NOT Funny

Yesterday I did a FUNNY... today I am doing a
F U N N Y...

Why am I bringing this up today... other than just needing something to bitch about?

Because of the FREAKING

ring tones, songs... games... the video's that are being advertised on TV a l l of the t i m e....

We have grade school children who don't even speak English...running around screaming

"Silence...I kill you..." Hardee... har... har....

My 9 year old thinks it is a RIOT...

Or maybe he just enjoys seeing mommy get red in the face telling him to turn it off.... (he has been warned... if any achmed-ANYTHING turns up on his phone it will be GONE..FOREVER...)

I am amazed at the adults who think this ACHMED crap is funny.. & Jeff Dunham.. NOT FUNNY... Becuase I am American they seem to always ask me... Do you know who Jeff Dunham is (me rolling my eyes...) "Oh he is great! really funny.." REALLY?

Ben Stiller...FUNNY... Eddie Murphy...Funny... Achmed the terrorist? not so much

is this just me or?

& I wonder, are they playing this C R A P on American TV as well or is it only the Scnadinavians being blessed the "All Achmed, All of the time?"


sues2u2 said…
Not funny & i have a tivo. sooooo, Not watching!
Khadra said…
My husband likes Jeff Dunham. I can stand him in small doses. Im glad you have borrowed my crab goggles for the day. I needed a break from bitching lol!!
Sarah - Kala said…
I have actually never heard of this. Uff dah!
Batgirl said…
Funny once, now completely annoying. That includes the voice of the guy trying to sell them on TV!
Anonymous said…
I haven't seen anything like this........yeah, I don't think it would be funny either!!!
Anonymous said…
That is creeeepy! But I must admit that I'm with Sarah(JOT) on this one...I don't think I've ever heard of it. Now I must Google it.

As for my dream? No, actually I was pantless the entire time even when we were sucked out onto the rooftop. Nice, right? :)
Leah said…
I've never heard of it either...
Lacy Kline said…
Mmm I live in America and I don't know what the heck you're talking about, so no, it's not big over here. Sounds a little disturbing though :) I'm so googling it right now!
Suzanne said…
I've never heard of either one. I'm surprised that someone isn't jumping up and down and claiming that achmed is a negative caracature.

- Suzanne
Corinne said…
I'd never heard of Achmed until I came here, and now I hear those commercials in the background and want to claw my eyes out!!! Stop touching Meeeee!!! Gaaaah!! It's like those earworm songs, you can only get it out by replaying Hendrix's Star-Spangled Banner note-for-note in your head. I've also become a fabu "one minute cleaner" normally by looking at the clock and screeching, "eek, he'll be here soon!" and randomly straightening up so it looks like I've actually done something with my!
Rebecca Jo said…
Who's Jeff Dunham? Should I know who he is?????
Frizzy said…
I'm feeling a bit out of the loop. Never heard of Jeff Dunham or Achmed. Not interested in hearing much more from what I have seen on your post. So much I could say about this and how it is inappropriate and not funny on sooo many levels. Will let it go so I don't sound like a crazy person and say instead, I'm sorry that you are having to endure it.
Anonymous said…
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Stephanie said…
OK...I have to admit it. When my sister showed me achmed....I laughed my ass off. Really. Til like big fat tears ran down my face.

Im sorry.

If it makes you feel better, I didnt laugh nearly as hard the second time.

Or the third.
Skogkjerring said…
I TOTALLY agree!!! Thought it was just me who hates that ringetone and's the most ignorant stupid thing...and they put all this canned laughter behind him under the commercials so people get brain washed into thinking he is hillarious and it's not!!!!! grrrrrrr As much as it would bug ya, you should put the you tube video of this on your page so those who haven't seen it can see it and understand how stupid this is...or at least a link...
Anonymous said…
I had never heard of it either. But there is a certain cluelessness in innocent little Norway. I was visiting a Norwegian friend last year and I noticed that her 9 year old daughter had a cell phone with a marijuana leaf on it. I was like, oh, ok. (The family is rather wholesome). So I asked the mother if she was aware of the drug reference--she had no idea (neither did the father). I guess I'm just amazed at how much goes under the radar here.
By the way, what planet are you from Fengybingqueer?

Anonymous said…
Jeff and Achmed...if you watch the entire performance it is actually pretty funny. But if you are just getting a sound bite, I can see how it can be annoying and offensive.

What are they trying to sell in Norway? I don't think that I have ever seen a commercial with Achmed in it.
Debz said…
I can't speak for all of the US, but I haven't seen anything Achmed advertised. I will however say, in my house we are Jeff Dunham and Achmed lovers. We do say "silence, I kill you". And I do think its funny.
Hope you dont love me any less because of that. :)
Anonymous said…
I'm another Jeff and Achmed fan - we all think he's really funny but then we have watched the whole episode.. It's refreshing to see someone laughing at the world, himself and our preconceptions about things...
KCLC said…
I too have never heard of Achmed. ( I just got cable last week after not having it for 4 whole years.)
I watched a youtube clip of it. I did laugh...mainly because of the expressions of the puppet. HOWEVER I can so see how that line would be obnoxious to hear coming from the youngins. I guess its how my parents felt when I went around saying "eat my shorts" after watching the Breakfast Club. LOL
binks said…
Sorry Tressa, I love Jeff & Achmed. I've even seen him live and he is very funny. We don't, however, have tingtone commercials here (that I've ever seen) and I'm not sure I could handle hearing it constantly. I do agree with the banning said phrase from the kids though.
Totally inappropriate.
aasheim424 said…
HA! i thought i was the only one, everytime i see those ring tone commercials i think "who actually pays for that crap". how do they fund those commercials? My hubbie says its better than americas constant car commercials. My fav thought, the singing meatballs! Ok who wants a ringtone of singing swedish meatballs?????

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