But really, what do I have to bitch about?

OK.. so I have a He-Man hair do... and hooker boobs. (that is Jill's, I was calling them stripper boobs... but she may be right...) but really, what do I have to bitch about? I was in a total funk Sunday & Monday... just miserable, homesick & bitchy... I wrote a post about missing my girlfriends... Sex in the City & all of the things I missed about home.. (pedicures, lunch out with the girls etc.) Before posting... I hoped over to a few other blogs to see what they were up to, then I read Karey's Love letter blog... about being homesick.. Mack Ink That girl just puts everything into perspective.
I am B L E S S E D... I do realize that... really, bitching is just part of my personality... I fear silence... so I bitch.
Things to be thankful about living in Norway... (I need to give myself pep talks about once a week to keep myself sane)
*My husband getting a job on land where he is finally a real daddy/husband... not one who pops in every 3-4 months. I was a little worried that I wouldn't like him once he joined us in the "real world"...but he is actually a pretty good guy, & an awesome daddy.
*My kids being kids.... growing up in Norway is like it was when I was growing up in the states... Kids played outside...without the fear of them being grabbed.. (I still worry about it, but am learning to relax) They get dirty... & just act like kids. Eva Gabrielle is learning about nature, climbing trees, collecting bugs in preschool. while in the states Dane was inside most of the time... learning computers & Japanese. At the time I thought it was really cool... but really what 4 year old needs Japanese ?(unless you live in Japan of course)
Although my life is not the same as it was in the US... it might be just as good...could be possibly better.... Our family dynamic is much better... for one, we are actually a family now... we spend time together (& not just because there is nothing else to do...)
OK, Norway isn't really THAT bad, but I am homesick... & I do miss all of the little luxuries we have at home.. But what I REALLY miss are my mom & dad, my baby sister planning her big day without me, and my older sister...getting ready to move her family across country. THESE are the things I miss... I wish I could be there.. to help & hug...


Jill said…
I find that the hardest part about living overseas is being away from family...

I often cringe at the thought of my daughters growing up with only the "idea" of grandparents and cousins...

And then there's trying to cram everyone in in our month-long "vacation".

Here's a virtual hug... lord knows I could always use one when I'm overseas.
karey m. said…
if it will make you feel better, i'll try to write a "what i hate about where i live" post soon...or maybe the day AFTER we leave!

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