Mortified Monday...

Mortified Monday..... Lets all share our mortifying moments.....OK... anyone want to play? If so...get your moment posted, leave me message & I will link back to you...

I just thought we could all start the week off with a little laugh.. & so much the better when it is at somebody else's I right or am I RIGHT?

I have a LOT of very MORTIFYING moments... most of them having to do with my oldest child...god bless him... he is so much like his momma (especially when it comes to the big ol' mouth.) I remember being a child & my mother telling me that one day she hoped I had a child just like me... & guess what? I got him...

OK, one of my MOST MORTIFYING MOMENTS took place about 4 years ago when I was very pregnant with Eva... Dane had just turned 5, & had wondered out of our front yard.

I found him hanging out down the street at the neighbors house.

Just picture .... the perfect little" nice" family... they were all in the driveway building a birdhouse & were nice enough to let Dane help. I walked down just to make sure everything was OK... I told them to just send Dane home when they had had enough... " problem..." they smiled & waved.... As I turned to walk home, my adorable little boy calls ...(SCREAMS) out to me... "Oh mom...Benjamin is NOT a DORK..." Me, shocked...MORTIFIED... say with a nervous giggle... "Oh honey, of course he's not...What the??..." Dane still SCREAMING down the driveway.. "But mom, you say he is a DORK all of the time...."

OK... now can't you just see the nice little family holding their hammers in mid-air, opened-jawed...just staring at me?
With my mind racing on how I could possibly get out of this "NIGHTMARE" I thought about telling them that DORK... meant "good friend" in Norwegian, but didn't think I would be able to pull that off... I am a pretty bad liar.

Instead, I patted my very pregnant belly & half whispered to Benjamin's mom..."I think he is having a hard time with the new baby on the way...he has been making up A LOT of stories lately..." I managed a very weak smile & waddled back to my house. (yes this was the day, that I threw my own child under the buss, in order to TRY to save face in front of the neighbors...)

Needless to say... Dane wasn't invited to Dorky Benjamin's Birthday party the following week, nor did his mother speak to me again....(I guess she didn't buy my sorry explanation)

Before you all think I am a horrible mommy/person... I would like to defend myself.... I wasn't really calling Benjamin a Dork... Dork....
I mean, I call EVERYONE dorks... My children are dorks.. I am a dork... Bjørn is a TOTAL DORK ..& I certainly never told Dane I thought Benjamin was a dork...I am sure he overheard me saying something to Bjørn)

To say the least, I learned a very, VERY valuable lesson from this experience... No, it wasn't watch what I say in front of the kiddos...
It was that I should start threatening them at BIRTH to NEVER... EVER... repeat what mommy says at home.... NEVER.... I started the day I brought Eva home from the hospital.... & still end most of my sentences with... "Now this is not to be repeated....D A N E .....

OK girlies... make my day... give me something to laugh about... I want to hear your Mortifying Moments..... PLEASE....
Happy Monday!

Make sure you read the funny comments & go on over
I've fallen and I can't get up - Karen's
My Most Mortifying Moment Carolina Girls...
My Most Mortifying Moment Lori's
Why Kendall Might Be Sorry I Work at Her Middle School from Mrs.4444
Thank you for everyone playing along.....


Heather said…
Okay, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time...but that's HILARIOUS!!
I always have to watch what I say in front of the kiddos. And I tell my MIL - don't always believe the girls about what they say happens at our house...and I won't believe everything they say about what happens at yours...
Robin said…
Wow, where do I start? I could write a book on my mortifying moments..This one happened in college:

I had just started dating a football player who I'd met in my spanish class. One night we were studying in my dorm room (yes, we were studying!). I was sitting in my chair rocking on the back two legs of it (my feet were on my roommate's steamer trunk). Brett said something funny, I started laughing and I


We made direct eye contact for a split second then I said something totally stupid like "It was my chair, my chair made that noise!"

We broke up a couple months later..but the nightmare doesn't end there.

About a month later, I'm at a frat party with some sisters and we run into Brett. All of my girlfriends knew the story by now so when they saw Brett they start teasing me.."Rob, go fart in front of him!" "Let him smell ya!" Mean mean girls.. He sees me, gives me a big hug and in front of all of his friends and mine says "So, do you want to fart in front me again and blame it on the chair again?" crickets chirping, crickets chirping..both sets of friends staring at me..To be honest I don't remember what I told him but I'm sure it probably rhymed with "Muck Pew"..

Nightmare continues:

A few years later - I'm out with my boyfriend (who later becomes my husband) and we run into Brett. First thing he says, "Hey Rob, remember that time you farted in front of me?" I say something like "Yeah, and your losing your hair now huh?" He was an extremely hot blonde who was very vain so I knew I had hit just the right nerve....... REVENGE IS SWEET! ROBIN WINS!!!
Lori said…
That is SO FUNNY! I'm going to carry that little story around in my head, and any time something goes wrong, I'll think "It could be worse..."

Okay, I'm going to post my mortifying moment at!
Debz said…
OK here's mine (there are probably more but I have spent years repressing most of them so lets leave them there).
My youngest was about 3 and I had him with me in the mall shopping for bras. I was checking them out and I realized he had picked one up from the shelf and had it draped over his head (in the style of earmuffs) then he pulled it over his face and proceeded to sniff it. He then said, "this is what daddy does when you're not home".
I thought I would throw up at first, but confronted the hubby, who as it turns out is not a cross dresser as the entire county now believes, but instead he was missing me bad (I was away on business) and he was trying to smell my perfume. Its kinda sweet in a sick way.
Unknown said…
That is a doozy of a mortifying moment!
My husband had one when he took our five-year-old son swimming. They were in one of the shower cubicles after washing off the chlorine and hubby was trying to bend over Dan to wash his back. Dan said very loudly: "Daddy, stop touching me with your willy!"
Hubby had to wait a full 10 minutes before he could face leaving that cubicle!
Unknown said…
That really funny. Thanks for the morning giggle.

Okay...I'll play. Posted my mortifying moment on my blog.

Debs and Tara's both had me laughing hysterically. Very funny :-)
Oh Chit!

I think I would have tried to find a hole to go climb in. I would have been mortified.

My son has given me a few moments of just wanting to put a bag over my head.
#1 We were out for breakfast and the guy walking up had a top of the line metal fake leg that was clearly visible. My son was in awe of it, thought it was soooooo cool and before we could catch him he says with the guy close by "Dad, check out his robot leg". Hubby and I both gave each other a look and we get seated right next to the guy and son could not stop staring he though that guy was so cool because he had a robot leg. Son tried to start talking about it the whole meal and he would get no more than one word out and Hubby would cut him off. It was so hard to not laugh. The harder he tried to talk about it the harder hubby cut him off. It was a long meal.

Son & I are walking up to the grocery store and the guy walking out is wearing a black eye patch. Son says right in front of the guy "Mom, look at that pirate"
Jennifer said…
LOL--I'm cringing just reading that!! I feel your pain!!
Unknown said…
I think I might not have saved my comment earlier.. mortifying :-)

That is so funny. Kids are great at repeating everything they hear !

Anyway, I posted my mortifying story, so I'm playing ...

I haven't laughed so hard for awhile, reading your post and then the comments. Thanks for the morning giggles, ladies :-)
OMG I just posted about a mortifying moment that happened this weekend when I fell down some stairs in front of everyone in a restaurant. So classy and smooth I am :o)

Your kids are adorable by the way!
Laural Out Loud said…
I was so disoriented after having my first baby that when I sent out pictures, I accidentally included ones where you can see my, ahem, bush, and back fat. It was awful. I still cringe when I think about it! Luckily, no one has said a word!

You know, when we were in Brazil I started some horrible family drama by calling my husband's brother a dork. He thought I was calling him a jerk. We laugh about it now, but at the time poor sweet innocent me didn't know why the heck calling someone a dork would cause such a scene!
Rhea said…
That was a mortiying moment! Oh, no. lol

I was mortified when my employer showed up at my house the other day when it was MESSY. I was mortified when I accidently sent a naked booby picture to my mother-in-law, before she was my mother-in-law. I could go on and on...

I wanted to let you know that I've moved my blog to a new address and have a new look as of today! Come visit when you have a chance.
Diane Mandy said…
Kid's say the darndest things. That story is priceless and so was your reaction. I'll be laughing about it all night@
WheresMyAngels said…
That is too funny! I would of died!! I just posted one on my blog, it wasn't that bad, but it just happened yesterday.
Robin's hilarious story reminded me of a similar experience -I was walking with some co-workers one time at a convention and I think I was really upset and nervous about something and well....all of a sudden I um, passed gas!!!!!!! In front of not ONE but TWO co-workers!!!!!!! One girl just stopped and started laughing hysterically and the other was a guy (I was so humilated) just got red in the face and started walking away as fast as he could. Boy, if only a big dark hole could open up in moments like that! I would have gladly jumped in!
Marie Reed said…
Well I was too late to play along but I loved reading them!
Anonymous said…
That's pretty bad, but I think mine trumps yours; see if you agree:

I'll add a link to yours as soon as I'm done here :)
Frizzy said…
I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Too funny and thanks for sharing. I love that you through him under the bus so to speak. My daughter is just learning to talk but I can already see these type of moments coming. So far she's mortified me in restaurants on several occassions by throwing food. Once, she actually hit someone on the head. Hard to sincerely say your sorry for her behavior, scold her and try to hold back an embarrased bwahahaha all at once.
Anonymous said…
I thought it was funny, too - hopefully it is for you by now as well! I don't have kids of my own but am sure I embarrassed my mother plenty. For example: she had made a new friend who was on the heavy side. The friend was always talking about being pregnant and having a baby and when we went to visit their home, she showed us where the nursery would be. I asked her when she was due and the look she gave me could have frozen lava: "I'm not pregnant," she said coldly. My mother was not happy with me and later told me that the friend had asked, "Am I really that fat???" Whoops. But you can see where I thought she was pregnant, right? All that baby talk? Come on, now!
Funny. I know as mommies, we have a lot of "unproud moments" to go with the proud ones! My middle daughter used to be in the habit of looking under the doors in public restrooms and trying to begin conversations with the people in them. Or simply announcing to the room that I have my monthly visitor by asking "Mommy, why you have that string in your coochy?". Mortifying!
Anonymous said…
Too funny!
flashback to 8th grade dance-THE dance where you wore a dress and everything. Everyone's in a circle while ppl dance in the middle and someone accidentally pushes me, I stumble inside the circle, fall, and my DRESS FLIES UP OVER MY HEAD...yup, flashed the whole 8th grade. (Okay, now if that I happened I would just laugh, but picture a pre-teen=MORTIFIED!)
Melanie Dickens said…
Hilarious. That's what kids are good for. I love it when they rat out my husband though. That makes it all worth it.
Kimmie said…
My 2 year old has become a total sponge... I can totally relate.
Yelowflower said…
that is just too son yelled out something he heard my DH say once, that was rather derogatory in a racial way, taught my hubby a valuable lesson...fortunately for us the woman didn't see it that way, she thought he was just the cutest thing ever. Thank the Lord for good people.
Rhea said…
This post is hilarious. I'd totally throw my child under the bus over this too. lol
~Trish~ said…
Oh funny, I have plenty of those stories as well. Gotta love kids!
Dee said…
oh dear... thats embarrasing. I have strated to watch what I say now, very closely,as I know it will get repeated somewhere...
My 3yo loudly pointed out 'that man's black" one day to a young guy in our town... lucky he thought it funny.
What A Card said…
Ha! Where do they come up with this stuff? I had my twin boys in a public bathroom with me when one of them decided to announce at full volume, "Mommy has a _________". Let's just say he filled in that blank with the name for male genitalia. Just to be clear, I most certainly do not have one, and I have no idea why he would yell that in a crowded bathroom :)
Shanda said…
That is so funny...the most mortified I've been was in the grocery store when my child asked why that man was so fat at full volume...and it was a woman!
Anonymous said…
My mortifying moment: when I asked my future aunt-in-law if she was pregnant (this is after she'd given birth to her daughters seven or so years before...and she was NOT pregnant).

It's amazing they still accepted me in the family. :-)
Anonymous said…
Reminds me of the time we were at the library and my 2 year old said "BIG BELLY!" in a huge deep voice when an obese woman came in the room. Worst mom moment.
Anonymous said…
it IS funny now!
Lorie said…
Bwahahaha! Threw your kid under the bus to save face with the neighbors! Gotta love kids! ;D
Jacie said…
Too funny! My five year old likes to share things he hears me say too. He heard me call myself a cow one day and then when we went to the grocery store later that day,he saw a very large woman and said, "Mama! You're not a cow. SHE'S A COW!" I was utterly mortified.
Staci Loalbo said…
my chess hurts and i cant brief!!!! IM DYING!! tooo flippin funny!!!!
Casey's trio said…
This story is hilarious...thanks for starting my morning off with a good laugh:)
Karol said…
That's too freaking funny!
Peggy said…
These darling, innocent children know how to ruin a day and a potential friendship. All embarrassing moments are funny when told later, when the horrible moment has passed.
Anonymous said…
Oh, no! Good for you for thinking up something so quickly! I would have just laughed and given myself away.

Enjoy your SITS day!
Oh my gosh - how funny! My mother used to say that to me, too!
Denyse said…
Oh my word! That's hilarious!
Unknown said…
LMAO that is hysterical. Lucky you, they keep it up... forever or until they have kids of their own to pay them back.
Suzi said…
Oh, that's funny. I call everyone Dorks too. Even my boss. He hasn't quite figured my humor out, apparently. :)
EmmaP said…
this is too funny! I can see it now. Way to be "quick on your toes". I'm sure Dane will "get even" one day by throwing you under the bus too!
THE Stephanie said…
That was THE funniest thing EVER!!!
Tabitha Blue said…
OMG, that was one of the best embarrassing stories I've heard... so funny. Thanks for sharing! LOL
koopermom said…
Oh my.
I can totally see my three year old repeating this. Hilarious!
Laural Out Loud said…
This was so much fun to read again! I can totally see you standing there, pattying your belly while lying about your son being a liar. Priceless!

I just recently told my daughter to hush it when it comes to repeating things she hears at home. I think it's the only way to go (since I can't keep my mouth shut).
Anonymous said…
I think we've all had one of those mortifying moments. I'm sure my kids have gotten me in some awkward position a time or two lol.
Creative Junkie said…
omg - I have too many mortifying moments to count. But I love reading about everyone elses ... makes me feel human!
Mama Mia said…
OMG that is WAY too funny...
Ronnica said…
Wow, that'd be hard to recover from! (for you, at least!)
Laurel said…
I am sitting here debating about writing mine ... but it is so mortifying that I still can't do it. (But I'm crying laughing thinking about it)

So sorry for your pain!!!! But very funny.
The Boss Lady said…
How about this one? I have two sons, ages 10 1/2 & 5. My 10 1/2 year old's father is my ex, and he's black.

So we're walking to the baseball field one day, and Owen, my then 2-year old, walks by a black man, and I swear, screams at the top of his lungs, "Look mom, black guy!" And points. And I wanted to die. But I just apologized, and the man laughed, even though he probably thought I was raising a future KKK member...which couldn't be farther from the truth.

What can you do? Not much of anything, I suppose. :)
Dana said…
Oh my gosh! Out of the mouths of babes. Don't you just LOVE it when they parrot you?! Funny story. Mortifying at the time, but funny now!
Anna Lefler said…
OK, you should not feel badly about this.

EVERYONE knows Bejamin is a TOTAL dork.

That mom is in some serious denial.

;^) Anna
Pinktulip said…
Thanks for sharing your stories Ladies. I had a great time reading it (and laughing, sorry!) I will share such a moment of mine too. You know the saying "fall out the bus"? I did it. Literally. I was about 20 years old and took a bus to work every day in Johannesburg. The spot where the bus dropped me off had quite an uneven drop down to the pavement. I knew this of course and was always careful. I also knew that the brightly coloured pumps I favored had very smooth soles as I have slipped many times before. Did I stop wearing them? After that day I did! I put my first foot on the tar road and thought I had traction so let go of the pole and lifted my second foot up. I was airborn...and landed (HARD) on my butt! Ouch! It was VERY sore and very high to fall. I looked up and saw a sea of faces stare at me from the bus windows...A stranger helped me up and although I could barely walk but I did...until a block away...
Oh, those kids. They say the darnedest things.
Leiann said…
OH, my gosh, HILARIOUS!!! I think one of my mortifying experiences was when we were in church and everyone was really quite and my son says VERY loudly that he needs to go poopy. You can't tell me that no one heard that!
Jenni said…
I am not sure how you recover from that one! My kids have embarrased me a gazillion times. One time my three year old asked whey the checker at the grocery store had a polka dot face. I pretended I didn't hear her. Luckily she didn't repeat the question louder, but I am sure the poor girl heard.
Michelle said…
Oh, I would have died!! Funny story though and I think I might have to blog about my own mortifying moment.......I've had more than a few!
Anonymous said…
I can't stop laughing! Mine was when we were having a mini family reunion. The women were all sitting around a table two people deep gabbing. My niece comes into the room and taps me on the shoulder, which didn't just get my attention, it got everyone's. Then she points across the table with a fully extended arm and says, "She's not pretty." !!!! How do you recover from that? I was too mortified to even tell her that it was not a nice thing to say. Come to think of it, I wonder where her mother was at the time?
April Kennedy said…
ok that was a totally fun post. I just might have to steal that ideal...if you don't mind! loved the mortifying stories!
{amy k.} said…
Oh my gosh- that is tooo funny! Kids just take it all in and let it all out whenever they want, don't they! I call everyone dorks too... I'm a dork so I know I can get away with it. That was a great story- thanks for bringing a smile to my rainy day!
oh it is so much funnier when it happens to someone else (sorry). This was hilarious and dork is a term of endearment, didn't those people know that? ** Your commenters ** holy cow, I am going to wet myself if I read anymore.
Brooke said…
Oh now that is good!! I have time during the busy holiday season, my husband and I were leaving his work Christmas party and the restaurant is located in the top floor of another building. We were casually walking down the stairs, (wood with tile) and I not so gracefully slipped and FELL down the stairs!! I of course got all sorts of "Are you okay?!" But I know deep down and most likely as soon as I left, they were laughing hysterically. I can't blame them. I am sure I would have too. :( ha ha
Michelle said…
I love to read other people's embarrassing stories... (sorry, guys!) Here's one of mine...

My MIL is a large lady, and just a couple days after I had my youngest son, my oldest (he's 5) asked my MIL, "When are you going to have your baby?" I could've died.
Sarah said…
:-D Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
That is a GREAT story! Just keep reminding him he owes you big time!!!

Thanks for reminding me to warn Zander!!! Good plan!!!
Mammatalk said…
Wow. You can really think on your feet. I don't know what I would have done in that situation!
angie said…
Your story was too funny! And I'm loving all the stories in the comments too!
Heather said…
kids really so say the craziest things :)
Melodie said…
LOL!!! So, so funny!
Anonymous said…
Oh, so funny a second time around too! Glad to have found you again through SITS!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh yikes. That is pretty mortifying. I'm not sure what I would have done at that moment.
Natalia said…
LOL! Too funny. I literally go into a zone during my mortifying moments and mentally block them out. Some sort of weird survival instinct because I'd never leave my house otherwise, lol.
Jen said…
I know that was mortifing but it was oh so funny.
Unknown said…
Hehehehe ... still makes me giggle, even though I saw it when you first posted :-)
Michelle said…
Oooo. That's a bad one. I will say that I'm sure I have plenty of horrific moments but ummm none I'm willing to share right now! ;)

But I SOOOOOO know what you mean about the things that kids say that shouldn't be repeated.
Cheryl said…
I am LMBO. I have sooooo done this. My daughter is sooooo much like Dane or used to be. She is older now and knows not to repeat what I say. :)
Tiffany said…
Girl. You crack me up! Hysterical.

I have had a very similar experience.

Hope you had a wonderful SITS day!!!
Cristin said…
Oh My... too funny...

I caught the baby telling the dog to 'Shut Up!' the other day... time for me to watch what I say....
mrsmouthy said…
That's hilarious--and mortifying! And I say to my son all the time that I hope he has a child just like him someday. It's a compliment and a jab at the same time. :)
Amy said…
That is funny! My 4 year old daughter (at the time) asked the checker at Walmart (who was very large) if she was going to have a baby because "you're big"....I wanted to crawl under the counter, I was so embarassed!
Melissa Lester said…
Oh, my! I have laughed so hard reading all the comments posted about mortifying moments. At least now when we have a embarrassing moment, we can eventually realize we have a good blog story!
Le said…
ohhh yes I totally understand this one .... funny little darlings all of them :) le
Shannon said…
I've been here before... but it has been awhile (sorry!)

Sorry I missed your SITS day.

And I LOVE how you said you call everyone dorks... but your hubby is a "TOTAL DORK" ...hee hee hee!

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