Thank YOU!

I just wanted to say a great big ...GIANT THANK YOU especially to all of the SITS sisters The Secret is in the Sauce ...... for all of the well wishers & your prayers. I have been at the hospital most of the day with Bjørn & Dane. I thought it was really important for Dane to see his daddy & know that he really is going to be OK.
Bjørn is in good spirits & already trying to figure out how he can work from the hospital bed. His company is mailing some sort of internet card so that he can work on his laptop from the hospital .... HELLO? Hasn't even been 24 hours...
Not sure if they are going to go in and operate tomorrow or on Wed. The Dr.s have now decided that they are going to have to go in and put a steel plate in by his shoulder (I thought that this was a clean break... but a bit worse than I understood last night... )

And they are already talking about a bone graph on his lower arm. They will take bone from his hip to help lengthen his arm... As long as he doesn't get an infection... I am fine with him being a little lopsided... See, then we really would be a PERFECT match... I had the exact thing happen to my leg years ago.... I shattered my lower leg and lost about 1/2 of length... So been there, done that.
His arm length is the least of my worries....
(now I can see your minds wondering... "Mmmm..does she drag her gimppy leg?") Na...

Going to get my babies to bed... Me too... been a rough couple of days...
Thank you once again for all of your support! It means the world to me!


Anonymous said…
Oh, poor you, you must have freaked out when your daughter called you! Nice to see it's "just" broken bones... hope it goes well.

Just found you cause I'm browsing expats blog ;)
Oh wow! Your son was so brave...and I am glad to hear that your hubby is doing okay. I think with a fall like that, he is most fortunate. Sending lots of prayers and healthy vibes your way...
Jane said…
My first visit, from glad it's "just" the arm that is broken....what a lucky guy. And so cute of your son. :)

Love the design of your blog, too.
Suzanne said…
Going to bed??? Oh, I forgot, you're halfway around the world. Get some sleep so you're bright in the morning.

I'm glad that Bjorn is in good hands. Make him follow doctor's orders because you know men aren't too good at that. The Doctor says, don't lift, and they think they're kidding. Pound it into him that if he doesn't take it easy and do what they say he can re-injure it and make things worse than they need to be. Good idea about taking Dane there.

So, his company is going to have him work from his hospital bed. On pain meds?? Oh, that ought to be good. And what will he be typing with? One handed, huh? Maybe they can hire you as his admin. assistant.

Wishing him a speedy recovery.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Nicole said…
Hope you don't mind me blog stalking. I hope your hubby gets feeling better soon. I can't believe your 9 year old did all that. It's amazing how children can really rise to the occasion. I love the name Bjorn by the way, it's different. Take Care!
Gramma 2 Many said…
I have lurked on your post a couple of time. Now I have to comment. Hoping for the best for Bjorn and his recovery. You need to take care of yourself. We women tend to forget about us in times like this. You will be of no good to anyone if you get run down during all of this. Yahoo for your wounderously brave, cool, calm and collected son. He truly is a hero:)
When you have time, you are more than welcome to come visit me and see what is happening in my life and family. Love to see you there. In the meantime, do take care of yourself.
Angie's Spot said…
Hang in there! We're all sending well wishes your way!
I am so glad your hubby will be well soon. You are stronger than you think. You are on my mind. Happy healing thoughts coming to you from Canada. xo
Jill said…
Oh, I'm glad to hear that he's slowly feeling better. Working from the hospital? Does his office have no shame?

I hope you can take a deep breath ....

Thinking of ya!
Rhea said…
it was a bad break. glad you brought Dane to see Daddy, I agree that's good for them both. hugs to you guys!!

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