Power of Prayer....


Kelli Nørgaard said…
oh my..... I cannot even fathom what this mom is going through, but she will be on our hearts and on our minds today.
And she is lucky to have you as a friend...praying for her when she does not even know it.
Skogkjerring said…
The first thing I thought when I read this was- DAMN Norwegian medical system- if they practiced more preventative medicine rather then just treating something when they are SURE there is something maybe this could have been avoided..

As far as what you should do, follow your heart, if you can get in touch with her family perhaps you can find out where she is and perhaps you know someone in the area who could offer her some suppoert- a warm homecooked meal- when I was with my mom for five weeks in the hospital in Dallas, a home cooked meal would have been a dream for my dad and I...we ate every meal out...
If you can't get hold of her, then yeah- pray...I'm like you, believe in God but do not feel I have to go into a church to make my belief real...and the prayer is powerful, I believe that.
Will keep Hannah and her son in our thoughts..
SabrinaT said…
Batgirl said…
This is terrible! I hope he'll be OK - and I hope the hospital gets what's coming to it! They've been in the papers so many times the past couple of years. This is what our taxes are paying for? I'll bet any US hospital administrator could do wonders with the budgets these hospitals are getting!
The housewife said…
Oh my Goodness - I read that article in the newspaper and discussed it with hubby (in the light of that particular hospital having so many complaints during the last few years).

Will be sending Hannah and her son lots of positive energy and love.

And maybe something to consider - If you and Hannah hit it off because you are you - then she might like you to continue behaving just like you normally do.
Suzanne said…
Prayers? You got 'em. And if she's at the University of Chicago Hospital I'll go down and sit with her. I don't speak Norwegian, and maybe she doesn't speak English but I know we both speak the language of "mom".

I feel for you because I know you're a fun, inquisitive and gregarious person which somehow doesn't jive well with the Norwegian culture. It's hard because it sometimes requires that you can't be "you".

Prayers for Hannah and her son.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

P.S. Find out where she is. Don't listen to the mind your own business stuff because I believe Hannah would be so relieved to hear from you at this time.
Kelly said…
You're being way too hard on yourself acting like you should have known, etc. I think you're helping Hannah greatly by your prayers and your prayer request. I will definitely add her to my prayers.

Do you know her relative's names, etc? If so, you can go on www.zabasearch.com and it will give you info. You can always have Heidi call MD anderson and ask to be connected to Hannah's son's room - that would tell her immediately if he wasn't there.
Anonymous said…
Oh, poor Hannah and her little boy. I will definitely keep them in my prayers. If you find out they are in St.Louis, let me know!

Tressa, there's no need to fight an inner battle...you be you! It doesn't have to be a Norwegian thing or an American thing....it just needs to be you! You seem like a wonderful person to me.
I'm praying!! Please keep us posted if you find out anything more!
Sarah - Kala said…
Well, asking me to pray is like asking the whole Catholic church to get on it all over the place. I'm well connected in that area, so We'll get my mum contacted in Seattle, my inlaws in Iowa, friends in GA, and so on . . . and I'll put in a personal request with the Dominican House in D.C., and post this on my blog.

Thanks for asking us all to pray!!
Anonymous said…
I will add her and her little boy to my prayers Tressa.

Do talk to her family or coworkers if you can - they won't mind - find out where she is and you can send her your message of love and prayers and help to make her feel surrounded by loving supporters.

That Girl said…
How heartbreaking. I will keep them in my prayers--can't imagine going through that with my little bug and I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. I'm in.
Always be true to yourself. You are a kind, loving woman, tender mother and wonderful wife. Trust your instincts, and we'll all pray for this family.
Robbi said…
Praying for Hannah and her son.

Please do keep us updated if you can.

sues2u2 said…
when my son was in the nicu fighting for his life people we didn't know would tell us they were praying for our son. the most surprising one was his russian born nurse! we were in germany @ a universitat hospital.

I agree w/ the others that she likes you for you! be yourself & try everything you can to help her. if she's anywhere in arizona i'll visit & get my church to help as well. and prayers? absolutely!

Please keep us informed as you can. my prayers are for you too.
Barry said…
Prayer is amazing. How great is it that we have a loving God who listens to our prayers and answers them? I think it's wonderful!

You have an excellent blog, by the way.
Ash said…
Look for her. You may feel like you cannot say the right thing or do the right thing to ease her heart, but I'm sure just knowing that you are praying, that someone cares about what happens to her beloved son, would help.

They are in my prayers. Em
Sherrie said…
I will be keeping your friend and her ds in my prayers.
Julie H said…
Oh that's just horrible. I hate the big C.
I'm truly sorry to hear this. It breaks my heart too.

I will lift Hannah and her son up to our Lord!! Prayer is powerful!!
Anonymous said…
i have lived in america for 18 years but now living in norway once again... although medical care here is available to everyone whereas in the united states it isnt... it's much more advanced in the U.S. by far. I will pray that Hannah's son gets better and healthy once again... that is such a shame that they found this out just now rather then checking EVERYTHING from the start. its so sad he is only a little boy... so much life to look forward to. :(

my prayers to him and his family.

p.s. yes im an anonymous, but totally normal girl following your blog. we have a somewhat similar background :)
Mammatalk said…
Oh, keep us updated on this. How heart breaking!
Betsy said…
I hate living with socialized medicine when we were in Germany. My son had a potentially life-threatening problem that was completely missed by our doctors.

I absolutely believe in the power of prayer. I have already prayed for them and will add them to my list.

If they are in Denver, I would gladly go see them. And do go with your gut and try to find out where they are / how they are doing.
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh that is horrible and sounds so much like what happened to my friend Amy. Her adopted son has cerebral palsy and when his eye sight got worse and he was having problems with balance, they just blamed it on the CP. When his seizures got worst, they blamed it on the CP. She got the run around and they never thought to do an MRI. He had a very aggressive rare brain tumor. Power of prayer is so strong. While he is not cured YET, he is doing good right now. My friend Amy has already lost one child (whom died at age 18 months, she had down syndrome with a severe heart defect).

Prayers for your friends child.
Anonymous said…
Sending up prayers for your friend and her son. At least they've made it to the US where treatment will be far better.
LuckyMe said…
What a sad story. Follow your heart. Find out where she is. Of course it must be awful trying to navigate the medical system in a foreign country.

Keep us posted.

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