Woo hoo, THIS is the year!

Yes... once again, I have set GOALS for myself... THIS is THE YEAR!

This year my goals are simple, yet important to me....

This is the year that i will be able to wear a tank top in the summer, without looking like a Russian Weightlifter.....

THIS is the year I will be ORGANIZED.... I mean REALLY ORGANIZED.....

& this is THE year I will be the best mommy I can be.....

This is MY year to make positive changes in my life for ME......

Today is Jan. 5th & today I sent me 9 year old off to school in below freezing weather (I did have a hat & gloves for him...good start) only to find out
THERE is NO SCHOOL TODAY... (it is teacher in service day....)

After roaming the empty halls of the school, Dane found a teacher who informed him there was NO school.... He said all of the other teachers were kind of sitting there giggling.....

I asked him if there were any other kids who showed up? .... NOPE just him....

The kid with the American mother who doesn't read notes sent home for school.... OOPS... (& you know, they ALL KNOW, WHICH KID WAS SENT TO SCHOOL even though it was closed...) Damn...everyone is bound to find out what a crappy non-note reading mother I am FOR SURE..

So instead of having a day of Wii all to myself to kickstart my new life style for 2009.... I have been home with my poor child, overwhelemd and PICKING at everything in the cabinet....

CRAP.... I didn't even make it 5 days without screwing up..... I am off to clean out kiddo's backback & see if there are any additional notes mommy didn't receive......

Tomorrow is another day to screw up right?

I am thinking POSITIVE......POSITIVE ....POSITIVE.....


Mary Ellen said…
Don't worry about it - I've driven my kids to school when there was no school at least five times. In my pj's, too!

Don't get discouraged. You rock as a mom. And nobody's puking, right? Life is good.
Cammie said…
ohhh. bummer! Happy Monday right!
jewelstreet said…
Don't worry about it! No one got hurt. I've done that myself, ummmm, once or twice. I admit it! I've even tried to send her to school when there was a fog delay.
Hilarious. Cause I am so ready to have the wii all to myself too :-)
Anonymous said…
I do love ya but I had to laugh at that. :)

I've missed stuff from school too, everyone's doing it so don't worry.
Anonymous said…
OH dear! And tomorrow is a holiday (Trettondagen..) so make sure it's not a holiday in Norway too!

We have in-service day on Wed - so school is back on Thursday. I'm pretty sure about that... I think...
bless your heart!!!! well, tomorrow is the official start. today was just a test run! you can do it.

p.s. i want a wii!
Stephanie said…
Hahahaha that is so funny! I just read Ashley's Closet and she did the SAME thing! So don't feel bad!! Besides it's monday for heaven sake's. Monday is bound to have one little bump here and there!

Allison said…
Oh I have been the queen of screwing up! Luckily my mom is the secretary at my DD's school or I would do the same thing ALL the time.

Oh I sent my DD in her Brownie uniform and there were no Brownies. She wears a uniform to school so she had to change and borrow clothes.
Khadra said…
it is kinda funny though :)

tomorrow will be better!
Frizzy said…
UGH! I am so sorry to hear about this accident. I agree with jewelstreet. Nobody got hurt and we all make mistakes. Tomorrow will be a better day and again a new beginning.
Unknown said…
You are not alone in that. I sent my kids to school, more than once, when there was no school.

On one occasion, my daughter even tried to tell me there was no school!!

From all I have read, you are definitely a good Mum, just human. So don't beat yourself up, ok :-)
Anonymous said…
I think we sent our kids to school once when it was not in session. I also forgot one and left him at church once.

On another note. I recently finished reading an interesting book by Norwegian author. I believe it was an English translation and was originally in Norwegian. The book was Out Stealing Horses.
The housewife said…
Bwahahahahaha that makes two of us! But I sent both of my boys to school - at the one school no one else had made the same mistake but at my youngest boy's school there were several parents who had made a boo boo.

Hubby had to run after one of the other dad's who drove off leaving his kid behind. Fortunately he saw hubby in the rearview mirror and stopped.

Ahhhhh everything is back to normal.....
Leah said…
What a cute story! In my mind, being a great Mom is not about getting everything right, but making the most of the wrong, and laughing alot along the way.

On a side note, love the blog. Can you tell me whether birth control is covered under the national health system in Norway, or you can purchase over the counter? Just wondering if I should stock up before going...
Kelli Nørgaard said…
You are one tough chic to have shared that with us!! LOL
Debz said…
Yes Tressa. Stay positive! You positively have 360 more days to screw up-lol. Or is this a leap year. One can hope right?

Happy New Year!!
KimmyJ said…
Tomorrow's another day! I have done the opposite and not sent my kid to school because I thought it was closed and ummm, it wasn't! :)
Ya gotta laugh about it!!! hahahaha

and I SO know what you mean about the Wii....my daughters have hogged it all week!
Anonymous said…
OMG! So funny! Poor kid! Bet you'll be more diligent in checking his backpack now! :)
LuckyMe said…
OMG. At least when I send my kids to school on an "OFF" day they just freeze their little butts off at the bus stop for half an hour and then come back.

My neighbor had to take my first grader in a few times when they had half days and I was out doing something frivolous like grocery shopping. What's with the stupid half days?
Anna Lefler said…


Kelly said…
Ah, One of the "Mother of the Year" days...don't fret too much. You worry too much about what those silly Norwegian teachers think of you! You're a great Mom and that's what matters. Plus you've just given Dane fodder to throw back in your face when you're reminiscing in the future :)
WheresMyAngels said…
We would get along so well! I dropped off both my daughters at school once and that was the day I forgot my cell phone at home. Yep no school, it was a teacher workshop!

All your goals seemed like they were made to be mine!
The housewife said…
Tressa - can I email you? Can't find your email address on your profile.....
AP Mommy said…
Stopping by from SITS - Happy New Year.
The Blonde Duck said…
Every day is a new day to screw up! That's my motto!
Mammatalk said…
You're so cute! If it makes you feel any better, when I was an elemetary teacher, there were inservice days that arrived with me sitting at my desk wondering where the kiddos were. :-)
Tiff said…
We got a wii to for Christmas...I am getting wii fit soon..I am sooooo ready for it...I have said no to sweets for now..well okay a treat every once in while..I mean yesterday was my bday...so I had to have cake right..lol...I have also driven my kids to school when is was out...no worries...btw..love your Christmas pics!! :)
tiarastantrums said…
great goals!! Happy new Year
Rhea said…
Oh, man, I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I've done this. It's a horribly embarrassing moment.

But fun to laugh about later...much later.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh....that is so funny!!! I ONLY have not done this yet because Z is too young to go to school. My time will come...oh yes it will! You are not alone, friend!

We have some of the same resolutions this year!!! :)

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