I wish I was....

I wish I was an earthy, outdoorsy, nester.... You know those gals who LIKE to be outside hiking..biking..exercising cause they like it? Those gals that can throw their hair back in a pony tail , no makeup & still look BEAUTIFUL? And those women who thrive on nesting in their homes... ORGANIZED... TIDY...WELL PREPARED....those that have homes that are beautiful, peaceful, picked up & always ready for company?
That isn't me.... Whaaaaa...... (gosh I think I am PMS'ing in a really BIG way...)

I am in a "FRUMPY FUNK..."
You know those poor women that drop 20 lbs in a week due to stress? Mmmm, that is NOT me. I am the type of person to get the step ladder to find the hidden Oreo cake things, that my mother sent to the kids 6 months ago, hidden in the back of our very high pantry. Yes that is me... & I ate ummmmmmm, 3 packs...

I look like hell... (& I am not saying that for you to say... "Oh no you don't" ) Cause believe me.... I sooo do. My skin looks like a 16 year old & not in a good way.... the 20 lbs I wanted to lose before my sisters wedding?...NOT GOING TO HAPPEN..
(that is OK though.... I wouldn't want to "outshine" the bride anyway...)

The new house?? ...D I S A S T E R ... UGGGGGGGG! I am so having one of "those days" where I need to snap out of it & get my butt in gear.
Please tell me... there is someone out there that is like me... that if your doorbell rang right now... You would be MORTIFIED.... (send me your info... you can be my new best friend)

I ought to commit to posting pictures of my house on my blog... just to motivate me to get everything done. We moved in March... & I still have pictures sitting on the floor...(right where they need to be hung) but nonetheless sitting on the floor.

So question... if you could be anytype of woman... what would you be... (& I don't want any of those.... "i love myself just the way I am".... blaaa... )


Unknown said…
I would definitely want to be one of those women who looked fabulous without makeup, and the kind of woman who doesn't have to spend half and hour on her hair and it still look just OK. I was the outdoorsey type when I was younger, but have since changed my tune. It's so much easier to be inside, especially down here in 100 degree weather.

Oh, yeah, you forgot to mention those women (I have friends like this) who "forget" to eat. What's up with that? I WISH I could forget to eat.

Thanks for coming over to my blog and yes I do remember the pink sponge rollers. I might try the not rollers again with your suggestion.

Nice to meet you.
Suzanne said…
HA....Nobody gets in my house unannounced. That's why I have Chihuahua's.....to protect me from mortal embarassment.

Hey, what about that stuff you ordered for your bathroom. Any news on that?

You're beautiful. Don't forget it.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Amy said…
I would finish projects I start. I would always think of what to feed my people for dinner before they start asking me. I would not become overly distracted by things so easily. In other words I would be less ADD. I'm trying, it goes in waves.
Unknown said…
You know, you could be my twin ... that was born of another mother and in another continent and in another decade .... but my twin nevertheless.... :-)

I sooooo emphasize with you on this one!!!
Oh yes! I feel ya! I just thought to myself earlier - Good Lord I hope no one comes by my house it is filthy right now. And part of me doesn't care. The other part of me wishes I had a maid! lol

Love you blog :)
Debz said…
i dont look fabulous WITH makeup - theres no hope for me ;). and i too am not one whe is outdoorsy. unless it is to get a tan so as not too look like too much of a beached whale.
i wont argue with you when you say you look like hell - i hate it when people tell me "you look fine" or "your beautiful" - if i want too feel frumpy, or Blech! as i like to call it - then validate that and just let me.
the posting pics on your blog (of the house) sounds like a great idea cause then you may feel more inclned to show the progress as you go along and along. so i'm all for that thought.
otherwise, eat another oreo cake if you want it - when you get past the frumpies, you can work it off (HA! like that ever happens, right?) i dont drop 20 pounds in a week due to stress - I gain it (lol)
i am fortunate that no one comes to my house (except my bff and she has 3 kids so she KNOWS MESSY)- so I dont have to worry about what it looks like (heh).
I'll be right over to help you get things under control! What you need girl is a mentor, someone to take you by the hand and help you on your way. You've had some major stress in your life sweetie, so don't be so hard on yourself, we all have those times. Start small, choose 1 thing that is really bugging you and do it....NOW! I usually start with a Coke, extra ice and then tackle the kitchen. Clear off the counters and table, do the dishes, good, now wipe off the counters and table, see, you're doin it! Sweep the floor, now time for a break. Give the kids a hug, tell em ya love em. There now, don't ya feel better already? One day at a time honey, one day at a time. And what would I choose to be? Naturally thin, my weight has dogged me my entire life!!!!
WheresMyAngels said…
I was thinking of posting a pic of my house and it's umm disaster, but I would be too embarrassed. When people ring my door bell, I run out thru my garage and greet them from THAT door, so they don't see the inside of my home.

I hate my sister, she is skinny and cooks alot of good food, always fixing some sugar cookies for my girls. My girls don't know what they taste like, since they never make it that far. And my sister wonders why i can't lose weight! UGH!
Tiffany said…
Girl, you have been through the ringer this week! I have too, but not like you. My husband is still standing. Pissing me off, but still standing.

Anyway, go get a glass of wine and raw a bath. Cry if you need to. I think it clears the soul and the pores.
Robin said…
I am definitely on the same page as you. I'd love to be taller, skinnier and much more creative. The only thing I can say is that everything you wrote about, ie-house, feeling frumpy, is totally normal. I feel that way all the time, LOL!! It's society and the movies that make us feel like we need to be perfect all the time (that, and Leave It To Beaver episodes)! You're a cool chick and a hip mom no matter what your house looks like!
Laural Out Loud said…
It took me a whole YEAR to finish unpacking when we moved. There's always another box, or another picture, or something you have to rearrange to fit more somethings in. Even now, three years later, I don't quite feel like there's a place for everything. Some days, I don't even answer the door! I just pretend I don't hear the banging.
Rhea said…
I'm a disorganized slob who wants to be an organized, high energy person. :o)

AND, we did have someone show up at our door a few days ago unexpectedly and our house was a MESS. SOOO embarrassing. However, it kicked my butt into gear and my house is BEAUTIFUL now.
Candid Carrie said…
I am you.

I can't even tell you who I would want to be because it would be a lie. I don't even mind being me, not like I used to, sure I could live without the adult acne and the creaky joints.

I admire those outdoors girls that look great with vaseline for lip gloss and use their own spit to put their perfect eyebrows in place.

I use my spit to get the Cheetos out of the corner of my mouth. When the person that comes do my door keeps wiping the corners of their mouth on their sleeve I just know that there must be Cheetos on my lips or they wouldn't be doing all that rubbing of their own lips.

Don't even get me started on the M&Ms. All my pants have pockets in them so I can get the M&Ms to be body temperature and melt nicer in my mouth. Uh huh, oh yeah. You'll be doing it, too.

So, instead of saying who I wish I was, I'll just bet you'll be wishing you were me ;)
Jennifer said…
I'm with you--I wish I could actually ENJOY exercising...but I don't. I had to hire a personal trainer to come to my house 3 times a week--beacause someone has to actually knock on my door and force me to exercise!

I also wish I could be more organized around the house--but with 5 kids and a million pets there's only so much I can do! I'm usually mortified if someome stops by my house.

Also, thak you for the info. on the stat thing--I think I finally figured it out!
Unknown said…
I would have to join in on the frumpy funk! I have weight to lose, and am behind on coloring my hair. After 3 days at the waterpark, I am trying to figure out how all of these mommies can look so good after emerging from the water!
Jill said…
I always blame my frumpiness, bad skin, hairloss, and weight gain on my thyroid...
Angie's Spot said…
I am totally in the category of "mortified to let anyone see my house" because of it's constant state of frightening. You're in good company girlfriend! And I never wear makeup, mostly because I'm too lazy to learn how to put it on properly and because hubby hates makeup. Yes, I married the 1 man on the planet who hates makeup on his wife. I'm glad he's not planning on going anywhere because I could NEVER replace him!

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