Short Little Post...

Wooo.. made it through another day.... I have decided Bjørns Dr. is just socially "special" and it has nothing to do with me....
I got lucky today... & he happened to pop in while I was visiting with the kids.... The man didn't even acknowledge my being there....YOU- WHOOOO... H E L L O?... NOBODY ignores me... N O-B O D Y !

So of course , I asked a question, which he thought was stupid... like... "How many more operations do you think he will need?" *** sound of Crickets****** (wait for it.... wait for it....) EYE ROLL... "I don't know....." Did I mention the guy is German with a VERY thick accent... and he tends to speak a blending of German & Norwegian... "Gerwegian"... But hey that's OK... Who am I to judge?

Bj was moved into another room... this time with a TOILET... (no his other room did not have a toilet) & a giant sucking machine to suck all of the yuckiness out of his bandages... in addition to the the above mentioned... hubby also has 3 very nice new roomies... One who likes to lay spread eagle PANTLESS... Got several little peep shows on the way in & out of the room... (jeeze... how pathetic do I sound? looking at the naked man in traction for a little mamma action? ) JUST JOKING.... See I am gettin back to being good ol' Tree.

I offered to go back to work tomorrow... but I don't have to anyway.... crap... so that means that I now need to actually get something done... Including the video for my little sisters rehearsal dinner.... I need a totally KICK ASS love song... nothing cheesy... can't be too slow... or to fast... (Not at all demanding am I?) Any suggestions? Angie? Kat? (two music loving girls...)
This is one I made for our anniversary... from Dane to his daddy.... But you can see why I need a totally awesome love song.... Thanks in advance for your help girlies!!!


Suzanne said…
That's a terrific video you put together.

One of my favorites it Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight". has a version that is five minutes long so it allows for lots of photos to be featured.

I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable with Bjorn's medical treatment.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Oh, I got a shout out! Let me bask in my moment!'s hard to think of "kick-ass" love songs...that really aren't about love gone wrong. But this is what I have come up with:

Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
Love Song - The Cure (or 311, if you like that version better)
Just Like Heaven - The Cure
You Can Leave Your Hat On - Joe Cocker
Drops of Jupiter - Train
Because the Night - 10,000 Maniacs
In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
Dance Naked - John Mellencamp
All of My Love - Led Zeppelin
Love, Reign o'er Me - The Who
Taking Over Me - Evanescence

and you can always close things out with Paradise By The Dashboard Light by Meatloaf - depending on senses of humor :-)
Unknown said…
What a beautiful video. Those eyes, he's going to be a real heartbreaker one day!!

Some that might work ....

'Power of Love' - Celine Dion
'From this moment on' and 'The Woman in Me' - Shania Twain
Barry Manilow 'Unchained Melody'

For light comedy there is always 'Any Man of Mine' :-)
Heather said…
I like "Crash" by Dave Matthews.
You've Made Me So Very Happy, by Blood Sweat& Tears. An oldie but a goodie, can't wait to see...and hear what you choose!
Rhea said…
That's a great video you made for your hubby!! Love it.

I can't believe the German Doc rolled his eyes at you! What a dickhead!! No one should ever roll their eyes so obviously like that. Maybe he has an eye condition....
scargosun said…
PLEASE channel your inner American woman and tell that doc you are not to be trifled with.

I am glad though that he now has a toilet. That is movin' up. Sadly, this is not my first time hearing about the lovely Norway healthcare. My friend is Norweigen and lives in France. Her g-ma had a bad experience while she was visiting.
Debz said…
my vote goes for "you look wonderful tonight" by eric clapton. that song makes me warm all over.
Unknown said…
How about "Could not ask for more" by Sara Evans? I sang that for a wedding once...
Angie's Spot said…
That video you made is AWESOME! And thanks for the shout out. :-) Well, you really put the challenge out there for Kat & I. She gave some really great suggestions. The 2 that came to my mind have already been mentioned, so I'll mention them once more for good measure.

In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
Crash - Dave Matthews Band

Good luck with the video for your sis and I'm so glad to see things going better for you guys!

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