Surprise Honey!....

Unless it is Diamonds, Cash or a vacation somewhere, I do NOT like surprises....

So last night as I am curled up in my college sweats...(not grey) catching up on all of my American TV... (Gossip Girl) the phone rings.... at 10:30

Hubby is on the other end...(the one coming home today from Germany....)

"Surprise Honey! I got an early flight & I am en route from the airport....!"


Not that I don't love my husband very very much... not that I wasn't excited that he was home safe & sound... but the fact that GOSSIP GIRL was on, I was curled up in sweats...wet hair & as I discussed in an earlier post, hadn't done a thing since he left....

Me..." Oh GREEAATTTT! Where are you? How long till you get home? bout 45 min? Suuuuper see you safe... SLOW DOWN...roads are slippery you know... SLOW WAAAAAYYY down..."

(Bjørn knows that I hate it when he comes home unexpected... so I think he really LOVES catching those early flights just to shake up my lazy, I am going to lay on my butt & watch all the shoes he hates kind of nights.....)

What hubby doesn't know is that when it comes to cleaning the house... I am the great pretender.... (cue in the upbeat I start running like a chicken with my head cut off....)

One large basket.... everything off of the dining room table.... Everything in the laundry spray bottle with diluted green soap...(that is the NORWEGIAN smell for CLEAN...) .... low lighting.... within 1/2 hour the house looked ready for company... : )

Bj walks in ..."WOW honey.... the house looks & SMELLS've really been busy!"

"Mmmm ya, you know...." It is hard to be like Martha, but I manage....

So now I am off to really get it down...after my hour of wii... : ) Hope y'all are having an excellent Thursday


Anonymous said…
I may have to borrow those fake cleaning tips from you. I HAE cleaning and I am gonna be screwed when hubby deploys for a year. The day before he comes home, I am gonna have to hire a cleaning crew to clean the house. I hate clutter - hubby is okay with clutter; hubby hates dirt - I am okay with it. Together we have a clean house. When he is gone, the house will be clutter free but dirty. LOL!
jewelstreet said…
Ha! That's funny! Hope you get what you need to accomplished today.
binks said…
Doesn't that just bite? All ready to relax and you've got to pick up the hubby from the airport.

Mine is going out of town for a week. And the Wii is down. Talk about biting!
Mom24 said…
LOL. That's awesome. I hate surprises too, for those very same reasons. You are great that you can pull it off. I'll have to steal some of your tricks.
Batgirl said…
I'm the same way! :-) That's so funny! Mine tends to call me 5 minutes before I'm about to sit down and enjoy a night in front of the TV - I love him to bits, but why doesn't he ring when there's nothing on I'd like to watch? I never thought I'd see the day when I was happy my shows were rerun on TV later on the same week. Need to get one of those decoders that allow you to pause a show.
Debie Napoleon said…
That is so clever...always have the basket handy!
Suzanne said…
I'm the same way. I love the picture your included in your post. It reminds me of my childhood friends mother. She cleaned the house in a shirtwaist dress, pearls and high heels. I'm not kidding. She was just like Donna Reed on TV.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Anonymous said…
i know!! but today is blogging for choice day...
can't wait to see what people have to say...bring it feeling won't get hurt because shhh...i'm right!!!
and i have so much stuff to do today i sit, laptop on lap...mwahahaha...
What A Card said…
Wow, that's me exactly!

Right down to Gossip Girl :)
Debz said…
I hate the "coming home unexpectedly" too. It makes it hard to get the other guy out the back door.
Simple Answer said…
I'm with you - I wouldn't want my gossip girl time interrupted!

i have been there for sure! i never know when hubby is going to appear... i wait until about 3 somedays to 'put on my face' and around 4 i start cleaning like a madwoman... just in case. :)
Jen Sue Wild said…
Thats too funny.
Me and my sister call it the flight of the bumbel bee. We too are really good at fakeing a spotless house. If our DH's only new are tricks. LOL
Tori said…
Oh man I hear you. Nothing like waiting 'til the last minute!
Mammatalk said…
Never heard of fake cleaning before. Gotta give it a try!
Thanks for visiting me on my big, bloggy day! :->
Anonymous said…
I used to call it the four o'clock shuffle. Back in the day when we lived in the US and dh used to be home by 5:30 (can't remember the last time I saw that..) at about 4 I'd start emptying the dish washer, loading dishes (though I usually was pretty uptight about dishes being done asap) do a quick sweep of the floor, clean the counters in the kitchen, wipe the crap off the kid, hustle toys into baskets and run the vacuum. By the time he came home dinner was cooking and he thought I'd spent all day cleaning. Hehe :)

yep thats one great thing I learned from my mom!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
God, I want a video of this event!
Lizzie said…
sshhhh, don't tell our hubbies we do that too. i spend the day blogging and geeking then i look at the clock "hubby home in 2 hours, off i go to look like i worked my booty off all day!"

have a great weekend :)
Yarni Gras! said…
oh my gosh, I know what you mean, I am just like that HA!

BTW, THANK YOU so much for commenting on my daughter's art blog (you commented on the panda painting.) It really encourages her when she gets comments from fellow bloggers. As a mom, I can't say thank you enough :-)

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