So how was your day?

So today was my day off... Joke...Big Joke. feel like I need to go to work just to get a break. (remember I bitch...that's just what I do)
Hubby was off AGAIN....this morning to Dubai...last week it was Holland... What i wouldn't give just to get out of Fredrikstad. (6 weeks & counting USA baby)
So I thought it would be nice to spend the day with my little Princess... (i worked last night & was too tire d to get her ready for preschool...) had a few errands to run, then thought we would have some girl time. However Dane's school called again... second time in less than a week.. His eyes were starting to swell. Not sure what is going on, but he has been having a terrible time with allergies this year. Seriously... when his eyes start swelling, it looks like he has been beaten with a ball bat. (Cute...great for pictures) to the Dr. Dane finally agreed to get a blood test done so they could see what is really going on. Figured since the day was pretty much blown, we might as well head on over to Sweden... (cause that is what we do for fun around here) Sweden for the kids always means getting to go to McDonald's.... for me, grocery shopping, remember Sweden = cheap chicken... and an entire aisle for Americans..woo hoo.. we never know what we will find. Today we found Captain Crunch... which of course Dane wanted... $15 for a box ...and it didn't even have the red crunch berries.! HELLO... Being the mean mommy that I am I told him we would have to wait until we get back to the states & then proceeded to buy my $12 Newman's own dressing... (I am mean aren't I?) Ended up blowing over $400 on MEAT/Chicken. never NEVER go shopping in Sweden during the week because they are sold out of all of the good stuff... Veggies..etc were all yuck. (Norwegians like to grocery shop in Sweden on Sunday..its a fact... look it up...) So when you show up on Monday or worse on are pretty much screwed.
Came home... got Dane started on his allergy meds.. & tried to get them in bed. I LOVE the whole midnight sun thing when I don't have to work... & the kids don't have to go to school...but try getting your kids to bed when it looks like it is 12 noon... not easy. I miss my hubby... I really don't give him enough credit for what he does do when he is a home.... I was used to everything by myself for YEARS.. & now I am spoiled.
The allergy med.s had kicked in & Dane was out... still trying to get Eva to sleep....shhh honey...ok, stop talking ..umm hmmm.. when I realized SHE IS SPEAKING ENGLISH!!! Woo Hoo.. HUGE thing for me. she can speak English..she just won't she understands everything...but just isn't comfortable... when it hit me... she was speaking English on & off most of the day& it was so natural for her I didn't really notice.... Yippeee! I was really kind of worried about how she was going to be with my family... but she has it down pat. (I speak English at home most of the time...but the rest of the clan speaks Norwegian when I don't stop them. here is a cute little video she made for my sister a few weeks ago.... The toxic wasteland she appears to be standing in is our front yard... (my sister asked me where the hell she was)
time to sign off... gotta work in the morning,& get the kids out the door by 7am all by myself.


Suzanne said…
I'm sitting here in rural Illinois thinking how cool it would be to live in Norway. $12 for a bottle of dressing? Is there no comparable Norwegian product? And you just go to Sweden at the drop of a hat? Do you live on the border because it would seem to me that it could be a distance...... like living in Illinois and shopping in Iowa. HA.

I can relate to the differences in culture. I'm laughing here because I moved to Texas and experienced EXTREME culture shock because moving to Texas IS LIKE moving to another country. HA.

I love to read about your adventures and that's one cute kid. Good English too!

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Diane Mandy said…
$14 for Captain Crunch? Are you kidding me? I'd totally pass on that, to. But Newman's salad dressing..never!
Dena said…
The video is too cute. She is adorable. I give you props. I don't think I could handle the culture shock living in another country and then spending that kind of money on things to top it off, uggggg!!
Debz said…
Oh she's just too cute for words!

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