Could my Dad BE a BIGGER Dork??

I have been getting some unusal hits the last couple of day... from Springfield Ill., Kingwood, Texas, to name a few. Not that those places are unusual... but the fact that I grew up in Kingwood... (I haven't told anyone I am blogging) ... & that my Uncle (HI Uncle John!) lives in Springfield... I thought it a bit odd....

My mother tells me this evening that my dear old DAD has been passing out the link to my BLOG... H E L L O??

First thing I thought was.."Oh my, ...Mr. BLANK was reading my blog... this isn't really geared towards my parents friends....(yesterdays post about the naked man in traction...) (just in case he missed it the first time). & then I thought about the Red...Tushy...spanking... AD that Google had up on my blog while Kat was here visiting today... (I must have missed that one...) N I C E...

Daddy... I am glad you enjoy reading my blog... (you know he is loving that I put his picture up today) But I am not special...I am not famous... and ANYONE can have a blog. I can even help you set one up tomorrow.... So please... warn me before you start sending all of your neighbors this way.

On a very positive note... Bjørn is doing really well... I think he has 2 more surgeries to go next week... and has a top specialist working on him... Y I P P EE... I guess it is too advanced for
Dr." GERWEGIAN" ... Hope we are finished with him for a while...

AND..... I am finished with my little sisters video/slide show. WOO HOOO... That is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders...
Did I forget to mention that I promised all of my college buddies I would make one for our cocktail party when I get to Chicago...
Don't even ask what I did around the house today....
Might have to ask the hospital to keep Bjørn an extra week just to get the pictures picked up!


Angie's Spot said…
Ahhh, how sweet that your dad is so proud of your web achievement! I never have to worry about that happening to me because I still don't think my dad even knows what a blog is. Phew! Congrats on finishing up the video for your sis! And glad to hear that Bjorn is doing much better!
Unknown said…
Glad he's doing better!
After I left my last comment...I was going to go and click on the red tushy ad (do you make more money from those?!) - you know, just for some scientific research...but it wasn't there. I refreshed a thousand times, and it didn't come up again. But it was there. Really. :-)

What song did you end up using for the video?
Dr. Gerwegian, I love it!!! I can only imagine your frustration. I try to be very selective about who knows about my blog, I'm never sure who I might offend. Your Daddy is just proud of his Little Girl, he should be.
nancy said…
OMG. I would ~die~ if my dad read my blog!!!
Sydney said…
I am obsessed with my stat counter. I have three regular readers who never post and I'm dying to find out who they are. One is in Melbourne Florida (I don't know anyone there) and another in Marshfield Wisconsin who I can't for the life of me figure out. I just wish they'd post so I could figure it out! Glad Bj is doing better.
Unknown said…
Oh dear, that's really funny. Your dad is obviously very proud of you and probably tickled pink that his photo is on his daughter's blog.

Something similar happenned to me, but in my case it was my daughter. I'd posted a couple of times about the things my grandkids have said, so she passed out the link to my blog to all her friends and work mates. Too funny :-)

Glad your hubby is doing much better. Must be a load off your mind!
Sarah Mae said…
That is SO funny that your dad passed around your blog! He is so proud of his little girl! :) HAHA!
Suzanne said…
I'm glad that Bjorn is doing well, although two more surgeries does not sound like fun.

I'm crazy for my stat info. I love to see where people are visiting from. I have some from Denmark and lots from rural, rural Illinois.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Rhea said…
That's too funny about your dad passing out the link. Kind of sweet!

I'm sorry I missed the red tush advertisement. hehe

Glad you're done with your sister's slideshow. What a relief!

And, glad the hubby's hanging in there and doing ok...hope the rest of the surgeries go ok.

I have something for you on my site!!
Jennifer said…
So glad your hubby is doing better! Yay! And HI to your dad!

How do you get one of those stat counters? Could someone tell me? Thanks!
Lynda said…
No one in my family knows about my blog - yet! I kinda' want to keep it that way - it's kind of nice to have your own space, but if they find it, there's nothing incriminating yet - haha.

Greetings from Houston - not far from Kingwood :-)

Found you through SITS - glad I did :-)
running42k said…
As a dad I can say that it is our job to be dorks. As a dad who is also an accountant, it comes naturally for me.
Candid Carrie said…
At least your dad knows what a blog is, my parents still don't understand me! Yet they can pass every e-mail to me that says Sister Therese is willing to drop rose petals with my name on them in front of the Baby Jesus if only I would forward said e-mail to ten other people in five minutes. That they understand. Sheesh.
S Club Mama said…
You sound so much more relaxed now! I'm so glad Bjorn (sorry I don't have that cool o with the slash through it least I don't know how to use it) is doing well. Still in my prayers. I'm very glad to hear you found a worthwhile surgeon over there and...really, you just sound calmer.

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