
So of course while mommy was enjoying her girls night out...(more about that later....I had a blast)

My baby boy was having his heart broken....sigh...& I wasn't home.....

I made it home at about 2 am this morning... Bjorn's alarm went off at 5:oo...I rolled over & asked how Dane's "Boy" Scouts went last night (here in Norway boys & girls do scouts together until they get to a certain age....)

"Ugh...not good... Amalie broke up with Dane & he burned his hand in the fire...." Me..."Shit..."

last night was the first meeting after Christmas... Dane was SOOOO excited to get back & see this little girl... my mother had sent him a Hannah Montana bag from the states to give her for Christmas....

I suggested he waited to see how it went, before he gave her the bag...(Thank you lord....)

So this morning after he woke up, he crawled into bed with me & said "Mom, Amalie dumped me..." I asked what happened & said as soon as he walked into the meeting she gave him the
"Its not you...its ME...speech..." She is now going out with a boy from her class... "they saw each other at the pool & it was love at first sight..." (I think I was 19 before I perfected my "It's not you, its ME"..speech...)

HOLY CRAP... can I just remind you all that these kids a NINE...9.... i say good riddance... This little one is moving a little TOO FAST for my baby boy....

But still his little heart is broken.... he asked me if he could quit boy scouts.... (my heart is breaking now...)

Do I sound like a horrible person if I have the urge to go over &
pull this little girls pig tails?

I sooo don't think I am ready for all of this... here's hoping we wait a while before he falls in "love again!"

Comments from yesterdays post...

Kat said...
"I am so glad that you have a group of Americans that you can be with.

Do you speak English at home with the kids - or Norwegian?

Thanks for the questions Kat.....
I speak English at home to the entire family... Dane & Bjørn speak English back to me... Eva speaks..."Nor-English".... The rest of the family speak Norwegian all of the time....I TRY to speak only English, so that my kids will always be comfortable speaking BOTH languages.... it is such a benefit of being part of a multi-cultural family...... Once i leave the house however, it is all Norwegian, all of the time...

And here is another question for ya. There are a number of ex-pats living around us. Some from Australia, England, Germany, Japan. And they are like supah-stars. Cause they are from somewhere else.

I know Americans LOVE the whole "foreign thing...." I think it is so endearing that Americans will try to throw out whatever they can in order to speak the foreigners language... HAR DU DET BRA? usually yelling it...(because it is easier to understand when you yell) I'm Norwegian (German , Italian) my great great great grandpa came over...."

Umm...nope, it isn't the same excitement over here... every once & a while someone will get excited that i am an American because they lived in the states before or have family there... but it isn't really that "cool" over here... then again... maybe they do think it is cool, but just wouldn't say that too me? Norwegians tend to be pretty reserved, so I can't see many of them stopping me & saying "OMG, your American...SOOO COOL!"

& a Big ol Thank you to Marsha for the nice comment & for following me...
I appreciate it.. you made me feel like a SUPAH-STAR..


The Blonde Duck said…
Little girls are dieting at nine too and wearing skirts and heels. Everything's moving too fast! Hope your son feels better!
Anonymous said…
Oh yea! I have never been mentioned in someone's blog before! Now I feel like a supa-star!
Simple Answer said…
How does one get dumped at 9? What a cruel world we live in.
jewelstreet said…
Maybe my 9yr old isn't growing up as fsst as I thought then. No boyfriends here, and I don't really have to worry about heels because she's a tomboy.
Thanks for answering my questions! I love reading all the ex-pats blogs - because it is so interesting. I suppose because we have not really traveled. And I am sorry that you don't get the supahstar status that you would get here :-)

And Dane. That is rough. But I think my 11 year old has done some heartbreaking herself.
Leah said…
I'm not sure I even knew what a boyfriend was at 9... this makes me a bit scared to have kids! Poor Dane, that sucks :(
Frizzy said…
I am very fearful of what is in store for our kids. Sorry your little one's heart was broken. Breaks my heart to hear it. Hang in there. Thankfully, like booboos (not boobs LOL) on the skin, kids are pretty resilient with their emotions too. Who knows maybe he'll have a new love by the time you see him tonight.
Debz said…
Well she sounds like a trollop or a harlot or whatever the appropriate term is for a 9 year old who broke your baby boys heart.

Glad you had a good time and I hope Dane finds someone else to take his mind off the mean girl.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
pull her pigtails AND stick them in ink..... what a turkey!
Unknown said…
Hehehehe ... I know all about that
'supah-star' thing.

I've learned that I really need to keep my mouth shut, when I'm out, 'cos Americans are all over me when they hear my accent.

Some of the ploys, used, to keep me talking, are kind of amusing :-)

Poor Dane .. that sucks. Yes, I understand your urge to pull her pigtails :-)

A couple of the girls in Taylor's class, got into a fight over a boy, recently.

This is a 2nd grade class full of 7 and 8 yr olds!!
Stephanie said…
awwwwwwwwwwww that is sooooooo sad!!!

Poor thing!

But I am glad you had a good time!!
KCLC said…
The girl likes Miley Cyrus. Enough said. LOL
Khadra said…
Poor Dane :( Im so not looking forward to the boy-girl thing.
Paige & Bryan said…
Any girl that knows tat speech at 9 is not worth it! I didn't use that until I was in my 20s. Dane is way too cute to worry about her.

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