The Love Boat... Part deux...

After re reading the first part of "Love Boat" I realized I rushed right through all of the cute stuff... the important stuff and all of the little details. I seem to do that... Always in a hurry to get right to the end... Remember, patience is something I am working on learning...

So to back track and throw in a few details... Met a sweet sweet boy... with the bluest eyes I had ever seen... Sweet & kind, thoughtful... and funny... (although I didn't understand most of what he was saying...) It was a whirlwind romance sailing in the Caribbean.

I remember calling my mother from Barbados telling her I was "IN LOVE"... & asking her what was I to do?... I was flying home in 2 weeks & the CS (college sweetheart) was due to spend Christmas with my family. Now, before you start thinking I was a giant trollop, cheating on the boy back home.... I really wasn't... we had been on again ,off again for years... I honestly thought he was the boy I would end up marrying once he was finished with school & I had gotten my "fill of the world". I was always going off somewhere studying or travelling... and he was a southside Chicago boy. We would break up, date other people... but as soon as we would run into each other... we just HAD to be together. It went on like this for YEARS.
My mother, suggested that I might just get over this "LOVE" as soon as I saw CS again. But this time... I just couldn't... I couldn't see him again... I was HEAD over HEALS (serious this time) in love with Norwegian Boy. As I tend to be a HUGE drama queen... my mother didn't get too all fairness she had heard this before... "But mom... this time I am REALLY in LOVE" . "Ummm Hmmm" was her response.

After hanging up the phone with mom... I did something.... that changed the course of my life... (not often you can pin point the exact moment...)

See, as a working woman with my first credit card... I had bought his airline ticket for Christmas. I picked up the phone, called the airline & cancelled his flight.

The whole story.... Flash Back... The LOVE Boat... Love Boat.. THE FINAL CHAPTER...


Nice going with the credit card! It all worked out for the best. Keep posting,can't wait to hear more.
Suzanne said…
Oh yeah....that's what I'm talking about.

A woman with a credit card who isn't afraid to use it.... or use it to cancel an airline ticket.

You go go all the way to Norway!!!

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Texasholly said…
Holy cow this is the craziest story ever! Please finish it quickly...I am not really good at that whole patience thing.
niccole w. said…
What happened, what happened? I'll be back to hear the rest! Thanks for visiting my site. It was so fun to see a response from NORWAY!!!
Christelle said…
This could be a book- you should consider it and I really like the way you write! Great ending to this post by the way.
Angie's Spot said…
Wow! Cancelled his flight. That's awesome! I'm so impressed. I can't wait to hear more of this story! And, by the way, I love "Party on the Poop Deck". Now, that's clever! ;-)
Jill said…
Oh my gosh... I love this story. You canceled his flight? Rock on!

I CAN'T WAIT to hear the rest...
Laurel said…
So what happened next??? Don't keep us hangin':).

Thanks for visiting "Trailing Spouse" - and no worries on my thinking you were stalking. I am completely comment starved and you made my day!

I'll come back!
Diane Mandy said…
Talk about a power move! Look forward to hearing more!
OMG...I can't believe you did that. cool are you?! And, ummm...I like a rush to the end story. Because I am not patient. I just want to know what happens. And how...and everything...but in one HUGE installment. :-)

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