Was your husband painting?

OK... now that the initial shock of everything has passed... & we have all calmed down a bit...time to pull myself up & look for the funny / nice things in life....

When I was sitting in the emergency room waiting for word on Bjørn, a really young, Dr. came in... he was precious & sweet & doing a very good job keeping me informed....

He had his little clipboard & was taking notes... wanting to know if Bjørn was allergic to anything.. then he asks... Mrs. #%¤#¤#, was your husband painting???? (I didn't tell you this yesterday because I was still in a poopy mood & didn't want to share any funnies)

While Bjørn was Free Falling off of our roof, the paint came with him. When they rushed him into the hospital he was covered... I mean COVERED with white paint... his head was covered... it was on his face in his eyelashes... all over his hands etc... I just thought.... "Was your husband painting?" was a pretty funny question..." Had I been ME & not in total shock.... I would have said something like "Um... no, he is a performance artist...he normally paints himself white... & he was practicing his routine up on our roof..." HELLO...
(& just so y'all don't think I am a total freak taking pictures in the recovery room.... it was just his hand & it was on my phone... so no one saw me snapping away!)
Dane & I took flowers over to the nice neighbor who sat with my kids & Bjørn until the Ambulance / Grandma arrived at the scene... What a way to meet...
Off to the hospital... thanks again for all of the kind words & prayers.... I am feeling very optimistic


I don't check in for 2 days and look what happens! Good grief, hang in there, I'll being watching for good news!
Angie's Spot said…
Well, at least you can see the humor in the situation. That's a good thing! :-)
Simple Answer said…
I was wondering why he was on the roof! But of course, I'm half a world away. I'd think had I been there, even I could've figured out he was painting!
Unknown said…
Ya... my honey thought he would save a few kroner & paint all of the peaks by himself.... Don't get me wrong... He is a total handy man... but takes STUPID risks... especially after his brother broke his back falling off of his roof years ago... Maybe it is a Norwegian man thing? (falling off of roofs)
Suzanne said…
You are so funny. Your sense of humor will help you through this. I don't think that Bjorn will be trying this kind of performance art anytime in the future.

Take care of yourself too. This is a stressful time for both of you.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Jill said…
I would have made a really sarcastic remark about why his hands only LOOKED like they were covered in paint...

Doctors drive me nuts...
Unknown said…
Medical staff sometimes ask the stupididt questions and often at a time when you have other things on your mind than answering said stupid questions!!

I think that you have a great sene of humour and that, in a situation like this, can ofen be a blessing.

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