Learning Patience

Learning Patience.... That has been a biggie for me. I am a classic "soccer mom"... or was until we moved to Norway. I was always in a hurry, white knuckling down the I435 to get the kids picked up from daycare... screaming at the jerk ahead of me...or beside me... or in back of me trying to pass me. Everyone (except for me) on the highway was a jerk.... Thinking back..I am pretty sure I witnessed a birdie being flipped on a daily basis.. been guilty of it my self... horns honking etc. You get the picture. I had things to do & places to go...& was always running & stressing.
I haven't seen that here. People just don't STRESS..or if they do, they don't show it. Like they do at home.
Last week I was dropping our daughter of at barnehagen (daycare) and going through our usual routine of "ok..honey..mmm hmmm, lets go...a ha, yep lets go.. alrighty then" breaking out in a cold sweat while screaming in my head "I'M GOING TO BE LATE" when I noticed another mommy dropping off her daughter. She was sitting in the car with the door open while her daughter was singing & finishing her chocolate on bread... in my head I thought... "must be nice" . Returning to car I noticed the mommy...still sitting there. I would have been having a nervous breakdown had it been me.... I HAVE PLACES TO GO...& THINGS TO DO. but really do I? Is there anything really more important then letting Eva (daughter) finish her story or song before I drop her off for the day? (Gosh, I feel cruddy just writing about it.) But on the bright side...I am learning...slowly but surely.
I know I bitch and moan about Norway... but there are many lessons to learn from living here. Like Patience... patience with my kids...and my husband. This I am willing to work on each & every day... (Patience for the bathroom furniture I ordered back in Feb... which still has not arrived from ROCKA.NO...I have not mastered)
Things I am learning.... Time for the family.... it is OK to take a day off when you are sick. letting kids be kids... and play & be dirty... the office isn't going to burn down if I don't put in a 50 hour week... they might actually be able to get by without me.. sitting down & having a conversation with my hubby instead of watching TV.. these things are important... These things I am learning...


kari and kijsa said…
Whew-we are in the same class at the same school of patience...wish they would hurry this thing up so we could learn!

kari & kijsa

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