F I N A L L Y...I wanna be a Princess..

This all started on Sat. I was on the computer when my baby Eva Gabrielle (Ava Gabriella) walked into my office and announced...
"Mamma... I want to be a Princess..."
I stopped dead in my tracks not believing my ears... "What, did you say?" " I wanna be a Princess..." she replied... (in English.... no less)

Warm tears filled my eyes... as I called to my husband... " Honey... did you hear that? She wants to be a P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S-..." It felt like that scene from Helen Keller... the first time she says
W-A- T- E- R...
I don't think my husband has seen me move so fast in years....
Before my daughter could say "Spiderman" or "Pirate" I was jumping up the stairs 2 at a time... to get my "SPECIAL BOX..." I guess you could call it my "HOPE Chest" filled with everything...good, & sweet, and princessessy... Wands, shoes, dresses.... I have been waiting for this moment for ... F O R E V E R !

Now don't get me wrong... I love "THE BOY"... but... *sigh*... I have wanted a daughter for as long as I can remember.... & if she had long beautiful hair so much the better....
From the moment I found out I was having a girl... I started making preparations... The nursery was finished 6 months along... While in Paris...My mother, sister & I choose the perfect outfit she would be coming home in ... the bows & baubles and everything else "girly" was waiting Princess Eva's Arrival.

The child would have had a bow on her head the moment she was born, had I not been rushed into an emergency C-section & my husband had not forgotten it in midst of all of the chaos... (you think I jest?....) Eva's FIRST picture... 12 hours old..

Things were fine & dandy for the first year..... I had my baby doll... to take out & dress up as I pleased... When she turned 2 things suddenly took a turn for the worst.... My Princess no longer wanted to be a Girl... never mind Princess.... She wanted to be a B O Y.... My hopes were dashed... So for the past 2 years I have bit my lip & pretended like playing Spiderman was fun... & sure lets do your new room in BLUE & spiders... sounds like a great idea....
What I had hoped for...

What I got....

Hoped for.. what I got...

until last Saturday.... I GOT MY PRINCESS BACK...I have no idea what has happened... but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth...

She has had a baby doll glued to her hip... & has insisted in wearing her Princess Clothes everywhere.

My son has been HORRIFIED that I am allowing here to wear the Princess dress all over town... this.. coming from the kid dressed as Buzz Lightyear, cowboy or Pirate for the first 5 years of his life.
I am just enjoying every min.of this" girliness". It may all end tomorrow...
Today is her class party at pre school.... this morning she told me she was going to be a ballerina... I would see her dance.... thus wearing a tutu to school.... (reading over the program... She is the baby bear from Goldilocks... & a pirate in another skit...)
I gave her teacher a heads up... just in case Eva is determined to dance instead of being a Pirate...Oh... I HOPE they let her be a little ballerina with the other girls... I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Angie's Spot said…
How exciting!! My girls rotate between firemen costumes, princesses and everything in between, so I've never been without my princess fix for more than a day or so. Congrats on finally getting your princess...for however long it lasts. :-)
Sarah said…
Ha ha! She is adorable! I love the pics with her all dirty. I hope that my children want to wear funny little costumes around town! So cute!!
Suzanne said…
Hooray!! Hooray!! I experienced something similar. My daughter is now 25 and when she looks back at the photos says, "Mom, I can't believe you made me wear that frilly dress." She was very particular about her "princessness" and needed to approve of the princess wear herself.

I love your daughter. She's just her own person. GO GIRL!!
Sydney said…
I love my boy too (he's nearly 3) but I don't know what I'll do if the next one is not a girl! So far we have 4 boy grandkids on my side of the family. My husbands family... it my son and a new nephew. I WANT TO BE THE ONE TO BREAK THE STREAK! I need dresses, bows and pink things. (Which shocks me, as I was quite the tomboy back in the day.) I need to know that I'll have a daughter when I get older. Enjoy her!!!
Karla said…
OK that is the cutest post EVER.

And the word verification is the most indecipherable ever. it looks like this: ppghjdfyrhjfjk (Ha I knew it I messed it up...2nd try!)
Marie Reed said…
I have to three boys ...boy cats... boy turtles.. I'm pretty sure that the fish are male too! I want a giiirllllllll!
I have 2 girly girls, they were so much fun to dress, do hair, all that good stuff.
Unknown said…
Have to say girls are PRETTY FUN... as long as she is in the mood to be a girl... Hope it lasts!
Debz said…
I had 2 boys - 0 girls. but i do have a granddaughter that i adore. your little princess eva is absolutley a baby doll herself
Debz said…
I had 2 boys - 0 girls. but i do have a granddaughter that i adore. your little princess eva is absolutley a baby doll herself
Jill said…
Oh how I love dressing my girlies up in anything/everything frilly. Pink and purple are staple colors in our house... And princess dresses? You can never have too many of those!
Sarah Mae said…
I'm so excited you're getting your girlie girl, your princess, you future spa partner! How wonderful! I have an almost three year old little girl and I LOVE her girliness!
Rhea said…
How fun to have your princess back! My husband would die if we had any princess clothes in this house (I have two boys) so I kind of miss that girly stuff. Sounds like you have too. :o)
Tiffany said…
She is SO cute! Mud or princess!

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