Best day E V E R !

Quote from the little guy himself... "mom... this is the best day EVER" The concert was a HUGE success... We both had a blast. From the moment we left for the concert Dane kept talking about meeting Madcon... a group playing at the concert.... I kept telling him not to get his hopes up after all... there would be thousands of people there... and I wasn't sure how close we would be able to get. During the drive I told him stories of how my best friend Kelly & I would go to concerts & try to do the same thing... get down to the first row... or even better back stage... Seeing as the apple doesn't follow too far from the tree... Dane started devising his own little plan to meet Madcon...
To make a long story short, Dane had told one of the camera guys he had come from America to see Madcon & wondered if he knew him... the guy said he would see what he could do. Next thing I know... one of the guys from Madcon (Tshawe) walks out on stage to do a sound check. (Mind you mommy is sitting in the front row with all of the other 15 year old girls...) I see the camera guy climb onto the stage & go over to talk to Tshawe .... and then point at Dane.

Tshawe hops down off of the stage and walks over to talk to Dane... Must admit it was pretttty cool. Dane was speechless... (a first) he took pictures and signed an autograph... about this time tons of other kids ran up trying to talk to him... but he said C-ya Dane... and went back to the sound check. After his partner (Yosef )came out to the stage, they were pointing to Dane... waved, & said YO DANE... Dane was just glowing the rest of the day... For my part I REALLY wanted to see Ida Maria... this girl is A M A Z I N G ... I think she will be hitting the states in a matter of no time. I guess the have had her music on Greys Anatomy already... Dane ended up getting her autograph as well... (thanks son) You would really think I had outgrown this... but oh well we had a SUPER DUPER AWESOME day


Jill said…
WOW!!! What an awesome day. I'm sure that it will go down as something both of you will always remember. Cheers to great memories with our kids!
Diane Mandy said…
Sounds like he's one smart kid!
Christelle said…
Smart son you have there :) Glad to hear your big date day went so well!
Anonymous said…
Dane, you are the best. Your ingenuity will get you far in this world. You are far beyond any Norwegian kids!!
Sarah said…
How cool! Dane has some skills! Way to go!
Debz said…
Just AWESOME!!! I am so glad he had a great day!

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