"..but in no way do I walk around like Eeyore, hating my life or hating Norway.... so if I gave y'all that impression... well sorry to disappoint... in real life, I am like a big bubble of sunshine.. seriously... I mean it...


Tomorrow is Friday....Yea! oh ya, also a trip to the dentist... crap..

P.S... You from Guelph..yes, YOU! One of my very bestest friends Inge, is from you know her? i mean Guelph isn't that big is it? Thank you for visiting about leaving me a comment? OK..I just wanted to let you know this girl from Norway has actually BEEN to Guelph... kindda cool eh? ( I am going to feel like a TOTAL dork is this actually is Inge...) anywho...

(don't y'all feel like finding out who is reading you expecially when you know someone from that town..or you used to live there? )


jewelstreet said…
I'm always curious about posters. I like to think of it as secret admirers. Like I have scores and scores of secret admirers who love me. Just kidding! I'm not that full of myself.
Frizzy said…
It drives me crazy to see someone has come by my blog but obviously didn't leave a comment. Esp. if I know someone in that town. It's a bit creepy when someone in a strange place comes by regularly but never comments. What can you do but hope they'll stop lurking and leave a comment. Then again, I like how you called your visitor on the carpet! It'll be interesting to see if they continue to come back.
Miss Kim said…
I'll delurk for a minute or two :) and betcha never had a visitor from Albania! Love your blog but I read it on my Google reader most of the time.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
the bitching is more fun to read..... So please keep it up!!! LOL
Dear Sunshine:

I got 300 separate hits yesterday. And 40ish comments. Who are all those other people?

Much love,
Congrats on the perfect bod! :)
Loved your thankful post... also don't mind your complaint posts in the slightest... you can always make me laugh!
Khadra said…
Im glad you have a good life!

Guelph Ontario? or another Guelph?
Anonymous said…
Hello Tressa,

Guelph here .... not really, I am from Orangeville, about 35 minutes from Guelph - but I guess my server must be Guelph.

I am Christelle's aunt and found your blog after her younger sister Maureen shared the funny "gingerbread man" story at Christmas when we all met little Jonah.

I have only ever followed Christelle's blog to see her home in Japan and Jonah, so this is new to me - but a pleasure.

I have really enjoyed your blog, your humour, your writing style and your strength as a woman living abroad. I was a flight attendant during the 1980's and travelled a lot - enjoyed it all - but not sure I would have the strength you have to leave family and "security" to live away from home. So - hats off to you. And, thank you for an enjoyable read and letting others into you life through the blog.

Keep smiling !!

Brenda Chabot
Star Forbis said…
Thank you so much for visiting my Blog today & Laughing with me.
Come back anytime.
MaricrisG said…
Being grateful does bring positive view in the way we see the day ahead of us. I would be lucky yet if someone I know find me. My name is searchable online but no luck! :)

Zen Ventures
Golden Flower Creations
Kelly said…
This post just cracked me Tressa!!
Stephanie said…
it is good to list the things we are thankful for every once in a while! And I never thought you were a debbie downer ;)
Maki said…
I love this list!!

Well, I'm thankful for you visiting my blog yesterday and supporting my big day!!

Thanks so much:)

Stay in touch!
debi9kids said…
Great list! You have so much to be thankful for!
many blessings!
Anonymous said…
Oooh.. you have burst my bubble! ;-) So, now you tell me you are leading a perfect Stepford-wife life?

LOL! Funny post!
Anonymous said…
It's your blog. Whine. Bitch. Moan.

If you stop, then I'll be all alone in the WBM blog land.

Good post and likely something more of us should do weekly, remember why we love things!
binks said…
Nice job. Sometimes it is nice to stop and smell the roses.

Funny, I had a reader from the little town in Tenn. that my ex lives in. I just figured he or his wife found the blog. Turned out, it was a very funny blogger, Suburb Sanity.
I was very relieved.
Anonymous said…
Was someone bitching because you were bitching? I like actually makes me happy....and I don't ever mean anything by it.....
Yarni Gras! said…
what a great post....btw, in your perfectness you have 73 followers? yeah, I have 5....sometimes 6 or 7 but mostly 5. I guess my blog sucks. oh well
As it's Thankful Thursday once again, Thanks for the mention! Just catching up now, back at work after being home sick with the flu, and in a really boring phone meeting. Reading your blog is way more fun!

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