Cruise Ship Chronicals ?

I think I am addicted to blogging... I like to blog... I like to read other blogs... I can click , & click & click until the wee hours of the morning.
The only problem with this of course... I have a full time job, a husband & two kids... who don't think blogging is more important then dinner.
I have a million things I should be doing rather than blogging... So this will be the only blog, I blog on American in Norway today...


I did have an idea for ANOTHER blog...
I was thinking of making another blog all about our lives on Cruise Ships. With all of the really good stories from life on board. What do you think? I could call it the "CRUISE SHIP Chronicals?" Or "Biggest FREAKS of the Sea"..(umm, not me & hubby... the freaky passengers we used to meet.) OHHHH I have encountered soo many WEIRDOS... the stories I can tell...
Or the behind the scenes of the crew...
Give me a little feed back people... and suggestions for a name would be good too...


Angie's Spot said…
I can't IMAGINE the tales you could tell about cruise ship life. That would be fun reading! I like Cruise Ship Chronicles for a name. I'm not very creative before 10am, so I'm afraid I don't have much to offer. Where's my caffeine?!
Jill said…
I too love blogging... a lot. My husband has taken a relative interest in mine - reading many posts before I publish them, or showing friends at work.

As for your cruise ship idea - I would love to hear about the wacky people... I guess that's the freak in me. :)
Christelle said…
Great idea! I'd totally be interesting in reading that blog (and I was a HUGE fan of the Love Boat- Saturday nights right before Fantasy Island).

PS- I'm glad you like blogging, cause I really enjoy reading your posts.
Unknown said…
Thanks ladies... maybe I can start the cruise ship stories over the weekend... Still looking for ideas for a name... HINT HINT... come on people... throw me a bone.
Unknown said…
Thanks for checking in one me...I look forward to reading more from you!
Oh, you seriously have to blog about ship life! I have only been once but have friends that go ALL THE TIME, and we are dying to know what goes on behind the scenes!!! A name, let's see, Below Deck? I'll keep thinking. Also, thanks for sharing your love story, sheds some light on you life.
Suzanne said…
How about, "Behind the Seas"...a play on behind the scenes.

I'm sure lots of crazy stuff goes on. I've seen some of those crazy passengers up close and personal. But as a cruise ship passenger I could tell stories too!!

- Suzanne
Hi there! Thanks so much for coming by my blog and saying hello. I *love* your blog. I went back and read all your posts. I kinda roll that stalkerish.

And a cruise ship blog would be very cool. We just went on our third cruise 2 months ago. I'm hankering to go on another. Is your husband still working for RCL?
Unknown said…
***Hubby no longer sails with RCCL...iWe made a pact right after we got married, that we wouldn't work on cruise ships without each other... (after you read some the stories you will understand why...)
Hope y'all have a super duper weekend!
Kristen Andrews said…
thanks for stopping by from SITS! I can ship to norway just email me your address for a shipping quote

Thank you!
Wow, I can only imagine the adventures you'd have working on a cruise ship! We've cruised once and it was a blast but crazy too!

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