Mortified Monday....BLA....

Oh yes...I am at it AGAIN... showing the world just how bright & wonderful i am ....

So we had this Christmas Party last night for Eva's pre-school.... um...can we just say UNORGANIZED? & I am NOT taking responsibility for the lame party because
A. I don't do Christmas Tree Parties...
B. I am not Norwegian... so I am off the hook...

Basically at these parties all of the kids dance around the Christmas tree & then yell for Santa to bring some goodies....

When i arrived, I asked the other class mothers if they had any music... DUHHHHHHH?

Um, NO... no one had arranged anything... (well Grumpy, one of the mom's, did have a few CDs but no cd player....) time to save the day.... I know the family across the street from where we were having the party... I ran over & asked them if I could borrow their CD player.... no problemo...

So we get the music going... is was a Norwegian Children's Christmas CD... so it should be all good right? NO... some mother stomps over & says... Don't you have anything else? Me..." my guest, go look at what is on the CD...."

(I don't know one Norwegian Christmas song from the next...have at it lady...)

To make a long story short... she is stomping around & comes back over & says she can do better just singing.... "Have at it bi..o... never mind... Væresågod my guest!)

I just thought she was kind of bitchy, & of course I felt like a big dummy... how the hell am i to know what is the appropriate song to play? & where were the other room mothers?

So much for showing my my stuff... my only real duty is as treasurer... just collect & keep track of the money no biggie....

So guess who goes off & LEAVES all of the raffle ticket money on the table when I left the party? (OK I just gave you that one...)

I of course didn't realize I left the money until this morning... & then I wasn't sure it hadn't been thrown away... I had it in a plastic bag....

So all day at work my stomach was hurting... do I call GRUMPY mom & ask her if she found all of the money..or do I play it off & just pay for it myself.... UGH....

When I went to pick Eva up from preschool the money was in her cubby..... So now what do I do? Do I not say anything to GM (grumpy mom)... or do I send her an email & try to make light of the situation? Maybe I should suggest that they fire me? Hmmm that sounds like a good idea...

Now granted this wasn't as mortifying as some as the stuff that has happened in my life...
Next Monday stories about my adventures at Catholic High School with Kelly (Song for whoever)


Anonymous said…
Ugh! Those women sound really really rude! If it was me, I'd just do what you have to do with the money. Don't say anything to anyone and if it comes up, just play American - 'Oh my gosh, I know! WHAT was I thinking?' *slap head* and walk away. LOL
Ash said…
If I were having to go to a Christmas Party in mid January, I'd be out of it as well. WTH?

I'm pretty sure GM will let you know if she were the one who found it - until then, I'd forget about it.

Can't wait to hear how the whole Catholic thing goes!! :-)
Simple Answer said…
No. You do not mention it. When she mentions it, as we all seem to think she will, give her the tight lipped smile and nothing else. She deserves no response. And really? A party in November. You guys need more sun!
Debz said…
Oh man I would probably just pay the money and chalk it up to one more (craptastic) experience to learn from. But that's just me.
Anonymous said…
ok...first of all...
i'd be over the whole holiday thing too. i mean, c''s almost valentines day already!!
we have to deal with the same type of both the elementary school...and our preschool...which is a private jewish one. it sounds the same though. i would mention it. but then...i like to make myself feel like an even bigger dumbass than i already am!!!
good luck. yucky, sinking feeling, huh?
Mum-me said…
So are the children shouting for Santa to bring them gifts this coming Christmas? Or hasn't he arrived in Norway yet? I am confused.

I took our Christmas decorations down and packed them away yesterday - can't imagine going to a Christmas party in January!
Stephanie said…
You have MUCH more patience than me. I probably would have told this woman where she could put her grumpy self.
Email her and make light of it...that is what I say! And I'd always play the American card...they should know that! :)
Unknown said…
So how long does Christmas actually go on, over there???

I think, by now, I would have had it out with GM ... you have the patience of a saint !!
Jen said…
This all happened b/c Christmas ended weeks ago. So it was not your fault.
I can't wait for next week. :)
Becky said…
And that's what happends when you have a Christmas party after Christmas. You must be REALLY tired of Christmas by now. Go grab a coke and relax, that's my answer to everything.
I agree with Shana. Just play it off. LOL. Are all Norweigan women bitchy like that? Sorry it's like that.
The housewife said…
ROF (wiping tears)...

That must have gone down like a brick! You poor thing - I feel your pain sista.
Anonymous said…
I just found your blog by blog hopping and I have to say that I LOVE your blog. (And by just, I mean on Sunday.) I love your writing style and your humor. I have laughed so hard at your honesty and the way you try to see the humor in everything. You have been added to my "favorites" so I no longer have to do Google searches for you.
Jill said…
Awesome!! That's so something I would have done... and did do myself!

When I worked at J&J (in my previous life before kids) I left an entire envelope of $100 gift cards on the table in the large meeting room at one of the hotels we were working at... to the tune of $4000. I realized it the next morning - and have never freaked out so much in my entire life.

Found it under the table the next day - thank goodness!
Anonymous said…
What goes round comes round.. just because other people are rude, doesn't mean you have to stoop to their level.

We all make mistakes - you grow if you learn from them.

And thank Grumpy Mom for taking care of the money - I mean that's much better than losing it right?

And if you don't enjoy doing this kind of stuff, then don't do it anymore!
Diane Mandy said…
LafyFI is so much classier than me. I'd just ignore the whole thing ever happened!
Unknown said…
Ya...she is classier than me too...

Maybe I need a thicker skin?
I just can't stand how short/rude people can be when it is supposed to be something fun... if I'm not doing something right... by all means take it over... I would be happy to drop out but no one else want to do it either... wonder why?
Kelly said…
Don't let those women get you down; it sounds like they couldn't be pleased no-matter-what!!

I know (hope) what story you're gonna share next week!!! Classic!!!
Yarni Gras! said…
if she says anything just tell her you thought she said she was taking over all duties ......then stand back and watch her eyes pop out!

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