Say a little prayer for us....

Yesterday I was in my office (at work) when I get a hysterical phone call from Dane (my 9 year old) screaming "Daddy fell off the roof!" I (being me) became also hysterical screaming back "what do you mean? " I could hear my husband in the background... so at least I knew he was still alive.... Dane put him on the phone & he said "its my arm... I'm OK, the ambulance is on its way."
I take off from work, driving like a crazy person trying to get to the hospital , all of the while keeping phone contact with Dane. I was faster than the ambulance... so I managed to get home before they left with him... THANK GOD.... so I at least got the chance to see him before they took him in. It would be hours before I would be able to see him again.
It seems my darling husband, fell three stories, from the top of our roof while he was painting....
Thank GOD... he fell on his arm...(his left) I get sick to my stomach when I continue to play the "what ifs" over in my head..
Poor Dane... watched the entire thing... watched daddy falling... watched daddy trying to breath after getting the wind knocked out of him from a 3 story fall... watched daddy laying there... trying to get up but unable to... & watched daddy bleeding all over the place with a compound fracture...
I can't imagine trying to process all of this at 9 years old. This is what my little "wonder kind" did.... first he called the ambulance.....he screamed HYSTERICAL...loud enough for the lady at the end of the street to run down.... he called me at work, & he called my mother in law. He ran inside & got a pillow & blanket for his daddy & sat with him until the ambulance arrived. This is MY BOY... & I am so PROUD & THANKFUL that he was there & took care of his daddy...
My mother in law took the kids with her... but insisted I get a bag of clothes together for hubby so he would have something to wear home from the hospital.... (she was highly optimistic)
I make it to the emergency room... but they had already taken him in...& they would not allow me to see him. (Ooooo I have LOTS & LOTS of posts planned on the difference between American /Norwegian health care...LOTS)
But I must say... despite my not being able to see him, the team in the emergency room were very kind to me, keeping me updated on his condition... this is already a MUCH BETTER experience than the last time I was there....
To make a very, very long story short... my husband has broken his arm right below the shoulder, & shattered his lower arm. He had one surgery last night... & they are hoping to operate again tomorrow. He has basically shattered the bones between his elbow & his hand... and because it was a compound fracture & the wound was so dirty they weren't able to save allot of the bone that was splintered... So now they have to wait & make sure everything is clean enough & no infection before they try to put it back together.
When Bjørn (yes that is my husbands name... I am tired of writing hubby all of the time) woke up from the first surgery he was in really good spirits... joking with me... talking about all of the stuff he needed to do this week...important meetings etc... He really thought he might be getting out the next day.... I doubted that, & said that I thought he would probably be in for a few days... it looks pretty bad.... The surgeon said last night 2 WEEKS... he is looking at 3 months for the upper arm to heal... & no telling about the lower arm... he started talking about bone graphs...
Bjørn's face just went blank... He really had no idea this was so serious....
My husband is one of those that can NEVER sit down & relax... so lord knows how he is going to manage being locked up in the hospital for 2 weeks.... I am off to the hospital right now... Will post later.... thank for letting me vent.


Jill said…
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! What a horrible story... and terrible thing for your poor little guy to witness.

I am sending only good thoughts for your darling husband and wishing the best for his upcoming surgeries.

Take care of yourself during these 2 weeks while he's in the hospital.

Please keep us updated on his recovery!
Trish said…
Wow! What a scary thing.

I will be praying for you all.
Keep us posted.

N said…
I'm very sorry about the accident. Godspeed and I hope your husband will recover very fast.
trash said…
OH MY STARS! BLURRY HELL! And bugger! You really do need all the good luck fairies to fly over and love-bomb you huh?

You will be in my thoughts and as for keeping Bjorn still (sorry, my keyboard doesn't do the cool o), may I suggest strapping him down?!?!
Angie's Spot said…
OMG, you guys are in my thoughts! Sending lots of zen for a quick recovery for all of you, especially Bjorn. And a big high five to Dane for being such a trooper! What a great kid!
Suzanne said…
How traumatic for Dane to see, but as you've said he did everything right and should feel good that he was there and able to help his dad. OH MY!!!!

I bet you are literally shaking from all this, but as you know it could have had a really terrible ending. I bet this is the end of those type of home improvement projects for him. From what I've read you and your husband are both made from the "right stuff", this will be a big challenge for both of you. Hang in there my little American in Norway!!

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Anonymous said…
Hi! I just saw your comment on SITS and had to come over here and see what it was you needed prayers for. WOW! You're husband is very lucky, that's a big fall! I'm so proud of your son too and I don't even know him. What a kid! You and your family are definitely in my prayers! God speed the healing!!!
Heather said…
I am bawling my eyes out right now. You have SUCH a special little boy. Not many kids his age could think clearly enough in that situation to know what to do.

And thank you for telling us your husbands name so we can pray for him by name.

Hang in there and keep us posted!
Amy said…
I'm so sorry. I love that your little boy kicked it into high gear though. I think it says a lot about the parents when the kids show such incredible strength. Well done. Good for him. I hope your husband recovers quickly.
Unknown said…
WOW! We will keep you and Bjorn in our prayers!!!
Tracy P. said…
Another SITSTA--good way to find people who will pray! I think of this scenario every year at Christmas light time. So thankful he's not worse, but am off to whisper a prayer for the Lord to heal all of you quick!
Sydney said…
Oh tons of prayers coming your way! How scary for all of you, especially your little guy having to see it. My husband sounds so similar to yours... can't sit still for even a minute. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Bjorn!
Karen said…
I will pray for Bjorn and for you guys as you support him through this!
Sounds like you have a great kid!
Robin said…
Another SISTA- My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bjorn. I was so impressed reading how your son took care of his daddy. What a big guy!

Wishing Bjorn a speedy recovery from a fellow SISTA in Las Vegas.
S Club Mama said…
Hey found you on SITS, saw you needed prayers, so I hopped over to find out why. I'm so sorry, but what a brave boy you have! Your husband and the whole family will be in my prayers.

PS cute cute cute blog
Rhea said…
I am so impressed with your son's response. He did so well for 9 years old! That's tough on a little kid.

I am SO glad you're hubby is ok. LIke you said, it could have been so much worse. Still, it sounds like he really broke his arm badly, so I am so sorry. I feel for you guys right now.

I'm sending my love, prayers and positive thoughts your way. :o)
That is scary! I hope his operation goes well! I am an expat too! I have been living in England for over a year now (moving back to America next month though). If you would ever like to talk, my door is always open. :)
Kelly said…
Oh Tree, I am so sorry to hear about Bjorn's fall! I'm sending big hugs and good thoughts to you! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers! Dane deserves a medal; what a clear, quick thinker!
scargosun said…
OMG! I am so glad that he is on the mend. Your son is an angel. Rock on, Mom and Dad for teaching him all the right things to do! Maybe you't husband needs to learn how to blog...albeit with one hand.
Tiffany said…
I am so proud of your son. He knew what to do and got help! My dad fell through the ceiling when I was a kid... we laugh about now.

I wish I was close enough to send you a casserole!

You and your family are definitely in my prayers.

Keep us posted!! SITSA
Unknown said…
What a horrible thing to have happen.

Your little lad was so brave, though. I bet you are really proud of him.

Hang in there. *HUGS*

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