This made me smile this morning....


Anonymous said…
love it!
Angie's Spot said…
That was great! It made me smile too.
Heather said…
Okay, I'm a nerd. It made me a happy way. It was just so beautiful seeing all those people around the world dancing. I'm a nerd.
Unknown said…
Heather your PMSing... everything will make you cry.... But I too get a little teary eyed....
Maybe I should just stop & dance in the hallways of the Hospital... think I would get some attention that way?
Candid Carrie said…
1. Heather is ALWAYS PMSing.

2. I loved the part in India where he danced liked they danced, that was so cool, I rewinded that part and watched it four times.

3. Dear American, the only way you dancing in those hallways would make any difference at all was if there was full frontal nudity and then I can't guarantee anything. Perhaps it would cheer your husband, give it a try. Bring your camera.
Unknown said…
I loved the India part too! I thought that was sooo cool.... & the warrior part... It is kindda a happy dancing video isn't it?
Rhea said…
That was hilarious. Wonderful! Thanks for making me smile too!
I didn't click on this when I was here earlier...but what a great video. I want to travel like that! And the India part was the best...
Trooper Thorn said…
Generations from now, when the World is at peace, future historians (unintended oxymoron) will point back the the catalytic event that resulted in harmony. One man (and his camera person) traveled the globe and convinced other cultures to dance goofy for a moment.

Way more effective than another summit.

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