A big Ol' HOWDY to Sean...

Just wanted to extend a big ol "HOWDY-DO" to my Best Friend from WIU, the college years. (Sean you are going to have to just skim through some of the crap... there are some funny bits... I promise...) 6 Random Facts (The Norwegian Version)
The HOLY SH*T Diet, Lets cut the CRAP shall we? (cause I know Sean will just write me off , thinking I suck, without looking for the funny bits...)
Did I mention I will be seeing Sean in like 5 weeks? Umm Hmm... I LOVE THIS GUY!
Had I not met hubby... this is the guy I would have wanted to father my children... cause he is just so damn PRETTY & the FUNNIEST guy I know... Love ya.
(And if you call or contact CS to read what I wrote about him... I will sooo kick your butt when I see you!)


Marie Reed said…
Hi There! I saw you on sits! How could I not click on the Expat in Norway. Where are you from in the States?
Kellan said…
Fun to see old friends - especially "good looking" ones!!!

Nice to meet you - I have a bloggy friend - Heidi (Viking Conquest) that was just in Norway for 9 months and her and her family just moved back home to Canada. I loved hearing stories of Norway and seeing all her beautiful pictures. Now I have you to show me the sights and tell me the stories. You should go over and meet her (she's in my sidebar) - she's wonderful!!

Have a good day and hope to see you soon - Kellan

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