Socially I am "Special"

Today was Eva's class party... bad news ... she had to be the bear.(she wanted to be a ballerina) But the cutest darn bear I have ever seen, if I say so myself!

Half way through the "show" Eva tells me that she wants to dance... So I tell " go on honey, go towards the back... and get up & dance with the others."
My goodness... she is 3 & I figured it was pretty silly that the teachers couldn't just let her run around with the other Ballerinas... so why not? So then she whispers " mamma...I have to put my dress on..." I told her to go get it from her cubby... I helped her get it on... then she whispers... "I need my slippers"Baby go ahead and get them"....

Next thing I know, Eva taps me on the shoulder... mouth open screaming... but making no sound.. COVERED in BLOOD. She looked like C A R R I E (prom scene? )
(see this will teach you all......woo haa haaa.... not letting MY baby be the ballerina...!)

Of course I jump up with her... trying to figure out where all of the blood was coming from...
Poor little thing had smacked right into the corner of a bookshelf while running for her shoes... along with a bloody nose, she had a small cut under her nose... bleeding...screaming...crying... perfect ending to the performance!
N I I I I C E.. leave it to me & mine to make a G R E A T... B IG.. G I A N T impression on the Preschool... if they didn't know who we were before today... they certainly do NOW.
I have been here for almost 3 years & DREAD going to any school social functions... because I feel like a great big social....MORON..( To be PC.... Socially... I am SPECIAL)
I am not like this at all at home (U.S.)... or even in normal day to day situations here... (really, I promise... I think I might even be kindda COOL)
But throw me into a room with a bunch of Norwegian Parents & I feel like the biggest dummy in the world.
Why? WHY? WHY ?I don't know... It isn't like I stick out like a soar thumb... I look Norwegian... I speak Norwegian.. I just feel so BLOODY uncomfortable..
I feel like the New Girl multiplied by 100.
I always walk in with this giant fake smile... just counting the seconds until I can leave. Sure it is fine if I know someone... ANYONE... but usually I just stand there looking like a giant dork...
My god... I have like... 14 more years of this... I have had enough... can we go back home? (America home...)


Debz said…
look at the bear - OMG! adorable. I cant believe she broke her head!! what did you do to her? ;) (i kid because i care)

and now i am exhausted - having read you whole blog. Now i must go for a walk to stretch my legs.
Debz said…
Responding to your comment about my granddaughter. If you continue on (daunting I know) you will see more info about F and L. It's all a load of crap right now, but I'm trying. :(
Jo said…
Your daughter is adorable!
I am socially challenged too...and not just when I'm in another country! ;-) One-on-one I'm usually ok, but in a group I'm one of those uncomfortable-looking wallflowers.
Thank you visiting my blog and for your sweet comment!
Unknown said…
I am soooo sorry that happened! I hope your daughter is OK!
Jill said…
Oh the poor munchkin... and poor you too! I hope you both feel better soon!

Here's to counting the days until your great American getaway!
Anonymous said…
You're daughter looks adorable in that photo. I hope that she's alright...poor baby
Anonymous said…
Here is the thing! You feel uncomfortable in a room with Norwegians because you make yourself feel that way. The truth is that all norwegians are like this - culture! - it has nothing to do with you, but it is the norwegian way. Any Norwegian feel uncomfortable in a crowd unless they know somebody (thats when they gang up and giggle etc). Dont let anybody make you feel this way!
Unknown said…
I totally know what you mean - and I'm not even a 'fish out of water'. I'm English, always lived in England and yet sometimes when I'm at a school function or meeting or even at the school gates I feel like the only sane one there!
Simple Answer said…
I love the bear! I'm sorry she hit her nose - noses bleed a lot.

I'm no help on the social front. I'm about to be the new kid on the block. Just one good friend. I'm hoping for one good friend.
Heather said…
Awww, she looks adorable as the bear. I'm so sorry she got hurt!! Poor baby, all she wanted to do was dance.

I know it's hard feeling left out. Hang in there!!
scargosun said…
Thank you for visiting my blog!

She is the cutest little bear! I hope she feels better after her accident.
Sherri said…
Oh she's so cute!! Good luck with the social thing -- I have issues there too!! Found you on SITS!!
Hang in there! Just keep blogging, we'll all get through it together!
Rhea said…
She is an ADORABLE bear. The cutest I've ever seen. Poor thing. You are socially special. hehe I'm the same...only here, at home, in the U.S.
kari and kijsa said…
She is too a bear, a ballerina (bloody or not) and as the daughter of a mom who will be fabulous and make it through with flying colors! You go girl!!

kari & kijsa
Diane Mandy said…
DO you feel this way in all social situations or just in the preschool setting? It's so hard to imagine having felt this way all this time. I've been doing the expat thing for 6 months and keep hoping I'll eventually feel more comfortable. Now you've got me worried.

ANd your daughter???? CUTE!!

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