Mommy's night out...

Wooo Hooo... Mommy is getting a night out...(yes, this mommy...)

& better yet... it is a night out with a bunch of other American Mommys.....

y'all can't possibly understand how nice it is going to be to have a night with only ENGLISH.... & Americans.... (don't be hating on me, all you Norwegian mommy's out there who want to be my friend... your time will come...I just need a little taste of the USA... )

Wouldn't it totally suck if they were mean uptight women too? I mean, after my last social event not sure I can take much more!

I am on my way out to hear a speaker with the American Women's club... at this point I could care less about the topic... the point is it will be with other ex pats... ( I have never been before... ¨'I am sounding like a huge ol' dork now, I am aren't I)

Oh well ... I think it is well deserved don't you?

P.S. Grumpy mom hasn't said anything to me yet....

P.S.S. someone asked in my previous post, about Norwegian women.. I have a lot of really good Norwegian friends... just these 2 in particular were on the bitchy side... & I am much more shy /maybe more sensitive, over here out of my element, than I would be at home....


Scary Mommy said…
Hey, I consider a night out the grocery store sans children!! Sounds like fun!
Jen Sue Wild said…
I hope you have so much fun to night!!
jewelstreet said…
You are going to have an awesome time because I said so. I'm sure all the other women will be the same as you- ready for a night out with English. Just be friendly and outgoing and nice. Works like a charm every time.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
very great idea! I think you deserve it after all those christmas parties! If it is like most "american parties" lately, the theme will be Obama! enjoy!
Debz said…
Not many others I can think of deserve it more. Relax and pretend to listen to what the speaker is saying.
Stephanie said…
Hope you have a GREAT time!!
Khadra said…
Hope you enjoyed your night out. We will be expecting a re-cap. And I understand. When I lived in Japan, I didnt care what country someone was from as long as they spoke English as their first language I was good. I just needed to feel a little bit of home every once in a while.
Kelly said…
Yeah!! Enjoy yourself...go eat some hot dogs and apple pie (with milk ;)
Frizzy said…
Have a great time! Yes, you do deserve it! I remember feeling exactly this way myself while living in Italy. Something about just a few hours of something familiar and from HOME IE USA makes you feel new again.
Batgirl said…
Hope you had a great night out! Can totally understand the need to talk to someone "from home"! No need to explain certain terms, you're not the only one laughing at something only people from home would know about at the movies, etc. I watched a movie here in Norway once, can't remember which one of course, where the main character was faced with a difficult decision. The music that pipes up in the background is the "waiting" music from Jeopardy, and I was the only one who got it, and laughed, leaving everyone else to look at me funny. I used to not like that, but now I tend to relish those moments :-)

Although it would be nice to have someone else laughing too!
The housewife said…
Hope it was loads of fun! So when do we get to hear all about it huh.......
Corinne said…
"Ooo was our meeting NOT pleasant... i will try to be better behaved next time."

If by better behaved you mean we get the waitress to come around more often with fresh beer so you can tell even more hysterical stories I'm definitely taking you up on that promise!

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