Needing to RANT/VENT

Just home from the Hospital.... They are taking Bjørn in for another operation this afternoon... Not sure what they are going to do because his Dr. is such a POMPUS A&%#. From what I understand it they are going to go in and check the bottom fracture... make sure there is no infection... clean it out again... but further I do not know... What I do know, is that they are going to put him under & that always makes me nervous.

The first night I met the surgeon he kept throwing me dirty looks... and answering me like I was a moron.... I asked about Bjørns arm being shorter... and he ROLLED his eyes.... HELLO.... I don't care if his arm is shorter.... it was just a bloody question to understand what was going on...

Another thing that bothers me.... it is very important for Bjørn NOT to get an infection in his "wound" What do you call it? He is open from his elbow to his wrist.... Yet his hand STILL has paint & blood on it from the accident. Isn't this something I should be freaking out about? Shouldn't they have cleaned it before they did the first operation?

About 11 years ago I had an emergency apendectimy in Turkey & the hospital conditions were so poor that the US embassy took me out of the hospital & put me in a hotel.... I can say I don't feel any safer here... the only plus is that I understand what they are talking about... but I don't feel good about the situation.
You can say what you want about the health care in the US.... we were blessed & always had good coverage... but here.... I have to say that I have not had a positive experience with emergency situations.

I have an AWESOME American Dr. who so totally gets me, and gives us unbelievable care...however she is not Bjørns Dr. & orthopedic surgeon... Can't really go crying to her.

Another thing to Gripe about.... I promise... I will TRY to come back in a better mood tomorrow...

Wooooooooo I feel SO MUCH BETTER.... This is my therapy.....


Candid Carrie said…
Dear Fellow American, You used that sweet comment and seduced me over here and then I find out you are in the middle of chaos!

"... however she is not Bjørns Dr. & orthopedic surgeon... Can't really go crying to her ..."

Hell yeah, you can go crying to her. Wait, you need to cry in private first and get your eyes nice and puffy. Then take your tear swollen face over to her and ask her what you can do to make sure he is in the best possible hands during this traumatic time. If he is in the best possible care and the guy just happens to be an A$$hole at least you know this is as good as it can get for him at this point in time.

You have the gift of finding humor and being humble during conversations ... use that to your advantage when you advocate.

Get going and tell us all about it, please.
Angie's Spot said…
I've always been terrified of foreign hospitals. I guess, despite all it's flaws, stateside healthcare is still pretty great. Hope everything goes well with surgery today!

And for that furniture store's sake, I really hope they get your stuff delivered this week. :-)
trash said…
Aaak to poopy doctors. Can you not just speak with your American doctor and get her to explain stuff to you? Also a notebook is not a bad idea. I would smile and nod listening to Dr 'Stick up his Bum' then after he walked away realise I remembered NOTHING. Writing it down would have to help for me.
Rhea said…
oh, dear, hope the surgeon deposits the board up his butt and is nicer soon. Does sound like they should clean your hubby up. weird.
Suzanne said…
I would talk to your doctor, cry and get those puffy eyes. She may give you some insight on how to deal with Bjorn's doctor. HOWEVER, I'm going to tell you right here -- my entire family is in the medical business, including a sister who is an MD - orthopedic surgeons are the MOST arrogant, MOST difficult and MOST infuriating of all the medical specialties. Everyone in medicine know this. Again, your doctor may have some suggestions on how to deal with this guy.

I've been known to stop a doctor in his tracks and call him out on his behavior. Doesn't always work with orthopeds though.

You could always try the "dumb American" approach. Just pretend to be a dumb American...."Oh, doctor, I'm sorry, I'm a dumb American, please explain to me....blah blah blah."

When of course you are the least dumb person I've ever met.

You are Bjorn's advocate. Be strong. You know in your gut if something is wrong. Are there any other options? Is he in a small town hospital or a large metro area?

Don't even get me started about foreign doctors and hospitals. My son and I were so scared when he got hurt in Mexico we almost flew back to Chicago for treatment.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
I still cannot believe he asked you if your husband was painting...and that there is still paint on his hands. What about the rest of him? Has anyone tried to clean him up?!
Jill said…
Oh the bureaucracy of it all..

Hang in there. I'm following along to make sure he's getting on the mend!
Unknown said…
I'm pretty bolshie when it comes to Doctors, especially arrogant ones that treat me like I'm some sort of dumb idiot. I've been known to go after more than one Dr and give them a sound dressing down. There are not a lot of things in life that infuriate me, however this one does.

You could always write out a list of the things that you want to ask the Dr, then tell him you need to talk to him about them and refuse to take no for an answer.

Hang in there...

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