Lord, I am trying here...

I am trying to be patient... but I don't think it is working... I am scared, I am angry, & I just want to go home to the U.S.
I sat in the hospital for 5 hours with BJØRN waiting for someone to come & get him... He hasn't been able to drink or eat anything all day waiting for this surgery... which should have taken place at 4pm...
At 6pm I managed to catch one of the Orthopedic surgeons in the hallway. He explained that there had been a trauma... & they were going to assess the situation & let us know if they would take Bjørn or the other guy first... OK, I get that.... might be nice had someone TOLD us that.... But I get it...

I appreciate the fact that they operated on Bjørn right away when he was rushed in on Sunday, even if they didn't take the time to clean his arm..beforehand.

At 8pm a nurse came in & asked how many slices of bread Bjørn would like for his Kveldsmat... (little bedtime dinner) & we both kind of looked at her & said that he was supposed to be fasting because of the surgery (they still hadn't ruled it out at this point...) She went to go check... "Oh yes, sorry, no bread for you." (I SWEAR I am NOT making this crap up!) Bjørn asked how late they might operate... trying to figure out if there was a possibility that they could take him in tonight... She said they operate until all hours... "You just need to be patient, because that is just the way that it is..."
At this point... I had lost the last shred of patience I had.... and said(after she had left the room...) Ya that's the way it is in NORWAY.... and proceeded to start crying.
I KNOW, I KNOW... I really need to try to keep myself together.... But I am starting to lose it.

The smell of his arm when you walk into his room is enough to knock you over..... I asked the nurse about it.... You could tell by her expression she has no friggen idea... but said... "Oh it is normal.... probably just the blood under the bandages..." Me, screaming in my head..... wouldn't it be nice to CHECK the huge open sore in the bandages... & make sure everything is OK?

No one has touched the bandages since Sunday.....

What I wanted to do.... Run into the Hallway and SCREAM that someone come & look at my husband right NOW... demand it.... What I did... burst into tears... looking like TAMMY FAYE BAKER.... put on my Jackie O glasses and ran off to my car..

I did call my friend the American Dr. & left her a bawling message in her voice mail... I know they have private medicine here in Norway... just don't know how to access it or who to call.

Bjørn is of course irritated with me for getting upset... but I don't think he understands how serious this is. Can you say DENIAL???

I had the exact same kind of compound fracture... ended up getting a staph infection and damn near ended up losing my leg..... For 3 days the Dr.s were back & forth on whether they could save it.... (yes still have it...: ) But I know how serious this can be.

I can not tell you how WONDERFUL & how much I appreciate all of your support.... this blog has been such an outlet for me especially since the accident... I can come close the door to my office, sit down, write & get myself together before the kiddos see me.....

THANK YOU! Anyone with any advice about my husbands FUNKY SMELLING ARM? My gut instinct is telling me NOT GOOD....


Sydney said…
I would say contact the doctor you mentioned in your previous post (your doctor whom you trust). If the wound smells, I would tend to think it is infected. Do not sit by quietly and let things happen. Someone there has to listen to your concerns. The fact that you have been through something similar gives you a frame of reference for this injury, and throw that back at the doctors if you need to. My best friend is a doctor, and she has warned me that surgeons tend to be arrogant. But she told me to stand up and throw the arrogance back at them if necessary. Hang in there. I'm sure you are scared and worried. Let it all out here... still praying for Bjorn!!!
scargosun said…
This is not first hand info BUT when my sister was in traction with a compound fracture (she was 5!) my Mom did tell me that it smelled quite bad. They also changed the bandages though. As upset as you are, you might need to channel it into telling the doc to stop treating you like the 'little wife' and listen up. At least YOU will feel better.
So...has he had surgery yet? I can't believe they made him fast when they don't even know when they are going to take him back. And the smell...I have no idea...are they giving him antibiotics already?

I have been thinking about you...and will continue to try and send you healthy vibes...
Rhea said…
Funky smelling arm is NOT a good sign but I don't know, maybe normal for what he's gone through? I hope they're changing the bandages and trying to keep it clean....

Follow your gut instincts.
Amy said…
This sounds awful I hope they get it together soon. I don't know what to tell you but I'm so sorry. Is there someone his family might know that you could call there? Any kind of doctor, to do some talking for you?
Anonymous said…
Be the bitchy wife... I would and i'm your sister. Who cares what they think... stand up for what you believe! The longer the infection goes the harder it will be to fight off... better to be safe than sorry. I love you guys and i'm praying for you.
Kimba said…
Today is the first time I've read your blog but I wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and your family right now.
Debz said…
Honey I just did a quick perusal of your posts (trying to catch up some) and I cannot believe all you and the hubby have been through in the last couple of days. I hope you all are ok.

As far as the Wordless Wednesday - from what I can tell - you just post pics with or without a caption/description. It's a good idea cause it gives you a break from having to figure out something to post (sometimes man I just got nothin-ya know).

I hate that your having such a rough time - i hate that you miss me (heh just kidding) the US. I do however think its cool that you have been to so many places - I have been no where but here.
Jennifer said…
Hi--This is the first time I've seen your blog! I'm sorry you're going through this ordeal with your husband and I hope that he is operated on and better soon! It sounds so frustrating--hang in there and good luck!!
Suzanne said…
OK, talked to my friend who is a nurse and here's what she said - they didn't clean the wound before he went into surgery because they "debride" or clean the area of any debris, dirt or dead tissue IN the surgical setting. (That's normally how it's done)

Let me ask you some questions:
- Is Bjorn on an IV?
- Is he being given antibiotics? Ask them.
- Has he received a tentanus shot? Ask...try to stay calm.
- How often do the nurses check up on him and what are they doing when they're in the room? Are they checking the dressing? Checking the IV? Ask Bjorn.

A foul odor usually means that bacteria is present. I am a little concerned that the dressing hasn't been changed since Sunday. A foul odor can accompany the healing of a wound, but his wound has not been closed, so it can't be healing.

Try to be calm when you impress upon Bjorn how serious this injury can be. You're not being a hysteric, you're concerned and emotional because it's happening to the man you love.

I'll be waiting to hear how he is progressing, but make sure he's on a antibiotic protocol. I'd be totally shocked if he isn't.

= Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Angie's Spot said…
You are being such a trooper! I would be getting in those dr's faces if it were me. Maybe confrontation is what they respond to? They can always write it off as crazy American behavior, but it might get results. We're all pulling for ya here!
N said…
Hospitals tend to be like that...what are they exactly busy with anyway? I hope things will get much better for you. Take care.
Angela said…
I am keeping you in my prayers. I am SO sorry this has happened to your family, and I know you've probably never felt so far from "home!"

I would definitely be concerned at the smell of the wound. That generally signals infection, as you've experienced, so I would not hesitate to yell as loudly as you need to in order to get attention. Please keep us posted as you can.
Unknown said…
Follow your instincts. Right now, You are Bjorn's best advocate. Your still in my prayers.
Robbi said…
I'm praying for Bjørn and you. Dane did a great job, you must be very proud of him.
Heather said…
Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry this is happening. I know you're scared. Hang in there and keep us posted.
S Club Mama said…
Oh dear, I wish I had more knowledge of overseas medicinal treatment, but I'm limited here.
I would find even a nurse (maybe one just getting on a shift so they aren't overly tired & grumpy) and ask her/him if they think that smell is normal and/or if they could change the bandages.
Jill said…
I have nothing to add except my support and good wishes. You've received a ton of good info from the great people above me. :)

Good luck and keep us posted!

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