
OK... my positive thinking that I was trying to start the day out with is gone....
I just don't GET IT... the culture... the medical care....etc.
Just got in a bit of a "match" with my mother in law.... About the US :vs: Norway.
I realize that the medical care in the states is not good for everyone... but it was good for us. The hospitals here make me SICK... I am bitter, & angry...
Bjørn called at 7am this morning to say they had taken him in to check his wound... looks good... no infection, the tissue looks healthy. (having a hard time translating this into English...) they are going to operate this afternoon... Um, but he isn't sure what they are going to do.... HELLO? Can I just scream here? ARRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG... (this is the scream that shakes the world)
How do you go under the knife without knowing WHAT they are going to do? My mother in law thought they might be doing the bone graph today? Ummm, don't you think they ought to put the existing arm back together before they start trying o bone graphs? Sounds illogical..
This is what makes me the MOST upset... that no one can take 5 min. to sit down and explain what is going on. My dear MIL explained that this is just the way it is here... No one waits at the hospital unless it is life threatening... I just don't get it... I DON'T GET IT.. So now you know as much as I do... They will operating on my husband again today WHEN? Umm don't know WHY? Not really sure.... But Bjørn will call me when it is all over.
(OF course you know I am going to go up there all TAMMY FAYE BAKER...)


Jill said…
Oh this just breaks my heart. I feel your pain 5000 miles away. I read it in your words and hear it in your exclamation points.

Medical care overseas is different, and not always better. My surgery last week is proof of that.

However, it sounds like you are brave enough and mighty damn strong enough to keep questioning until they tell you what you need to hear. Don't worry if you're bothering them - it's your job!!

Keep us posted.
Angie's Spot said…
Still sending lots of zen for all of you to pull through this quickly! You're a real trooper!
Oh, man. Can you play the naive American card? Or would that make things worse? Keep asking questions...and demanding explanations...
Heather said…
I heard your scream. Hang in there, girl, and hopefully they'll give you some sort of information.
Rhiana said…
That must be so frustrating! :( I hope everything goes well. Sending you lots of love and good thoughts from the blogosphere.
Jennifer said…
Ugh!! I'm sorry about the constant frustration!! It makes me frustrated just reading it--I can only imagine how you must feel. Wishing your husband lots of luck w/ his surgery and a quick and easy recovery!!
Suzanne said…
I think we need to create a bracelet for you. Do you know about the WWJD bracelets? "What Would Jesus Do?".......well, you need a WWND bracelet.

What Would a Norwegian Do:

Let's see, it seems they would:
- Repeat "that's the way things are" over and over
- Leave their loved ones at the hospital to go into surgery alone
- Go grocery shopping in Sweden while loved one is alone in hospital

Anything else?

The differences in culture can be maddening and aren't always apparent until something like this happens and then the differences smack you in the face. Your expectations are different and perhaps they can cut you a break.

Sending good karma from the cornfields.....

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Sydney said…
Keep hanging in there. We're all praying for Bjorn (and you!!!) over here. Were you able to make contact with your American doctor at all? I would try to find anyone American who might be able to help you advocate for Bjorn's care. You're doing a great job... keep being strong.
I'm sending you water-proof volumizing mascara. (I'm trying to joke with you because it's good for you right now.) xo By the way, in Canada...it's all just taken care of...really well..including the bill.
S Club Mama said…
Oh sweetie, keep praying and venting on here (that's what we're here for). Keep asking questions until someone answers them.
Debz said…
I have such sympathy for you, but I cannot even begin to imagine how truly frustrating this all is for you. Oh I can "read" your frustration, but not really know what it feels like. I am sooo guilty of taking what we have here in the US for granted.
This just sucks for you - I'm sure of at least that much. Try to stay strong - it has to get better.
Rhea said…
UGH, what a mess. I don't think I'd like the way they operate (literally) over there either.
Kelly said…
I know Norway isn't as litigious as America, but don't they have to do a pre-surgical consent form? It's just good medicine no matter where you are; it informs the patient of everything to expect with the procedure, risks, benefits, etc.
How absolutely frustrating...Just remember, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil". Who cares what they think about you...it's about your husband's health and well-being! Nag them like you used to nag Bill and DiAnn about letting us go to Philly ;)
Love you!!!

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