I'm going H O M E!!

Yippee.... I am going home... Not right now, & not forever... But soon... soon enough to start counting down... & dammit... I am
E X C I T E D! 6 weeks... & counting.. I have kept myself from getting too excited thus far... because home felt a long way off... but now...Woo hoo. (I know I am a total dork) Everyone at work has been asking about my vacation... (most of Norway shuts down during July so everyone can take a vacation...) When I talk about going HOME... I just start beaming. We are flying into Chicago to stay with my baby sister. This will be a first time trip for my hubby & kids, & I need to plan some things to show them besides all of the really great bars mommy used to hang out in. I am meeting up with my BESTEST friend from college Sean... who is going to host a little gathering of all of my buddies from WIU. Then it is off to beautiful Kansas City.. (the city of fountains... only Rome has more)Where I will get to see the rest of my family & the GIRLS. (although the gathering might be a little bit more subdued with 2 of the girlies preggers... one living in Texas & another with a newish baby... but I am sure somehow... we will pull it off... & it will be like old times.
Any suggestions with what to do with a 9 & 4 year old in Chicago would be much appreciated..


Suzanne said…
I'm excited for you!!! That's great. I know you want your husband and the girls to have a great time. I lilve just about 50 miles west of Chicago between St. Charles and Sycamore. We go into the city (Chicago) and there are lots of things to do. I bet your sister will have things planned for you.

I wouldn't miss taking the girls to Millenium Park, it's great. Buy them some disposable cameras and let them take pictures of the "Bean" and the fountain. There's also lots to do at Navy Pier. Or how about a day at the beach? Oak Street Beach is nice. Oh so much to do, so little time.

I know the girls are living in Norway, but are they into American Girl dolls? There's an American Girl shop where they host tea parties.

You'll have a great time.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Diane Mandy said…
That's my hubby's old stomping grounds from his graduate school days/ I'll ask. I do know there is a great zoo right downtown.
I'll tell ya what, let's trade places. All I do is bitch about never getting to go anywhere! Norway sounds pretty good, but seeing family IS important.
I am happy that you are happy! I hope you take many photos of all the fountains. I adore fountains.
6 weeks will fly by!
Jill said…
OK, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Chicago...it's where I want to move when we're done with this overseas thing...

The countdown to vacation is the best! I love the last week - it's as the week has no clock and before you know it you're on a plane bound for Target...

Yeah for you!
Unknown said…
Suzanne...totally planning a trip to the American Girls Shop... the boys will have to find something else to do.
Jill... I so love that you just GET ME! I could have so ended up in Chicago, I was like... THIS CLOSE. TARGET... I am drooling just thinking about it. (Sad or?)
Anonymous said…
Oh, we will definitely go to the American Girl store... I've been waiting for one of my nieces to come visit me so I could go! The Lincoln Park Zoo is not far from me, the beach, Millenium Park, the Children's Museum, the Aquarium, Cubs or WhiteSox game, the Hancock Tower, Navy Pier definitely, and we can soak up the sun at the rooftop pool. I CANNOT WAIT! YEA!!! love ya sista!
Anonymous said…
I am so excited for you, please take a lot of pics of KC and post for me. I am going to CA next week. Really excited about that. Meeting my mom in Las Vegas for Mothers Day. But really wish I could spend time in beautiful Kansas City, MO.

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